Medical research
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Researchers identify molecular link between gut bacteria and excitatory brain signaling in C. elegans

Researchers identify molecular link between gut bacteria and excitatory brain signaling in C. elegans

by Jim Fessenden, UMass Chan Medical SchoolB12produced by gut bacteria suppresses the hyperactive behavior of unc-2(gof) mutants. Credit:Nature Cell Biology(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s4155

Researchers identify molecular link between gut bacteria and excitatory brain signaling in C. elegans

by Jim Fessenden, UMass Chan Medical SchoolB12produced by gut bacteria suppresses the hyperactive behavior of unc-2(gof) mutants. Credit:Nature Cell Biology(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s4155
Researchers identify and manipulate neural circuits for risk/reward decision-making in primates

Researchers identify and manipulate neural circuits for risk/reward decision-making in primates

by Spyros Goulas, Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBI)Bananas represent the reward and the crocodile represents the risk. The blue path is a low risk-low return decision, while th

Researchers identify and manipulate neural circuits for risk/reward decision-making in primates

by Spyros Goulas, Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBI)Bananas represent the reward and the crocodile represents the risk. The blue path is a low risk-low return decision, while th
Lifespan increases in mice when specific brain cells are activated, study finds

Lifespan increases in mice when specific brain cells are activated, study finds

by Julia Evangelou Strait,Washington University School of MedicineWith age, the researchers found that the protein Ppp1r17 tends to leave the nucleus of the neurons, and when that happens, the n

Lifespan increases in mice when specific brain cells are activated, study finds

by Julia Evangelou Strait,Washington University School of MedicineWith age, the researchers found that the protein Ppp1r17 tends to leave the nucleus of the neurons, and when that happens, the n
Scientists identify a molecular anchor that stabilizes mitochondria near synapses to support memory formation

Scientists identify a molecular anchor that stabilizes mitochondria near synapses to support memory formation

byMax Planck Florida Institute for NeuroscienceIdentifying proteins required for mitochondria-actin tethering in dendrites. Credit:Nature Communications(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-02

Scientists identify a molecular anchor that stabilizes mitochondria near synapses to support memory formation

byMax Planck Florida Institute for NeuroscienceIdentifying proteins required for mitochondria-actin tethering in dendrites. Credit:Nature Communications(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-02
Demystifying a key receptor in substance use and neuropsychiatric disorders

Demystifying a key receptor in substance use and neuropsychiatric disorders

byThe Mount Sinai HospitalMount Sinai Icahn scientists took detailed pictures of how drugs can bind to the TAAR1 receptor using CryoEM. They also discovered that an antipsychotic drug, asenapine

Demystifying a key receptor in substance use and neuropsychiatric disorders

byThe Mount Sinai HospitalMount Sinai Icahn scientists took detailed pictures of how drugs can bind to the TAAR1 receptor using CryoEM. They also discovered that an antipsychotic drug, asenapine
How memories are formed in the brain: A new role for the internal compass

How memories are formed in the brain: A new role for the internal compass

byUniversitaet TübingenSocial interactions dynamically modulated the gain of the HD representation. Credit:Nature Neuroscience(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01506-1Since their disco

How memories are formed in the brain: A new role for the internal compass

byUniversitaet TübingenSocial interactions dynamically modulated the gain of the HD representation. Credit:Nature Neuroscience(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01506-1Since their disco
Variants in synaptic scaffolding protein PPFIA3 discovered to cause new syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder

Variants in synaptic scaffolding protein PPFIA3 discovered to cause new syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder

byTexas Children's HospitalCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAn international collaborative study has recently discovered that variants in the PPFIA3 gene cause a previously unknown syndromic

Variants in synaptic scaffolding protein PPFIA3 discovered to cause new syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder

byTexas Children's HospitalCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAn international collaborative study has recently discovered that variants in the PPFIA3 gene cause a previously unknown syndromic
Comparing human and mouse Purkinje cells to better understand human brain complexity

Comparing human and mouse Purkinje cells to better understand human brain complexity

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressHuman and mouse PC morphological properties. a Morphological reconstructions of a mouse and a human PC obtained from fluorescent confocal images of postmortem fixated brai

Comparing human and mouse Purkinje cells to better understand human brain complexity

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressHuman and mouse PC morphological properties. a Morphological reconstructions of a mouse and a human PC obtained from fluorescent confocal images of postmortem fixated brai
How a suction cup delivers medications to the bloodstream

How a suction cup delivers medications to the bloodstream

by Christoph Elhardt,ETH ZurichThe suction cup contains active ingredients and can be pressed onto the lining of the check with two fingers. Credit: Luo Z et al. 2023, editedResearchers at ETH Z

How a suction cup delivers medications to the bloodstream

by Christoph Elhardt,ETH ZurichThe suction cup contains active ingredients and can be pressed onto the lining of the check with two fingers. Credit: Luo Z et al. 2023, editedResearchers at ETH Z
Scientists develop tunable organic active neural probe enabling near-sensor signal processing

Scientists develop tunable organic active neural probe enabling near-sensor signal processing

byPohang University of Science and Technology(a) Structure and functional mechanism of an implantable brain signal amplification sensor created using inkjet printing technology. (b) Magnified li

Scientists develop tunable organic active neural probe enabling near-sensor signal processing

byPohang University of Science and Technology(a) Structure and functional mechanism of an implantable brain signal amplification sensor created using inkjet printing technology. (b) Magnified li
Study in mice shows blocking abnormal stem cell signal during aging lessens related bone loss

Study in mice shows blocking abnormal stem cell signal during aging lessens related bone loss

byNYU Langone HealthCredit: CC0 Public DomainA cellular signal essential to the development of the skeleton increases during aging to weaken bones, finds a new study in mice.The study, led by re

Study in mice shows blocking abnormal stem cell signal during aging lessens related bone loss

byNYU Langone HealthCredit: CC0 Public DomainA cellular signal essential to the development of the skeleton increases during aging to weaken bones, finds a new study in mice.The study, led by re
New sensor technology measures THC levels in saliva

New sensor technology measures THC levels in saliva

by Kim Horner,University of Texas at DallasOpen Circuit Potential of the sensing platform in PBS. Credit:The Analyst(2023). DOI: 10.1039/D3AN00522DUniversity of Texas at Dallas resea

New sensor technology measures THC levels in saliva

by Kim Horner,University of Texas at DallasOpen Circuit Potential of the sensing platform in PBS. Credit:The Analyst(2023). DOI: 10.1039/D3AN00522DUniversity of Texas at Dallas resea