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What your blood can tell you about your health

What your blood can tell you about your health

by DeeDee Stiepan, Mayo Clinic News NetworkCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainBlood tests are commonly used to help not only monitor one's health but also to diagnose conditions. A blood sample can

What your blood can tell you about your health

by DeeDee Stiepan, Mayo Clinic News NetworkCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainBlood tests are commonly used to help not only monitor one's health but also to diagnose conditions. A blood sample can
How better and cheaper software could save millions of dollars while improving Canada's health care system

How better and cheaper software could save millions of dollars while improving Canada's health care system

by Joshua M. Pearce,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainBillions of Canadian tax dollars have been funneled to private companiesto develop proprietary medical software. More t

How better and cheaper software could save millions of dollars while improving Canada's health care system

by Joshua M. Pearce,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainBillions of Canadian tax dollars have been funneled to private companiesto develop proprietary medical software. More t
WHO seeks $1.5 bn for urgent health aid in 2024

WHO seeks $1.5 bn for urgent health aid in 2024

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe UN health agency on Monday said it needed $1.5 billion in 2024 for life-saving aid to tens of millions of people trapped in health emergencies, including in Ukrain

WHO seeks $1.5 bn for urgent health aid in 2024

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe UN health agency on Monday said it needed $1.5 billion in 2024 for life-saving aid to tens of millions of people trapped in health emergencies, including in Ukrain
Is it broken? A strain or sprain? How to spot a serious injury now school and sport are back

Is it broken? A strain or sprain? How to spot a serious injury now school and sport are back

by Myles Murphy,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainKids are back at school, playgrounds, sport and general mucking around. This can lead to two things: happy children and injuries.

Is it broken? A strain or sprain? How to spot a serious injury now school and sport are back

by Myles Murphy,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainKids are back at school, playgrounds, sport and general mucking around. This can lead to two things: happy children and injuries.
What are 'collarium' sunbeds? Here's why you should stay away

What are 'collarium' sunbeds? Here's why you should stay away

by Katie Lee and Anne Cust,The ConversationCredit: Teona Swift from PexelsReports have recently emerged that solariums, or sunbeds—largely banned in Australia because theyincrease the risk

What are 'collarium' sunbeds? Here's why you should stay away

by Katie Lee and Anne Cust,The ConversationCredit: Teona Swift from PexelsReports have recently emerged that solariums, or sunbeds—largely banned in Australia because theyincrease the risk
Dry January strategies and benefits you might not have considered

Dry January strategies and benefits you might not have considered

by Patty Cox,Florida State UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainTaking a break from drinking alcohol even for just one month can lead to surprising and significant improvements in both ph

Dry January strategies and benefits you might not have considered

by Patty Cox,Florida State UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainTaking a break from drinking alcohol even for just one month can lead to surprising and significant improvements in both ph
Deadly opioid detected in wastewater for the first time

Deadly opioid detected in wastewater for the first time

by University of QueenslandGraphical abstract. Credit:Science of The Total Environment(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170781University of Queensland researchers and internationa

Deadly opioid detected in wastewater for the first time

by University of QueenslandGraphical abstract. Credit:Science of The Total Environment(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170781University of Queensland researchers and internationa
What is frostbite, what are the signs and how should we treat it?

What is frostbite, what are the signs and how should we treat it?

by Adam Taylor,The ConversationCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAs countries in the northern hemisphere facea bitterly cold snap, there is serious risk of injury—and even death—from freez

What is frostbite, what are the signs and how should we treat it?

by Adam Taylor,The ConversationCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAs countries in the northern hemisphere facea bitterly cold snap, there is serious risk of injury—and even death—from freez
What do your blood test results mean? A toxicologist explains the basics of how to interpret them

What do your blood test results mean? A toxicologist explains the basics of how to interpret them

by Brad Reisfeld,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainYour bloodserves numerous rolesto maintain your health. To carry out these functions, blood contains a multitude of

What do your blood test results mean? A toxicologist explains the basics of how to interpret them

by Brad Reisfeld,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainYour bloodserves numerous rolesto maintain your health. To carry out these functions, blood contains a multitude of
Video gamers worldwide may be risking irreversible hearing loss and/or tinnitus

Video gamers worldwide may be risking irreversible hearing loss and/or tinnitus

by British Medical JournalCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainVideo gamers worldwide may be risking irreversible hearing loss and/or tinnitus—persistent ringing/buzzing in the ears—finds a systemat

Video gamers worldwide may be risking irreversible hearing loss and/or tinnitus

by British Medical JournalCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainVideo gamers worldwide may be risking irreversible hearing loss and/or tinnitus—persistent ringing/buzzing in the ears—finds a systemat
Cracking the code to vitamin D: How you store and cook your eggs matters

Cracking the code to vitamin D: How you store and cook your eggs matters

by Newcastle UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainScientists have shown that storing your eggs on the worktop rather than in the fridge—and how you cook them—matters when it comes to prese

Cracking the code to vitamin D: How you store and cook your eggs matters

by Newcastle UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainScientists have shown that storing your eggs on the worktop rather than in the fridge—and how you cook them—matters when it comes to prese
People in the world's 'blue zones' live longer: Their diet could hold the key to why

People in the world's 'blue zones' live longer: Their diet could hold the key to why

by Justin Roberts, Joseph Lillis and Mark Cortnage,The ConversationCredit: MART PRODUCTION from PexelsAging is an inevitable part of life, which may explain ourstrong fascinationwith

People in the world's 'blue zones' live longer: Their diet could hold the key to why

by Justin Roberts, Joseph Lillis and Mark Cortnage,The ConversationCredit: MART PRODUCTION from PexelsAging is an inevitable part of life, which may explain ourstrong fascinationwith