Focuses on the health of elderly people.
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Smokers generally unaware that quitting smoking will reduce risk of dementia

Smokers generally unaware that quitting smoking will reduce risk of dementia

by Alzheimer's Research UKCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainSmokers are being urged to give quitting a go ahead of No Smoking Day (8th March), as research shows those who smoke are more likel

Smokers generally unaware that quitting smoking will reduce risk of dementia

by Alzheimer's Research UKCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainSmokers are being urged to give quitting a go ahead of No Smoking Day (8th March), as research shows those who smoke are more likel
With modification, CAR T cells can attack senescent cells, leading to slower aging in mice

With modification, CAR T cells can attack senescent cells, leading to slower aging in mice

byCold Spring Harbor LaboratorySenescent cells (blue) accumulate as we age. CAR T cells can be programmed to seek them out and destroy them. The image above shows healthy pancreatic tissue sampl

With modification, CAR T cells can attack senescent cells, leading to slower aging in mice

byCold Spring Harbor LaboratorySenescent cells (blue) accumulate as we age. CAR T cells can be programmed to seek them out and destroy them. The image above shows healthy pancreatic tissue sampl
Longevity scores show signs of resilience to certain diseases

Longevity scores show signs of resilience to certain diseases

by Becky Ham,Translational Genomics Research InstituteCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainUsing data from four studies that connect genetic variants to lifespan, scientists have developed 11 differ

Longevity scores show signs of resilience to certain diseases

by Becky Ham,Translational Genomics Research InstituteCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainUsing data from four studies that connect genetic variants to lifespan, scientists have developed 11 differ
Defense against joint degeneration

Defense against joint degeneration

by Thamarasee Jeewandara , Medical XpressThe role of ITGBL1 in facial cartilage development in X. laevis embryos. A) Alcian blue-stained images of craniofacial cartilages in control and Itgbl1-rescued

Defense against joint degeneration

by Thamarasee Jeewandara , Medical XpressThe role of ITGBL1 in facial cartilage development in X. laevis embryos. A) Alcian blue-stained images of craniofacial cartilages in control and Itgbl1-rescued
New evidence-based guideline for the management of osteoporosis in men

New evidence-based guideline for the management of osteoporosis in men

byInternational Osteoporosis FoundationImprovements in BMD with anti-osteoporosis medications. The figure provides a representation of the percentage improvement of total hip bone mineral densit

New evidence-based guideline for the management of osteoporosis in men

byInternational Osteoporosis FoundationImprovements in BMD with anti-osteoporosis medications. The figure provides a representation of the percentage improvement of total hip bone mineral densit
Accumulation of 'junk proteins' identified as one cause of aging and possible source of ALS

Accumulation of 'junk proteins' identified as one cause of aging and possible source of ALS

byThe Spanish National Cancer Research CentreAccumulation of "junk proteins": normal cells (left) and cells subjected to the effect of the toxic arginine-rich protein (right). In the l

Accumulation of 'junk proteins' identified as one cause of aging and possible source of ALS

byThe Spanish National Cancer Research CentreAccumulation of "junk proteins": normal cells (left) and cells subjected to the effect of the toxic arginine-rich protein (right). In the l
Our cells are less likely to express longer genes as we age, researchers say

Our cells are less likely to express longer genes as we age, researchers say

byCell PressCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAging may be less about specific "aging genes" and more about how long a gene is. Many of the changes associated with aging could be occurr

Our cells are less likely to express longer genes as we age, researchers say

byCell PressCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAging may be less about specific "aging genes" and more about how long a gene is. Many of the changes associated with aging could be occurr
A new vaccine that alters senescent cells in a way that pushes the immune system into removing them

A new vaccine that alters senescent cells in a way that pushes the immune system into removing them

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressFig. 1: GPNMB is a potential candidate of seno-antigen. Credit: DOI: 10.1038/s43587-021-00151-2A team of researchers affiliated with a large number of institutions in Japa

A new vaccine that alters senescent cells in a way that pushes the immune system into removing them

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressFig. 1: GPNMB is a potential candidate of seno-antigen. Credit: DOI: 10.1038/s43587-021-00151-2A team of researchers affiliated with a large number of institutions in Japa
New study identifies association between lower levels of vitamin D and inflammation in older adults

New study identifies association between lower levels of vitamin D and inflammation in older adults

by Trinity College DublinPercentage of the Irish older adult population with high CRP (>10 mg/dL) by age and vitamin D status. Credit:PLOS ONE(2023). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287

New study identifies association between lower levels of vitamin D and inflammation in older adults

by Trinity College DublinPercentage of the Irish older adult population with high CRP (>10 mg/dL) by age and vitamin D status. Credit:PLOS ONE(2023). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287
New findings reveal important insights into age-related nonresolving inflammation

New findings reveal important insights into age-related nonresolving inflammation

by ElsevierResolvin-D2 (RvD2), when added ex vivo, acted directly on the bone marrow to induce a specific increase in monocyte/macrophage progenitors and reduce steatosis and collagen deposition.

New findings reveal important insights into age-related nonresolving inflammation

by ElsevierResolvin-D2 (RvD2), when added ex vivo, acted directly on the bone marrow to induce a specific increase in monocyte/macrophage progenitors and reduce steatosis and collagen deposition.