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Developing a less invasive test for inflammatory bowel disease

Developing a less invasive test for inflammatory bowel disease

by American Chemical SocietySymbolic representation of IgA1 and IgA2 glycosylation. The acronyms HYT, LSL, TPL, LAG(C/Y), and MAG(C/Y), which refer to the different glycopeptides, come from the f

Developing a less invasive test for inflammatory bowel disease

by American Chemical SocietySymbolic representation of IgA1 and IgA2 glycosylation. The acronyms HYT, LSL, TPL, LAG(C/Y), and MAG(C/Y), which refer to the different glycopeptides, come from the f
Antibodies help keep harmful forms of gut fungi in check

Antibodies help keep harmful forms of gut fungi in check

by Bridget Kuehn,Cornell UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAntibody protection against harmful forms of fungi in the gut may be disrupted in some patients with Crohn's disease—a con

Antibodies help keep harmful forms of gut fungi in check

by Bridget Kuehn,Cornell UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAntibody protection against harmful forms of fungi in the gut may be disrupted in some patients with Crohn's disease—a con
Frequent internet use improves mental health in older adults

Frequent internet use improves mental health in older adults

by University College LondonCredit:stevepbonPixabayMore frequent internet use has been linked to increases in wellbeing in older adults, particularly those who are wealthy and m

Frequent internet use improves mental health in older adults

by University College LondonCredit:stevepbonPixabayMore frequent internet use has been linked to increases in wellbeing in older adults, particularly those who are wealthy and m
Explaining why people do not have an immune response to food

Explaining why people do not have an immune response to food

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainA team of researchers at the University of Minnesota Medical School has looked into the question of why most people do not develop an imm

Explaining why people do not have an immune response to food

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainA team of researchers at the University of Minnesota Medical School has looked into the question of why most people do not develop an imm
Giant spider provides promise of pain relief for irritable bowel syndrome

Giant spider provides promise of pain relief for irritable bowel syndrome

by University of QueenslandTwo pain blocking peptides were found in the spider venom. Credit: University of QueenslandMolecules from the venom of one of the world's largest spiders could help

Giant spider provides promise of pain relief for irritable bowel syndrome

by University of QueenslandTwo pain blocking peptides were found in the spider venom. Credit: University of QueenslandMolecules from the venom of one of the world's largest spiders could help
Tackling the collateral damage from antibiotics

Tackling the collateral damage from antibiotics

by European Molecular Biology LaboratoryEMBL researchers and colleagues have analysed the effects of 144 antibiotics on our most common gut microbes. Their study substantially improves our unders

Tackling the collateral damage from antibiotics

by European Molecular Biology LaboratoryEMBL researchers and colleagues have analysed the effects of 144 antibiotics on our most common gut microbes. Their study substantially improves our unders
Anti-inflammatory nanoparticles mimic glycocalyx in IBD patients

Anti-inflammatory nanoparticles mimic glycocalyx in IBD patients

by WileySchematic summary of the overall flow of the study. A library of glycopolymers was constructed via RAFT polymerization of random combinations of five different sugar moieties at a total f

Anti-inflammatory nanoparticles mimic glycocalyx in IBD patients

by WileySchematic summary of the overall flow of the study. A library of glycopolymers was constructed via RAFT polymerization of random combinations of five different sugar moieties at a total f
Recurrence up with incomplete resection of colorectal polyps

Recurrence up with incomplete resection of colorectal polyps

(HealthDay)—The risk for future neoplasia and advanced neoplasia is increased in colon segments after incomplete resection of neoplastic polyps, according to a study published online Aug. 10 in the&nb

Recurrence up with incomplete resection of colorectal polyps

(HealthDay)—The risk for future neoplasia and advanced neoplasia is increased in colon segments after incomplete resection of neoplastic polyps, according to a study published online Aug. 10 in the&nb
Widespread use of antacids continues despite long-term health risks, education campaigns

Widespread use of antacids continues despite long-term health risks, education campaigns

by University of New South WalesCredit: CC0 Public DomainA new UNSW study has found that national initiatives were unsuccessful in reducing prolonged use of anti-acid medicines for gastrointestin

Widespread use of antacids continues despite long-term health risks, education campaigns

by University of New South WalesCredit: CC0 Public DomainA new UNSW study has found that national initiatives were unsuccessful in reducing prolonged use of anti-acid medicines for gastrointestin
Quitting smoking could lead to major changes in gut bacteria

Quitting smoking could lead to major changes in gut bacteria

by American Heart AssociationCredit: CC0 Public DomainQuitting smoking leads to major changes in intestinal bacteria, according to new research. But just what the changes mean will need further i

Quitting smoking could lead to major changes in gut bacteria

by American Heart AssociationCredit: CC0 Public DomainQuitting smoking leads to major changes in intestinal bacteria, according to new research. But just what the changes mean will need further i
Anti-reflux mucosectomy effective for GERD in long term

Anti-reflux mucosectomy effective for GERD in long term

by Elana GotkineFor patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), anti-reflux mucosectomy (ARMS) shows long-term efficacy and is also effective for patients with reflux hypersensitivity, accor

Anti-reflux mucosectomy effective for GERD in long term

by Elana GotkineFor patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), anti-reflux mucosectomy (ARMS) shows long-term efficacy and is also effective for patients with reflux hypersensitivity, accor
Antibiotics can lead to fungal infection because of disruption to the gut's immune system

Antibiotics can lead to fungal infection because of disruption to the gut's immune system

by University of BirminghamCandida albicans. Credit: Wikipedia.Patients prescribed antibiotics in hospital are more likely to get fungal infections because of disruption to the immune system in t

Antibiotics can lead to fungal infection because of disruption to the gut's immune system

by University of BirminghamCandida albicans. Credit: Wikipedia.Patients prescribed antibiotics in hospital are more likely to get fungal infections because of disruption to the immune system in t