Editorial and Content Policy

Medicine.net mission is to be the Internet's most trusted resource related health information. We are achieving this by presenting independent, objective, comprehensive and up-to-date information in a clear and concise format for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

The Medicine.net site-designers and engineers aim to provide visitors with an intuitive, user friendly website which is easy to navigate. If you have problems with navigation or would like to suggest changes, please email us here. We review all comments about site-design and navigability at weekly design meetings.

The information available on the Medicine.net website is displayed under a number of licensing agreements with various publishers.

Referencing articles on Medicine.net

For reference and citation guidelines, please review our attribution/citation guidelines.

Editorial Review Process

The Medicine.net editorial team regularly reviews all information provided by various trusted medical publishing partners to ensure content is accurate and up-to-date. Each article is peer-reviewed by at least one member of the Medicine.net team. The review and update status can be found at the top or bottom of each document.

Editorial Team

The Medicine.net editorial team is comprised of medical editor and medical doctors. Our editors constantly seek to improve the quality and usability of the Medicine.net web site.

Errors and Omissions

Medicine.net acknowledges that errors and omissions in medical information may occasionally occur. As our mission is to provide the most accurate, up-to-date medical information on the Internet, we ask our visitors to alert us immediately to any errors in content, including incorrect or misleading statements, by contacting us. We aim to correct site-content errors within 48 hours. Details of recent corrections are listed on our Corrections & Addendums page.

Consumer Reports WebWatch

Medicine.net supports the Consumer Reports WebWatch guidelines to promote credible information practices on the Web.

Updated: November 16, 2023