Cardiovascular Diseases
Focuses on heart and vascular health.
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Scientists use AI to detect chronic high blood pressure in people's voice recordings

Scientists use AI to detect chronic high blood pressure in people's voice recordings

Scientists use AI to detect chronic high blood pressure in people's voice recordingsby Klick Applied SciencesOverview of the proposed ML-based acoustic model for hypertension screening. Abbreviati

Scientists use AI to detect chronic high blood pressure in people's voice recordings

Scientists use AI to detect chronic high blood pressure in people's voice recordingsby Klick Applied SciencesOverview of the proposed ML-based acoustic model for hypertension screening. Abbreviati
Statins cost effective and linked to better health outcomes in older people

Statins cost effective and linked to better health outcomes in older people

byBritish Medical JournalCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainStatin treatment is cost effective and linked to better health outcomes in older people with or without previous cardiovascular disease

Statins cost effective and linked to better health outcomes in older people

byBritish Medical JournalCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainStatin treatment is cost effective and linked to better health outcomes in older people with or without previous cardiovascular disease
New replacement heart valve combines mechanical and tissue technologies

New replacement heart valve combines mechanical and tissue technologies

byUniversity of British ColumbiaRendered isometric views of the iValve are shown in the A) closed and B) open positions. Both the housing and leaflets are identifiable. Credit:Journal of B

New replacement heart valve combines mechanical and tissue technologies

byUniversity of British ColumbiaRendered isometric views of the iValve are shown in the A) closed and B) open positions. Both the housing and leaflets are identifiable. Credit:Journal of B
Semaglutide's cardiovascular benefits are maintained in people with impaired kidney function, research finds

Semaglutide's cardiovascular benefits are maintained in people with impaired kidney function, research finds

Semaglutide's cardiovascular benefits are maintained in people with impaired kidney function, research findsbyDiabetologiaCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe anti-obesity medication semaglu

Semaglutide's cardiovascular benefits are maintained in people with impaired kidney function, research finds

Semaglutide's cardiovascular benefits are maintained in people with impaired kidney function, research findsbyDiabetologiaCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe anti-obesity medication semaglu
AI tool reveals cardiac risk for patients undergoing cancer therapy

AI tool reveals cardiac risk for patients undergoing cancer therapy

byYale School of MedicineBaseline AI-ECG screening for LVSD and all-cause mortality risk. Adjusted cumulative hazard curves for all-cause mortality stratified by the AI-ECG LVSD probability. Cre

AI tool reveals cardiac risk for patients undergoing cancer therapy

byYale School of MedicineBaseline AI-ECG screening for LVSD and all-cause mortality risk. Adjusted cumulative hazard curves for all-cause mortality stratified by the AI-ECG LVSD probability. Cre
Empowering Hearts, Embracing Life: Celebrating World Heart Day

Empowering Hearts, Embracing Life: Celebrating World Heart Day

World Heart Day, annual observance and celebration held on September 29 that is intended to increase public awareness of cardiovascular diseases, including their prevention and their global impact.

Empowering Hearts, Embracing Life: Celebrating World Heart Day

World Heart Day, annual observance and celebration held on September 29 that is intended to increase public awareness of cardiovascular diseases, including their prevention and their global impact.
A new mechanism of early-onset atherosclerosis in a premature aging syndrome

A new mechanism of early-onset atherosclerosis in a premature aging syndrome

by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.)Activation of EndMT in atherosclerotic plaques in mice with progeria The left panel shows an atherosclerotic plaque in an arte

A new mechanism of early-onset atherosclerosis in a premature aging syndrome

by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.)Activation of EndMT in atherosclerotic plaques in mice with progeria The left panel shows an atherosclerotic plaque in an arte
Research explores genetic treatment for rare arrhythmias

Research explores genetic treatment for rare arrhythmias

by Albert McKeon,Children's Hospital BostonCredit: CC0 Public DomainVariants in a gene that plays a key role in heart function can cause potentially life-threatening arrhythmia syndromes kno

Research explores genetic treatment for rare arrhythmias

by Albert McKeon,Children's Hospital BostonCredit: CC0 Public DomainVariants in a gene that plays a key role in heart function can cause potentially life-threatening arrhythmia syndromes kno