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Study raises concerns about partner violence in queer relationships

Study raises concerns about partner violence in queer relationships

byUniversity of British ColumbiaCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWhen people think of a concussion or a traumatic brain injury caused by intimate partner violence (IPV), they might picture peop

Study raises concerns about partner violence in queer relationships

byUniversity of British ColumbiaCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWhen people think of a concussion or a traumatic brain injury caused by intimate partner violence (IPV), they might picture peop
Two years later, 988 crisis line has answered 10 million requests

Two years later, 988 crisis line has answered 10 million requests

by Robin FosterJust two years after the launch of the nation's three-digit crisis hotline, more than 10 million calls, texts and chat messages have been fielded by counselors, U.S. health official

Two years later, 988 crisis line has answered 10 million requests

by Robin FosterJust two years after the launch of the nation's three-digit crisis hotline, more than 10 million calls, texts and chat messages have been fielded by counselors, U.S. health official
Study examines impact of incarceration on youth health

Study examines impact of incarceration on youth health

by Cedric Ricks,University of CincinnatiResults of manually annotating 1000 random clinical notes with justice keywords for type of justice-system involvement. Credit:Academic Pediatrics&n

Study examines impact of incarceration on youth health

by Cedric Ricks,University of CincinnatiResults of manually annotating 1000 random clinical notes with justice keywords for type of justice-system involvement. Credit:Academic Pediatrics&n
Brain changes seen in kids with conduct disorder

Brain changes seen in kids with conduct disorder

by Ernie MundellDefiance, tantrums, aggression: All signs of a condition called conduct disorder, whichMental Health Americasays affects up to 16% of boys and 9% of girls.Now, research is

Brain changes seen in kids with conduct disorder

by Ernie MundellDefiance, tantrums, aggression: All signs of a condition called conduct disorder, whichMental Health Americasays affects up to 16% of boys and 9% of girls.Now, research is
Brain circuit discovery illuminates circadian rhythms, psychiatric disorders with seasonal flare-ups

Brain circuit discovery illuminates circadian rhythms, psychiatric disorders with seasonal flare-ups

Brain circuit discovery illuminates circadian rhythms, psychiatric disorders with seasonal flare-upsby Stephanie Dutchen,Harvard Medical SchoolSerotonin glows green in a microscope image of cell

Brain circuit discovery illuminates circadian rhythms, psychiatric disorders with seasonal flare-ups

Brain circuit discovery illuminates circadian rhythms, psychiatric disorders with seasonal flare-upsby Stephanie Dutchen,Harvard Medical SchoolSerotonin glows green in a microscope image of cell
Meta-analysis finds 10-minute nature exposure boosts mental health

Meta-analysis finds 10-minute nature exposure boosts mental health

by Jennifer Nozawa,University of UtahCredit: CC0 Public DomainSpending time in nature—even as little as 10 minutes—can yield short-term benefits for adults with mental illness,according to

Meta-analysis finds 10-minute nature exposure boosts mental health

by Jennifer Nozawa,University of UtahCredit: CC0 Public DomainSpending time in nature—even as little as 10 minutes—can yield short-term benefits for adults with mental illness,according to
An over- or under-synchronized brain may predict psychosis

An over- or under-synchronized brain may predict psychosis

byUniversity of GenevaMethod pipeline. Credit:Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2024.05.008Is it possible to assess an individ

An over- or under-synchronized brain may predict psychosis

byUniversity of GenevaMethod pipeline. Credit:Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2024.05.008Is it possible to assess an individ
Mental health training for line managers linked to better business performance, says study

Mental health training for line managers linked to better business performance, says study

byPublic Library of ScienceMental health training for line managers linked to better business performance in England. Credit: Jopwell, Pexels, CC0 (creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)In

Mental health training for line managers linked to better business performance, says study

byPublic Library of ScienceMental health training for line managers linked to better business performance in England. Credit: Jopwell, Pexels, CC0 (creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)In
Mindfulness training may lead to altered states of consciousness, study finds

Mindfulness training may lead to altered states of consciousness, study finds

byUniversity of CambridgeCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainMindfulness training may lead participants to experience disembodiment and unity—so-called altered states of consciousness—according to

Mindfulness training may lead to altered states of consciousness, study finds

byUniversity of CambridgeCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainMindfulness training may lead participants to experience disembodiment and unity—so-called altered states of consciousness—according to
Bright light exposure tied to sleep regularity and reduced depression symptoms

Bright light exposure tied to sleep regularity and reduced depression symptoms

by Harvard GazetteCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWhy might more time in the sun boost a person's mood? A new study led by investigators at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital su

Bright light exposure tied to sleep regularity and reduced depression symptoms

by Harvard GazetteCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWhy might more time in the sun boost a person's mood? A new study led by investigators at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital su
'Diabetes distress' can increase risk of mental health problems among young people living with type 1 diabetes

'Diabetes distress' can increase risk of mental health problems among young people living with type 1 diabetes

byUniversity of CambridgeCredit: CC0 Public DomainChildren diagnosed with type 1 diabetes are at significantly higher risk of a number of mental health issues, including mood and anxiety disorde

'Diabetes distress' can increase risk of mental health problems among young people living with type 1 diabetes

byUniversity of CambridgeCredit: CC0 Public DomainChildren diagnosed with type 1 diabetes are at significantly higher risk of a number of mental health issues, including mood and anxiety disorde