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Female Hair Restoration

Female Hair Restoration

Key pointsFemale hair loss is a prevalent condition with a particularly devastating psychological impact.Hair transplantation is the only currently available option to provide a permanent and natural

Female Hair Restoration

Key pointsFemale hair loss is a prevalent condition with a particularly devastating psychological impact.Hair transplantation is the only currently available option to provide a permanent and natural
A Hair Loss Study Raises New Questions About Aging Cells

A Hair Loss Study Raises New Questions About Aging Cells

A protein secreted by seemingly dormant cells in skin moles causes hair to grow again. That’s a big—and potentially useful—surprise.MAKSIM PLIKUSlovestalking about hair. The cell biologist from

A Hair Loss Study Raises New Questions About Aging Cells

A protein secreted by seemingly dormant cells in skin moles causes hair to grow again. That’s a big—and potentially useful—surprise.MAKSIM PLIKUSlovestalking about hair. The cell biologist from
Risk for vitiligo increased for transplant recipients

Risk for vitiligo increased for transplant recipients

by Elana GotkineTransplant recipients, especially those receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT), have an increased risk for vitiligo, according to a brief report published online Dec. 13 i

Risk for vitiligo increased for transplant recipients

by Elana GotkineTransplant recipients, especially those receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT), have an increased risk for vitiligo, according to a brief report published online Dec. 13 i
he Biology, Structure, and Function of Hair

he Biology, Structure, and Function of Hair

ByHeather L. Brannon, MDUpdated on November 09, 2022Medically reviewed bySusan Bard, MD窗体顶端Print窗体底端Hair is much more complicated than it looks. You can feel it at the ro

he Biology, Structure, and Function of Hair

ByHeather L. Brannon, MDUpdated on November 09, 2022Medically reviewed bySusan Bard, MD窗体顶端Print窗体底端Hair is much more complicated than it looks. You can feel it at the ro
Hair Problems

Hair Problems

Look Out for These Hair Loss Signs to Avoid Future Hair ProblemsWhat is Hair Loss?When a person starts losing hair on the scalp or on any part of your body. Everyone is going to experience the problem

Hair Problems

Look Out for These Hair Loss Signs to Avoid Future Hair ProblemsWhat is Hair Loss?When a person starts losing hair on the scalp or on any part of your body. Everyone is going to experience the problem
Hair Cloning – What will it be all About?

Hair Cloning – What will it be all About?

 by Kevin RandsWhat is it going to take to clone hair, and how will such a technology help you?Cloning is the latest craze in the world of science and biotechnology these days,

Hair Cloning – What will it be all About?

 by Kevin RandsWhat is it going to take to clone hair, and how will such a technology help you?Cloning is the latest craze in the world of science and biotechnology these days,
Hair Transplant in India

Hair Transplant in India

印度的头发移植Hair Transplant in India10th May 2017Hair HealthHair transplant is the most recent rage not just for the individuals who have lost their hair but even for the ones who want to chang

Hair Transplant in India

印度的头发移植Hair Transplant in India10th May 2017Hair HealthHair transplant is the most recent rage not just for the individuals who have lost their hair but even for the ones who want to chang
Stress rash: What is it and how to treat it

Stress rash: What is it and how to treat it

by Sue Benzuly, RNWe know that stress can take a toll on the body, but many may not realize it can produce a rash."Stress can increase the level of the hormone cortisol, increasing inflammation i

Stress rash: What is it and how to treat it

by Sue Benzuly, RNWe know that stress can take a toll on the body, but many may not realize it can produce a rash."Stress can increase the level of the hormone cortisol, increasing inflammation i
Biomedical STI prevention evidence may be inadequate for cisgender women

Biomedical STI prevention evidence may be inadequate for cisgender women

byNIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesScanning electron micrograph of Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria, which causes gonorrhea. Captured by the Research Technologies Branch at

Biomedical STI prevention evidence may be inadequate for cisgender women

byNIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesScanning electron micrograph of Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria, which causes gonorrhea. Captured by the Research Technologies Branch at
The Hair Transplant Journal-2019

The Hair Transplant Journal-2019

The Hair Transplant Journal-2019Nearly half of all the female and sixty percent male population is in the throes of hair loss. The most famous choices for countering it are topical treatments for mild

The Hair Transplant Journal-2019

The Hair Transplant Journal-2019Nearly half of all the female and sixty percent male population is in the throes of hair loss. The most famous choices for countering it are topical treatments for mild
Hope for patients with hair loss: Arthritis drug spurs regrowth

Hope for patients with hair loss: Arthritis drug spurs regrowth

Researchers have provided the most conclusive evidence to date that an arthritis drug can also be used to grow hair on patients with disfiguring hair loss.By Ziba Kashefseptember 22, 2016Researchers a

Hope for patients with hair loss: Arthritis drug spurs regrowth

Researchers have provided the most conclusive evidence to date that an arthritis drug can also be used to grow hair on patients with disfiguring hair loss.By Ziba Kashefseptember 22, 2016Researchers a
The quest to conquer latent HIV and end the AIDS pandemic

The quest to conquer latent HIV and end the AIDS pandemic

byAmerican Society for MicrobiologyHIV-1 Latency can occur in a number of different anatomical sites, as well as multiple immunological cell types. Latent virus is not detectable by the host imm

The quest to conquer latent HIV and end the AIDS pandemic

byAmerican Society for MicrobiologyHIV-1 Latency can occur in a number of different anatomical sites, as well as multiple immunological cell types. Latent virus is not detectable by the host imm