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Deadly opioid detected in wastewater for the first time

Deadly opioid detected in wastewater for the first time

by University of QueenslandGraphical abstract. Credit:Science of The Total Environment(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170781University of Queensland researchers and internationa

Deadly opioid detected in wastewater for the first time

by University of QueenslandGraphical abstract. Credit:Science of The Total Environment(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170781University of Queensland researchers and internationa
Dry January strategies and benefits you might not have considered

Dry January strategies and benefits you might not have considered

by Patty Cox,Florida State UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainTaking a break from drinking alcohol even for just one month can lead to surprising and significant improvements in both ph

Dry January strategies and benefits you might not have considered

by Patty Cox,Florida State UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainTaking a break from drinking alcohol even for just one month can lead to surprising and significant improvements in both ph
What are 'collarium' sunbeds? Here's why you should stay away

What are 'collarium' sunbeds? Here's why you should stay away

by Katie Lee and Anne Cust,The ConversationCredit: Teona Swift from PexelsReports have recently emerged that solariums, or sunbeds—largely banned in Australia because theyincrease the risk

What are 'collarium' sunbeds? Here's why you should stay away

by Katie Lee and Anne Cust,The ConversationCredit: Teona Swift from PexelsReports have recently emerged that solariums, or sunbeds—largely banned in Australia because theyincrease the risk
Is it broken? A strain or sprain? How to spot a serious injury now school and sport are back

Is it broken? A strain or sprain? How to spot a serious injury now school and sport are back

by Myles Murphy,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainKids are back at school, playgrounds, sport and general mucking around. This can lead to two things: happy children and injuries.

Is it broken? A strain or sprain? How to spot a serious injury now school and sport are back

by Myles Murphy,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainKids are back at school, playgrounds, sport and general mucking around. This can lead to two things: happy children and injuries.
WHO seeks $1.5 bn for urgent health aid in 2024

WHO seeks $1.5 bn for urgent health aid in 2024

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe UN health agency on Monday said it needed $1.5 billion in 2024 for life-saving aid to tens of millions of people trapped in health emergencies, including in Ukrain

WHO seeks $1.5 bn for urgent health aid in 2024

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe UN health agency on Monday said it needed $1.5 billion in 2024 for life-saving aid to tens of millions of people trapped in health emergencies, including in Ukrain
How better and cheaper software could save millions of dollars while improving Canada's health care system

How better and cheaper software could save millions of dollars while improving Canada's health care system

by Joshua M. Pearce,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainBillions of Canadian tax dollars have been funneled to private companiesto develop proprietary medical software. More t

How better and cheaper software could save millions of dollars while improving Canada's health care system

by Joshua M. Pearce,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainBillions of Canadian tax dollars have been funneled to private companiesto develop proprietary medical software. More t
What your blood can tell you about your health

What your blood can tell you about your health

by DeeDee Stiepan, Mayo Clinic News NetworkCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainBlood tests are commonly used to help not only monitor one's health but also to diagnose conditions. A blood sample can

What your blood can tell you about your health

by DeeDee Stiepan, Mayo Clinic News NetworkCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainBlood tests are commonly used to help not only monitor one's health but also to diagnose conditions. A blood sample can
Cycling to work linked with better mental health

Cycling to work linked with better mental health

by University of EdinburghDistance traveled to work by people living in Glasgow City and City of Edinburgh council areas, aged 16–74 years on the 2011 census night who were in employment and comm

Cycling to work linked with better mental health

by University of EdinburghDistance traveled to work by people living in Glasgow City and City of Edinburgh council areas, aged 16–74 years on the 2011 census night who were in employment and comm
Global health photographers navigate murky ethical waters for clients

Global health photographers navigate murky ethical waters for clients

by Public Library of ScienceCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainGlobal health photography is often caught between photojournalistic intentions of accurately reflecting local communities and marketin

Global health photographers navigate murky ethical waters for clients

by Public Library of ScienceCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainGlobal health photography is often caught between photojournalistic intentions of accurately reflecting local communities and marketin
In moderation, chocolate may be beneficial to health, prevention of coronary artery disease

In moderation, chocolate may be beneficial to health, prevention of coronary artery disease

by Barbara Intermill, Tribune News ServiceCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainHistorians credit Richard Cadbury, son of chocolatier John Cadbury, with the invention in 1861 of heart-shaped boxes filled w

In moderation, chocolate may be beneficial to health, prevention of coronary artery disease

by Barbara Intermill, Tribune News ServiceCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainHistorians credit Richard Cadbury, son of chocolatier John Cadbury, with the invention in 1861 of heart-shaped boxes filled w
Could messages from social media influencers stop young people vaping? A look at the government's new campaign

Could messages from social media influencers stop young people vaping? A look at the government's new campaign

by Michelle Jongenelis,The ConversationCredit: CC0 Public DomainVaping is on the rise among young Australians. Recent figures from theNational Drug Strategy Household Surveyshow curr

Could messages from social media influencers stop young people vaping? A look at the government's new campaign

by Michelle Jongenelis,The ConversationCredit: CC0 Public DomainVaping is on the rise among young Australians. Recent figures from theNational Drug Strategy Household Surveyshow curr
Thirdhand smoke study teaches reveals more about the risks

Thirdhand smoke study teaches reveals more about the risks

by Angela Koenig,University of CincinnatiCredit: CC0 Public DomainIt's long been established that secondhand smoke is a detriment to health and linked to cancer. Now, researchers are looking

Thirdhand smoke study teaches reveals more about the risks

by Angela Koenig,University of CincinnatiCredit: CC0 Public DomainIt's long been established that secondhand smoke is a detriment to health and linked to cancer. Now, researchers are looking