Diabetes & Endocrinology
Focuses on the endocrine system.
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The impact of menopause stage on age-related changes in the brain

The impact of menopause stage on age-related changes in the brain

byThe North American Menopause SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainDriven by changing estrogen levels, the menopause transition has a major influence on physiology during aging. Estrogen receptors p

The impact of menopause stage on age-related changes in the brain

byThe North American Menopause SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainDriven by changing estrogen levels, the menopause transition has a major influence on physiology during aging. Estrogen receptors p
New transistor measures glucose in saliva

New transistor measures glucose in saliva

byKing Abdullah University of Science and TechnologyKAUST researchers have developed a sensor that can measure glucose levels in saliva, offering diabetics an alternative means to monitor glucos

New transistor measures glucose in saliva

byKing Abdullah University of Science and TechnologyKAUST researchers have developed a sensor that can measure glucose levels in saliva, offering diabetics an alternative means to monitor glucos
Study reveals how estrogen exerts its anti-diabetic effects

Study reveals how estrogen exerts its anti-diabetic effects

byUT Southwestern Medical CenterEndothelial ERα does not influence insulin-induced capillary recruitment in skeletal muscle. Credit:Nature Communications(2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-0

Study reveals how estrogen exerts its anti-diabetic effects

byUT Southwestern Medical CenterEndothelial ERα does not influence insulin-induced capillary recruitment in skeletal muscle. Credit:Nature Communications(2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-0
New study advocates remission as therapeutic goal in prediabetes

New study advocates remission as therapeutic goal in prediabetes

by Birgit Niesing,German Center for Diabetes ResearchSuccessfull remission of prediabetes. Credit: DZD/IDMPrediabetes is a condition that precedes type 2 diabetes and increases the risk of heart

New study advocates remission as therapeutic goal in prediabetes

by Birgit Niesing,German Center for Diabetes ResearchSuccessfull remission of prediabetes. Credit: DZD/IDMPrediabetes is a condition that precedes type 2 diabetes and increases the risk of heart
Exercise and muscle regulation: Implications for diabetes and obesity

Exercise and muscle regulation: Implications for diabetes and obesity

by Luisa Hoffmann,Helmholtz Association of German Research CentresGraphical abstract. Credit:Cell Metabolism(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.08.010How do our muscles respond at the m

Exercise and muscle regulation: Implications for diabetes and obesity

by Luisa Hoffmann,Helmholtz Association of German Research CentresGraphical abstract. Credit:Cell Metabolism(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.08.010How do our muscles respond at the m
Understanding of mechanisms behind post-exercise lack of appetite can open new paths to obesity treatment

Understanding of mechanisms behind post-exercise lack of appetite can open new paths to obesity treatment

by Luciana Constantino,FAPESPCredit: CC0 Public DomainThe complex relationship between physical activity and energy balance—food intake versus energy expenditure—is still a challenge for science

Understanding of mechanisms behind post-exercise lack of appetite can open new paths to obesity treatment

by Luciana Constantino,FAPESPCredit: CC0 Public DomainThe complex relationship between physical activity and energy balance—food intake versus energy expenditure—is still a challenge for science
Closing in on the ultimate quest to regenerate insulin in pancreatic stem cells

Closing in on the ultimate quest to regenerate insulin in pancreatic stem cells

by Baker Heart & Diabetes InstitutePharmacological inhibition of EZH2 catalyzes pancreatic progenitor activation and β-cell maturation. The schematic outlines the progression from pancreatic multi

Closing in on the ultimate quest to regenerate insulin in pancreatic stem cells

by Baker Heart & Diabetes InstitutePharmacological inhibition of EZH2 catalyzes pancreatic progenitor activation and β-cell maturation. The schematic outlines the progression from pancreatic multi
Polycystic ovarian syndrome: Losing weight can help but many sufferers are vulnerable to bad advice on social media

Polycystic ovarian syndrome: Losing weight can help but many sufferers are vulnerable to bad advice on social media

by Jadine Scragg, Cervantée Wild and Sharon Dixon,The ConversationCredit: AI-generated imagePolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal condition which affects how the ovaries work, is though

Polycystic ovarian syndrome: Losing weight can help but many sufferers are vulnerable to bad advice on social media

by Jadine Scragg, Cervantée Wild and Sharon Dixon,The ConversationCredit: AI-generated imagePolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal condition which affects how the ovaries work, is though
Combination of therapeutic touch and music key to a better night's sleep during menopause, says study

Combination of therapeutic touch and music key to a better night's sleep during menopause, says study

byThe North American Menopause SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainIf you're sleep deprived because of transitioning through menopause, there are probably few things you wouldn't try to get

Combination of therapeutic touch and music key to a better night's sleep during menopause, says study

byThe North American Menopause SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainIf you're sleep deprived because of transitioning through menopause, there are probably few things you wouldn't try to get
Five ways to take control of your menstrual cycle and improve your sports performance

Five ways to take control of your menstrual cycle and improve your sports performance

by Natalie Brown,The ConversationCredit: AI-generated imageMenstruation is often seen as a negative experience, with symptoms that can be disruptive to daily life. Participation in sport and phy

Five ways to take control of your menstrual cycle and improve your sports performance

by Natalie Brown,The ConversationCredit: AI-generated imageMenstruation is often seen as a negative experience, with symptoms that can be disruptive to daily life. Participation in sport and phy
Menopausal hormone changes linked to cognitive deficits

Menopausal hormone changes linked to cognitive deficits

byUniversity of California, Los AngelesFemale mice show abrupt brain substructure volume loss after midlife compared to males, and ovariectomized females have smaller dorsal hippocampal volumes

Menopausal hormone changes linked to cognitive deficits

byUniversity of California, Los AngelesFemale mice show abrupt brain substructure volume loss after midlife compared to males, and ovariectomized females have smaller dorsal hippocampal volumes
Breast health during menopause

Breast health during menopause

by Deb Balzer, Mayo Clinic News NetworkCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainYour risk of breast cancer increases with age, especially after menopause. Around eight out of 10 breast cancer cases happen in

Breast health during menopause

by Deb Balzer, Mayo Clinic News NetworkCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainYour risk of breast cancer increases with age, especially after menopause. Around eight out of 10 breast cancer cases happen in