Diabetes & Endocrinology
Focuses on the endocrine system.
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Your sex life doesn't have to suffer during menopause

Your sex life doesn't have to suffer during menopause

by Ann SchreiberOur bodies are a stew of hormones and chemicals and enzymes and all sorts of exotic-sounding ingredients. For many women, this concoction bubbles along happily right through menopause.

Your sex life doesn't have to suffer during menopause

by Ann SchreiberOur bodies are a stew of hormones and chemicals and enzymes and all sorts of exotic-sounding ingredients. For many women, this concoction bubbles along happily right through menopause.
Exposure to environmental chemicals linked to thyroid complications

Exposure to environmental chemicals linked to thyroid complications

byBrigham and Women's HospitalAssociations between exposures and thyroid function in linear models. Estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals of mean differences (for continuous o

Exposure to environmental chemicals linked to thyroid complications

byBrigham and Women's HospitalAssociations between exposures and thyroid function in linear models. Estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals of mean differences (for continuous o
Study: Birth-control pills affect the body's ability to regulate stress

Study: Birth-control pills affect the body's ability to regulate stress

byAarhus UniversityMean concentrations of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) before and after 15 min of social interaction across the uterine cycle phases (menstrual, proliferative, and secretor

Study: Birth-control pills affect the body's ability to regulate stress

byAarhus UniversityMean concentrations of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) before and after 15 min of social interaction across the uterine cycle phases (menstrual, proliferative, and secretor
Study links hormones, blood sugar, blood lipids, and BMI to the severity of major depressive disorder and suicide risk

Study links hormones, blood sugar, blood lipids, and BMI to the severity of major depressive disorder and suicide risk

byAssociation of Basic Medical Sciences of FBIHHypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) dysfunction is one of the important biochemical changes in depression. The development of depression

Study links hormones, blood sugar, blood lipids, and BMI to the severity of major depressive disorder and suicide risk

byAssociation of Basic Medical Sciences of FBIHHypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) dysfunction is one of the important biochemical changes in depression. The development of depression
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals may raise risk of cognitive disorders in future generations, animal study finds

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals may raise risk of cognitive disorders in future generations, animal study finds

byThe Endocrine SocietyPCB warning label affixed to a railroad signal power supply transformer dating from the 1930's at CP-SLOPE interlocking, west of Altoona, PA on the Norfolk Southern Pi

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals may raise risk of cognitive disorders in future generations, animal study finds

byThe Endocrine SocietyPCB warning label affixed to a railroad signal power supply transformer dating from the 1930's at CP-SLOPE interlocking, west of Altoona, PA on the Norfolk Southern Pi
Study finds mice make better distance runners on time-restricted diet

Study finds mice make better distance runners on time-restricted diet

by Justin Jackson , Medical XpressEffects of time-restricted feeding on metabolic and physical fitness. Credit:Nature Metabolism(2023). DOI: 10.1038/s42255-023-00833-8A study led by the De

Study finds mice make better distance runners on time-restricted diet

by Justin Jackson , Medical XpressEffects of time-restricted feeding on metabolic and physical fitness. Credit:Nature Metabolism(2023). DOI: 10.1038/s42255-023-00833-8A study led by the De
Patients say ketogenic diet aids multiple sclerosis symptoms

Patients say ketogenic diet aids multiple sclerosis symptoms

by Lori SolomonPatients report that a ketogenic diet (KD) improves multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms, according to a study published in the August issue ofClinical Nutrition.Emma Wetmore, from Un

Patients say ketogenic diet aids multiple sclerosis symptoms

by Lori SolomonPatients report that a ketogenic diet (KD) improves multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms, according to a study published in the August issue ofClinical Nutrition.Emma Wetmore, from Un
Mouse study highlights potential therapeutic for one of the major chronic diseases of aging

Mouse study highlights potential therapeutic for one of the major chronic diseases of aging

by Buck Institute for Research on AgingGraphical abstract. Credit:Free Radical Biology and Medicine(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2023.05.022Mopping up free radicals with antioxidant

Mouse study highlights potential therapeutic for one of the major chronic diseases of aging

by Buck Institute for Research on AgingGraphical abstract. Credit:Free Radical Biology and Medicine(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2023.05.022Mopping up free radicals with antioxidant
Researchers discover hormonal pathway that increases calorie burning during weight loss

Researchers discover hormonal pathway that increases calorie burning during weight loss

byMcMaster UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainResearchers led by McMaster University professor Gregory Steinberg and postdoctoral research fellow Dongdong Wang have uncovered a key mech

Researchers discover hormonal pathway that increases calorie burning during weight loss

byMcMaster UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainResearchers led by McMaster University professor Gregory Steinberg and postdoctoral research fellow Dongdong Wang have uncovered a key mech
Intermittent fasting and traditional calorie counting shown to be about equal for weight loss

Intermittent fasting and traditional calorie counting shown to be about equal for weight loss

byAmerican College of PhysiciansCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainA small randomized controlled trial found that time-restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting, produced similar weig

Intermittent fasting and traditional calorie counting shown to be about equal for weight loss

byAmerican College of PhysiciansCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainA small randomized controlled trial found that time-restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting, produced similar weig
Genetic evidence supports causal effect for diastolic BP on benign prostatic hyperplasia

Genetic evidence supports causal effect for diastolic BP on benign prostatic hyperplasia

by Elana GotkineThere is genetic evidence supporting a causal effect of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), according to a study published online July 16 inThe

Genetic evidence supports causal effect for diastolic BP on benign prostatic hyperplasia

by Elana GotkineThere is genetic evidence supporting a causal effect of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), according to a study published online July 16 inThe
Researchers connect diet to changes in the microbiome

Researchers connect diet to changes in the microbiome

by Kara Mason,CU Anschutz Medical CampusCross-sectional associations between DNAme and gut microbiota. The Sankey plot displays associations between gut microbiota and DNAme of CpGs within label

Researchers connect diet to changes in the microbiome

by Kara Mason,CU Anschutz Medical CampusCross-sectional associations between DNAme and gut microbiota. The Sankey plot displays associations between gut microbiota and DNAme of CpGs within label