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Widely used food additive affects the human gut microbiota

Widely used food additive affects the human gut microbiota

by Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)Sabina Leanti La Rosa. Credit: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)Have you heard about the food additive E415? It is also known as xanthan gum.

Widely used food additive affects the human gut microbiota

by Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)Sabina Leanti La Rosa. Credit: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)Have you heard about the food additive E415? It is also known as xanthan gum.
Soon you'll be able to examine your gut from home

Soon you'll be able to examine your gut from home

by Ingebjørg Hestvik,Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyResearcher Ali Khalegi holding the pill, and professor Ilangko Balasingham. Credit: Ingebjørg HestvikWe are up on the third flo

Soon you'll be able to examine your gut from home

by Ingebjørg Hestvik,Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyResearcher Ali Khalegi holding the pill, and professor Ilangko Balasingham. Credit: Ingebjørg HestvikWe are up on the third flo
Peanuts and herbs and spices may positively impact gut microbiome

Peanuts and herbs and spices may positively impact gut microbiome

by Pennsylvania State UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAdding a daily ounce of peanuts or about a teaspoon of herbs and spices to your diet may affect the composition of gut bacteria, a

Peanuts and herbs and spices may positively impact gut microbiome

by Pennsylvania State UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAdding a daily ounce of peanuts or about a teaspoon of herbs and spices to your diet may affect the composition of gut bacteria, a
VTE risk up for children with inflammatory bowel disease

VTE risk up for children with inflammatory bowel disease

(HealthDay)—Children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have a higher risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE), according to a study published online June 27 in theJournal of Crohn's & C

VTE risk up for children with inflammatory bowel disease

(HealthDay)—Children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have a higher risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE), according to a study published online June 27 in theJournal of Crohn's & C
Gut bacteria in people with Huntington's disease may be a potential drug target

Gut bacteria in people with Huntington's disease may be a potential drug target

by Monash UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA world first clinical study of the gut microbiome in people with Huntington's disease (HD) has found that it is not just a disease of the

Gut bacteria in people with Huntington's disease may be a potential drug target

by Monash UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA world first clinical study of the gut microbiome in people with Huntington's disease (HD) has found that it is not just a disease of the
'Bad guy' blood cells vital to gut health found

'Bad guy' blood cells vital to gut health found

by Monash UniversityGraphical abstract. Credit:Immunity(2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.05.014A Monash University collaboration has found that eosinophils, a type of white blood cel

'Bad guy' blood cells vital to gut health found

by Monash UniversityGraphical abstract. Credit:Immunity(2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.05.014A Monash University collaboration has found that eosinophils, a type of white blood cel
Environmental contaminants alter gut microbiome, health

Environmental contaminants alter gut microbiome, health

by University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignU. of I. professor of comparative biosciences Jodi Flaws and her colleagues reviewed dozens of studies exploring the relationship between exposure to

Environmental contaminants alter gut microbiome, health

by University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignU. of I. professor of comparative biosciences Jodi Flaws and her colleagues reviewed dozens of studies exploring the relationship between exposure to
Arachidonic acid found to promote the occurrence of radiation-induced intestinal injury

Arachidonic acid found to promote the occurrence of radiation-induced intestinal injury

by Zhao Weiwei,Chinese Academy of SciencesMechanism of ferroptosis mediated radiation-induced intestinal injury. Credit: Nie LiliAccording to research published recently inRedox Biology, a

Arachidonic acid found to promote the occurrence of radiation-induced intestinal injury

by Zhao Weiwei,Chinese Academy of SciencesMechanism of ferroptosis mediated radiation-induced intestinal injury. Credit: Nie LiliAccording to research published recently inRedox Biology, a
Fruit fly study reveals link between the gut and death by sleep deprivation

Fruit fly study reveals link between the gut and death by sleep deprivation

by Harvard Medical SchoolCredit: CC0 Public DomainThe first signs of insufficient sleep are universally familiar. There's tiredness and fatigue, difficulty concentrating, perhaps irritability

Fruit fly study reveals link between the gut and death by sleep deprivation

by Harvard Medical SchoolCredit: CC0 Public DomainThe first signs of insufficient sleep are universally familiar. There's tiredness and fatigue, difficulty concentrating, perhaps irritability
People with advanced bowel cancer are less likely to have participated in cancer screenings

People with advanced bowel cancer are less likely to have participated in cancer screenings

by King's College LondonCredit: CC0 Public DomainA collaboration between a team at King's College London led by Peter Sasieni and a QMUL-based group led by Stephen Duffy collected data fr

People with advanced bowel cancer are less likely to have participated in cancer screenings

by King's College LondonCredit: CC0 Public DomainA collaboration between a team at King's College London led by Peter Sasieni and a QMUL-based group led by Stephen Duffy collected data fr
Hydrogen peroxide keeps gut bacteria away from the colon lining

Hydrogen peroxide keeps gut bacteria away from the colon lining

by UC DavisCredit: CC0 Public DomainScientists at UC Davis Health have discovered that an enzyme in the colon lining releases hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) - a known disinfecting compound- to protect

Hydrogen peroxide keeps gut bacteria away from the colon lining

by UC DavisCredit: CC0 Public DomainScientists at UC Davis Health have discovered that an enzyme in the colon lining releases hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) - a known disinfecting compound- to protect
Use of health services up for adults with inflammatory bowel disease

Use of health services up for adults with inflammatory bowel disease

(HealthDay)—Adults with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have increased use of health services compared with those without IBD, according to a study published online Feb. 24 in theNational Healt

Use of health services up for adults with inflammatory bowel disease

(HealthDay)—Adults with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have increased use of health services compared with those without IBD, according to a study published online Feb. 24 in theNational Healt