Obstetrics & Gynecology
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How do multiple sclerosis drugs affect pregnancy?

How do multiple sclerosis drugs affect pregnancy?

How do multiple sclerosis drugs affect pregnancy?byRuhr-Universitaet-BochumCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainMany women are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) at an age when they are conside

How do multiple sclerosis drugs affect pregnancy?

How do multiple sclerosis drugs affect pregnancy?byRuhr-Universitaet-BochumCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainMany women are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) at an age when they are conside
Gut microbiota composition associated with depressive symptoms during pregnancy

Gut microbiota composition associated with depressive symptoms during pregnancy

Gut microbiota composition associated with depressive symptoms during pregnancyby Maria Fernanda Ziegler,FAPESPCredit: Lisa Fotios from PexelsThe profound changes undergone by a woman's body

Gut microbiota composition associated with depressive symptoms during pregnancy

Gut microbiota composition associated with depressive symptoms during pregnancyby Maria Fernanda Ziegler,FAPESPCredit: Lisa Fotios from PexelsThe profound changes undergone by a woman's body
Five things young women need to know about menopause

Five things young women need to know about menopause

by Megan Arnot,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainIf you're under 40, menopause might seem like the least of your worries right now. But for some women, this transition can hap

Five things young women need to know about menopause

by Megan Arnot,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainIf you're under 40, menopause might seem like the least of your worries right now. But for some women, this transition can hap
Treatments used for HER2-positive breast cancers could help patients with rare gastrointestinal cancer

Treatments used for HER2-positive breast cancers could help patients with rare gastrointestinal cancer

by European Organisation for Research and Treatment of CancerCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainDrugs designed to target HER2-postive breast cancer could also benefit some patients with bile duct cancer

Treatments used for HER2-positive breast cancers could help patients with rare gastrointestinal cancer

by European Organisation for Research and Treatment of CancerCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainDrugs designed to target HER2-postive breast cancer could also benefit some patients with bile duct cancer
Research claims cannabis use can cause chromosomal damage, increasing cancer risk and harming offspring

Research claims cannabis use can cause chromosomal damage, increasing cancer risk and harming offspring

by Society for the Study of AddictionCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainCannabis use causes cellular damage that increases the risk of highly cancerous tumors, according to a paperpublished

Research claims cannabis use can cause chromosomal damage, increasing cancer risk and harming offspring

by Society for the Study of AddictionCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainCannabis use causes cellular damage that increases the risk of highly cancerous tumors, according to a paperpublished
Most women get low grades in healthy eating during and after pregnancy

Most women get low grades in healthy eating during and after pregnancy

Most women get low grades in healthy eating during and after pregnancybyUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstCredit: Amina Filkins from PexelsNew research from the University of Massachusetts Amhe

Most women get low grades in healthy eating during and after pregnancy

Most women get low grades in healthy eating during and after pregnancybyUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstCredit: Amina Filkins from PexelsNew research from the University of Massachusetts Amhe
Study identifies pregnant women at risk for substance use

Study identifies pregnant women at risk for substance use

byStonyBrookUniversityThis graphic highlights some of the leading indicators of substance use risk in prenatal women. Life circumstances such as low education, or past year tobacco u

Study identifies pregnant women at risk for substance use

byStonyBrookUniversityThis graphic highlights some of the leading indicators of substance use risk in prenatal women. Life circumstances such as low education, or past year tobacco u
Healthy pregnancy diet boosts kids' emotional regulation

Healthy pregnancy diet boosts kids' emotional regulation

byBrockUniversityCredit: Flo Dahm from PexelsAll soon-to-be-parents want to give their baby the healthiest start possible, but new Brock University-led research shows that eating well and

Healthy pregnancy diet boosts kids' emotional regulation

byBrockUniversityCredit: Flo Dahm from PexelsAll soon-to-be-parents want to give their baby the healthiest start possible, but new Brock University-led research shows that eating well and
Large, real world, multistate study finds COVID-19 vaccine cuts risk of disease when administered during pregnancy

Large, real world, multistate study finds COVID-19 vaccine cuts risk of disease when administered during pregnancy

byRegenstrief InstituteCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA large multistate study, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) VISION Network, has found that COV

Large, real world, multistate study finds COVID-19 vaccine cuts risk of disease when administered during pregnancy

byRegenstrief InstituteCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA large multistate study, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) VISION Network, has found that COV
How mother's diet affects baby's health: What insights from different cultures can tell us

How mother's diet affects baby's health: What insights from different cultures can tell us

by Sandi Azab, Sonia Anand,The ConversationCredit: Amina Filkins from PexelsWhat happens in the womb and during the first 1,000 days of life is critical to shaping a baby's future health, a

How mother's diet affects baby's health: What insights from different cultures can tell us

by Sandi Azab, Sonia Anand,The ConversationCredit: Amina Filkins from PexelsWhat happens in the womb and during the first 1,000 days of life is critical to shaping a baby's future health, a
Sociologists estimate impact of Alaska's universal cash payments on birth outcomes

Sociologists estimate impact of Alaska's universal cash payments on birth outcomes

byAmerican Sociological AssociationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA sociological investigation has estimated the effects of Alaska's universal cash transfer program on newborn health outco

Sociologists estimate impact of Alaska's universal cash payments on birth outcomes

byAmerican Sociological AssociationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA sociological investigation has estimated the effects of Alaska's universal cash transfer program on newborn health outco
New study links air pollution with increased risk of spontaneous preterm births

New study links air pollution with increased risk of spontaneous preterm births

byUniversity of California, IrvineCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new study led by the University of California, Irvine, found that exposure to fine particulate matter, 2.5 micrometers or les

New study links air pollution with increased risk of spontaneous preterm births

byUniversity of California, IrvineCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new study led by the University of California, Irvine, found that exposure to fine particulate matter, 2.5 micrometers or les