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Partner's disturbed sleep keeping you up at night? Letting go of unattainable dreams may keep you both happy in bed

Partner's disturbed sleep keeping you up at night? Letting go of unattainable dreams may keep you both happy in bed

by FrontiersCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWe all know that getting a good night's sleep is vital for physical and mental health. Yet many people share a bed with a partner who can't h

Partner's disturbed sleep keeping you up at night? Letting go of unattainable dreams may keep you both happy in bed

by FrontiersCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWe all know that getting a good night's sleep is vital for physical and mental health. Yet many people share a bed with a partner who can't h
AI tools and parent support could be keys to unlock perfectionism

AI tools and parent support could be keys to unlock perfectionism

by Flinders UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainThe quest to find ideal therapy for perfectionism, a condition showing alarming growth among very young people, has moved online—with resea

AI tools and parent support could be keys to unlock perfectionism

by Flinders UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainThe quest to find ideal therapy for perfectionism, a condition showing alarming growth among very young people, has moved online—with resea
Amid mental health staffing crunch, Medi-Cal patients help one another

Amid mental health staffing crunch, Medi-Cal patients help one another

by Indira Khera, KFF Health NewsCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThree people gathered in a classroom on a recent rainy afternoon listened intently as Derrick Cordero urged them to turn their negative

Amid mental health staffing crunch, Medi-Cal patients help one another

by Indira Khera, KFF Health NewsCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThree people gathered in a classroom on a recent rainy afternoon listened intently as Derrick Cordero urged them to turn their negative
Electronic nudge for flu vaccination does not improve clinical outcomes

Electronic nudge for flu vaccination does not improve clinical outcomes

by Elana GotkineElectronic letters incorporating cardiovascular (CV) gain framing and repeated messaging, which increase influenza vaccination, do not translate into improvement in clinical outcomes,

Electronic nudge for flu vaccination does not improve clinical outcomes

by Elana GotkineElectronic letters incorporating cardiovascular (CV) gain framing and repeated messaging, which increase influenza vaccination, do not translate into improvement in clinical outcomes,
Feelings of disgust found to be more related to proximal senses than distal senses

Feelings of disgust found to be more related to proximal senses than distal senses

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressSummary of the experimental procedure. Credit:Royal Society Open Science(2024). DOI: 10.1098/rsos.231156A team of psychologists at Macquarie University in Aust

Feelings of disgust found to be more related to proximal senses than distal senses

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressSummary of the experimental procedure. Credit:Royal Society Open Science(2024). DOI: 10.1098/rsos.231156A team of psychologists at Macquarie University in Aust
2008 to 2020 saw increase in perinatal mood and anxiety disorders

2008 to 2020 saw increase in perinatal mood and anxiety disorders

by Elana GotkinePerinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) increased among privately insured people from 2008 to 2020, according to astudypublished online March 20 inHealth Affairs

2008 to 2020 saw increase in perinatal mood and anxiety disorders

by Elana GotkinePerinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) increased among privately insured people from 2008 to 2020, according to astudypublished online March 20 inHealth Affairs
Treating anxiety, depression in people with heart disease reduced ER visits, hospitalizations

Treating anxiety, depression in people with heart disease reduced ER visits, hospitalizations

by Michelle Kirkwood,American Heart AssociationAtherosclerosis blockage forming graphic. Credit: American Heart AssociationTreating anxiety and depression reduced emergency room visits and rehos

Treating anxiety, depression in people with heart disease reduced ER visits, hospitalizations

by Michelle Kirkwood,American Heart AssociationAtherosclerosis blockage forming graphic. Credit: American Heart AssociationTreating anxiety and depression reduced emergency room visits and rehos
Social bonding gets people on the same wavelength, neural synchronization study suggests

Social bonding gets people on the same wavelength, neural synchronization study suggests

by Public Library of ScienceSocial bonding enhances the information exchange and synchronizes brain activities between the group leader and followers. Credit: Jun Ni (CC-BY 4.0, creativecommons.o

Social bonding gets people on the same wavelength, neural synchronization study suggests

by Public Library of ScienceSocial bonding enhances the information exchange and synchronizes brain activities between the group leader and followers. Credit: Jun Ni (CC-BY 4.0, creativecommons.o
Report suggests special efforts needed to allow 988 and 911 systems to work in concert

Report suggests special efforts needed to allow 988 and 911 systems to work in concert

by RAND CorporationCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainGetting the 988 and 911 emergency telephone systems to work in concert requires detailed planning and close cooperation, and such efforts may

Report suggests special efforts needed to allow 988 and 911 systems to work in concert

by RAND CorporationCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainGetting the 988 and 911 emergency telephone systems to work in concert requires detailed planning and close cooperation, and such efforts may
Single mindfulness and compassion session found to aid mental health

Single mindfulness and compassion session found to aid mental health

by Lori SolomonA single-session mindfulness and compassion intervention may lead to meaningful reductions in perceived stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression, according to astudypub

Single mindfulness and compassion session found to aid mental health

by Lori SolomonA single-session mindfulness and compassion intervention may lead to meaningful reductions in perceived stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression, according to astudypub
Knitting brings calmness and structure to the lives of people with mental illness, shows study

Knitting brings calmness and structure to the lives of people with mental illness, shows study

byUniversity of GothenburgCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA study from the University of Gothenburg shows that knitting is beneficial for people living with mental health issues. Knitting is de

Knitting brings calmness and structure to the lives of people with mental illness, shows study

byUniversity of GothenburgCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA study from the University of Gothenburg shows that knitting is beneficial for people living with mental health issues. Knitting is de
Study says it's time to highlight positive skills associated with neurodevelopmental conditions

Study says it's time to highlight positive skills associated with neurodevelopmental conditions

by Swansea UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainNew research says the wide variety of skills displayed by people with conditions such as ADHD, dyslexia, and autism should be celebrated to h

Study says it's time to highlight positive skills associated with neurodevelopmental conditions

by Swansea UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainNew research says the wide variety of skills displayed by people with conditions such as ADHD, dyslexia, and autism should be celebrated to h