Diabetes & Endocrinology
Focuses on the endocrine system.
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Diet suppresses or boosts mitochondria

Diet suppresses or boosts mitochondria

by University of HelsinkiCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainMitochondria are important cellular power plants whose diminished activity has been previously demonstrated to be associated with obesit

Diet suppresses or boosts mitochondria

by University of HelsinkiCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainMitochondria are important cellular power plants whose diminished activity has been previously demonstrated to be associated with obesit
The pros and cons of hormone therapy for aging transgender women

The pros and cons of hormone therapy for aging transgender women

by The North American Menopause SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainAn estimated 71% of transgender women use or intend to use gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT). Although sample sizes are compa

The pros and cons of hormone therapy for aging transgender women

by The North American Menopause SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainAn estimated 71% of transgender women use or intend to use gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT). Although sample sizes are compa
Milk and water most efficient vehicles for absorbing vitamin D, study finds

Milk and water most efficient vehicles for absorbing vitamin D, study finds

by European Society of EndocrinologyCredit: CC0 Public DomainAccording to a new study that was presented May 21 at the 24th European Congress of Endocrinology in Milan, Italy, vitamin D food fortifica

Milk and water most efficient vehicles for absorbing vitamin D, study finds

by European Society of EndocrinologyCredit: CC0 Public DomainAccording to a new study that was presented May 21 at the 24th European Congress of Endocrinology in Milan, Italy, vitamin D food fortifica
Stronger regulations needed on common obesity-promoting chemicals

Stronger regulations needed on common obesity-promoting chemicals

by European Society for Paediatric EndocrinologyCredit: CC0 Public DomainEveryday exposure to obesity-promoting chemicals (obesogens) represents a significant risk to public health, and needs stronger

Stronger regulations needed on common obesity-promoting chemicals

by European Society for Paediatric EndocrinologyCredit: CC0 Public DomainEveryday exposure to obesity-promoting chemicals (obesogens) represents a significant risk to public health, and needs stronger
The state of diabetes research 100 years after discovery of insulin

The state of diabetes research 100 years after discovery of insulin

byUniversity of ExeterHigh-resolution model of six insulin molecules assembled in a hexamer. Credit: Isaac Yonemoto/WikipediaResearchers at the University of Exeter teamed up with colleagues at

The state of diabetes research 100 years after discovery of insulin

byUniversity of ExeterHigh-resolution model of six insulin molecules assembled in a hexamer. Credit: Isaac Yonemoto/WikipediaResearchers at the University of Exeter teamed up with colleagues at
Examining how hormonal birth control may affect the adolescent brain

Examining how hormonal birth control may affect the adolescent brain

by Emily Caldwell,The Ohio State UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainReproductive health experts consider hormonal contraceptives good choices for adolescents because they're safe an

Examining how hormonal birth control may affect the adolescent brain

by Emily Caldwell,The Ohio State UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainReproductive health experts consider hormonal contraceptives good choices for adolescents because they're safe an
In resistance training, focusing on load or number of repetitions leads to same muscle growth

In resistance training, focusing on load or number of repetitions leads to same muscle growth

by Maria Fernanda Ziegler,FAPESPScore plot of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) including all samples. HL = high-load resistance training; LL = low-load resistance training; Pre = pre-train

In resistance training, focusing on load or number of repetitions leads to same muscle growth

by Maria Fernanda Ziegler,FAPESPScore plot of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) including all samples. HL = high-load resistance training; LL = low-load resistance training; Pre = pre-train
Maintaining normal weight early in life may help prevent male infertility

Maintaining normal weight early in life may help prevent male infertility

by The Endocrine SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainNew research suggests that more careful control of body weight in childhood and adolescence could help prevent male infertility later in life. The

Maintaining normal weight early in life may help prevent male infertility

by The Endocrine SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainNew research suggests that more careful control of body weight in childhood and adolescence could help prevent male infertility later in life. The
Metabolism changes with age, just not when you might think

Metabolism changes with age, just not when you might think

by Duke University School of NursingCredit: CC0 Public DomainMost of us remember a time when we could eat anything we wanted and not gain weight. But a new study suggests your metabolism—the rate

Metabolism changes with age, just not when you might think

by Duke University School of NursingCredit: CC0 Public DomainMost of us remember a time when we could eat anything we wanted and not gain weight. But a new study suggests your metabolism—the rate
Eating habits change only slightly after gestational diabetes diagnosis, study suggests

Eating habits change only slightly after gestational diabetes diagnosis, study suggests

by NIH/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human DevelopmentCredit: CC0 Public DomainPregnant women made only modest dietary changes after being diagnosed with gestation

Eating habits change only slightly after gestational diabetes diagnosis, study suggests

by NIH/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human DevelopmentCredit: CC0 Public DomainPregnant women made only modest dietary changes after being diagnosed with gestation
Tirzepatide has unique activity to stimulate insulin secretion, suggests study

Tirzepatide has unique activity to stimulate insulin secretion, suggests study

by Duke University Medical CenterCredit: CC0 Public DomainTirzepatide, a drug approved for diabetes and on the fast track for approval as a weight loss therapy, works through a unique ability to

Tirzepatide has unique activity to stimulate insulin secretion, suggests study

by Duke University Medical CenterCredit: CC0 Public DomainTirzepatide, a drug approved for diabetes and on the fast track for approval as a weight loss therapy, works through a unique ability to
Only one human fat cell subtype responds to insulin stimulation

Only one human fat cell subtype responds to insulin stimulation

by Karolinska InstitutetHigh-resolution model of six insulin molecules assembled in a hexamer. Credit: Isaac Yonemoto/WikipediaIt is well known that fat cells can influence our sensitivity to ins

Only one human fat cell subtype responds to insulin stimulation

by Karolinska InstitutetHigh-resolution model of six insulin molecules assembled in a hexamer. Credit: Isaac Yonemoto/WikipediaIt is well known that fat cells can influence our sensitivity to ins