AI in medicine
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PNAS | AlphaFold2 combined with supercomputing accelerates biophysical discoveries

PNAS | AlphaFold2 combined with supercomputing accelerates biophysical discoveries

The authors deployed APACE on the Delta and Polaris supercomputers and quantified its performance in accurate protein structure prediction using four typical proteins (6AWO, 6OAN, 7MEZ, and 6D6U). Utilizing up to 300 combinations distributed across 200 NV

PNAS | AlphaFold2 combined with supercomputing accelerates biophysical discoveries

The authors deployed APACE on the Delta and Polaris supercomputers and quantified its performance in accurate protein structure prediction using four typical proteins (6AWO, 6OAN, 7MEZ, and 6D6U). Utilizing up to 300 combinations distributed across 200 NV
Computational method sheds light on how AI helps doctors decipher medical images

Computational method sheds light on how AI helps doctors decipher medical images

byBen-Gurion University of the NegevIllustration demonstrating DISCOVER. The three heatmaps emphasize the most critical embryo (center) properties for the AI prediction. Credit: Oded RotemResear

Computational method sheds light on how AI helps doctors decipher medical images

byBen-Gurion University of the NegevIllustration demonstrating DISCOVER. The three heatmaps emphasize the most critical embryo (center) properties for the AI prediction. Credit: Oded RotemResear
Interactive AI framework provides fast and flexible approach to help doctors annotate medical scans

Interactive AI framework provides fast and flexible approach to help doctors annotate medical scans

by Alex Shipps,Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyScribblePrompt’s interface allows users to scribble across the rough area of a biomedical image they’d like segmented. They can also click on

Interactive AI framework provides fast and flexible approach to help doctors annotate medical scans

by Alex Shipps,Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyScribblePrompt’s interface allows users to scribble across the rough area of a biomedical image they’d like segmented. They can also click on
Large Language Models in Drug Development: A Review by Harvard's George Church Lab

Large Language Models in Drug Development: A Review by Harvard's George Church Lab

This article discusses the significant potential of LLMs in understanding disease mechanisms, drug discovery, and clinical trials—three fundamental stages of drug development. This article is authorized by the DrugAI team to medicine.net.

Large Language Models in Drug Development: A Review by Harvard's George Church Lab

This article discusses the significant potential of LLMs in understanding disease mechanisms, drug discovery, and clinical trials—three fundamental stages of drug development. This article is authorized by the DrugAI team to medicine.net.
Can ChatGPT become your new personal trainer?

Can ChatGPT become your new personal trainer?

by Magnus Nødland Skogedal,University of AgderCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainChatGPT has already led to many changes across society. People seek help from artificial intelligence for various

Can ChatGPT become your new personal trainer?

by Magnus Nødland Skogedal,University of AgderCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainChatGPT has already led to many changes across society. People seek help from artificial intelligence for various
Next-gen gene therapy vector for muscle diseases uses AI predictive methodology to improve efficacy and safety

Next-gen gene therapy vector for muscle diseases uses AI predictive methodology to improve efficacy and safety

by AFM-TéléthonComputational rational AAV capsid design to bind to αVβ6 integrin. Credit:Nature Communications(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-52002-4A new study describes the use of artifi

Next-gen gene therapy vector for muscle diseases uses AI predictive methodology to improve efficacy and safety

by AFM-TéléthonComputational rational AAV capsid design to bind to αVβ6 integrin. Credit:Nature Communications(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-52002-4A new study describes the use of artifi
Human-centered AI tool to improve sepsis management can identify missing information

Human-centered AI tool to improve sepsis management can identify missing information

by Emily Caldwell,The Ohio State UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainA proposed artificial intelligence tool to support clinician decision-making about hospital patients at risk for seps

Human-centered AI tool to improve sepsis management can identify missing information

by Emily Caldwell,The Ohio State UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainA proposed artificial intelligence tool to support clinician decision-making about hospital patients at risk for seps
AI spots cancer and viral infections with nanoscale precision

AI spots cancer and viral infections with nanoscale precision

byCenter for Genomic RegulationThe image uses two colors to show specific nuclear components which allow researchers to see detailed structures within the cell nucleus at nanoscale resolution. C

AI spots cancer and viral infections with nanoscale precision

byCenter for Genomic RegulationThe image uses two colors to show specific nuclear components which allow researchers to see detailed structures within the cell nucleus at nanoscale resolution. C
Editorial: AI is a transformative tool in precision oncology

Editorial: AI is a transformative tool in precision oncology

by Impact Journals LLCOverview of AI model development for use in oncology patients. Credit: McGale et al.A new editorial was published inOncotarget, titled "Artificial intelligence: A tran

Editorial: AI is a transformative tool in precision oncology

by Impact Journals LLCOverview of AI model development for use in oncology patients. Credit: McGale et al.A new editorial was published inOncotarget, titled "Artificial intelligence: A tran
AI-based tongue imaging could help enable non-invasive detection of coronary artery disease

AI-based tongue imaging could help enable non-invasive detection of coronary artery disease

by Stephanie Baum , Medical XpressThe tongue diagnosis instrument and collection process. 1: lens hood, 2: LED light resource, 3: high-definition camera, 4: chin support plate. Note. Use fixed standar

AI-based tongue imaging could help enable non-invasive detection of coronary artery disease

by Stephanie Baum , Medical XpressThe tongue diagnosis instrument and collection process. 1: lens hood, 2: LED light resource, 3: high-definition camera, 4: chin support plate. Note. Use fixed standar
AI food tracking apps need improvement to address accuracy and cultural diversity, says study

AI food tracking apps need improvement to address accuracy and cultural diversity, says study

byUniversity of SydneyCredit: ANTONI SHKRABA production from PexelsA new University of Sydney study has found that improved artificial intelligence (AI) training is required when developing nutr

AI food tracking apps need improvement to address accuracy and cultural diversity, says study

byUniversity of SydneyCredit: ANTONI SHKRABA production from PexelsA new University of Sydney study has found that improved artificial intelligence (AI) training is required when developing nutr
Bridging the chasm between AI technology and clinicians

Bridging the chasm between AI technology and clinicians

by Rhiannon Koch,University of AdelaideThe ecological filter radiologists use to examine clinical information. Credit:The Lancet Digital Health(2024). DOI: 10.1016/S2589-7500(24)0009

Bridging the chasm between AI technology and clinicians

by Rhiannon Koch,University of AdelaideThe ecological filter radiologists use to examine clinical information. Credit:The Lancet Digital Health(2024). DOI: 10.1016/S2589-7500(24)0009