Orthopedics & Sports medicine
Focuses on bone and sports injuries.
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Multidisciplinary approach cuts symptoms of fibromyalgia

Multidisciplinary approach cuts symptoms of fibromyalgia

Multidisciplinary treatment adapted for women with low educational levels is superior to conventional pharmacotherapy in reducing key symptoms of fibromyalgia, including sleep disturbances, catastroph

Multidisciplinary approach cuts symptoms of fibromyalgia

Multidisciplinary treatment adapted for women with low educational levels is superior to conventional pharmacotherapy in reducing key symptoms of fibromyalgia, including sleep disturbances, catastroph
As pickleball's popularity surges, injuries are also on the rise

As pickleball's popularity surges, injuries are also on the rise

by Annie Pierce, University of CaliforniaAvid pickleball player Carole Harland says doing dynamic warmups and stretching pre-game is a key to staying injury-free on the court. Credit: Carole HarlandAm

As pickleball's popularity surges, injuries are also on the rise

by Annie Pierce, University of CaliforniaAvid pickleball player Carole Harland says doing dynamic warmups and stretching pre-game is a key to staying injury-free on the court. Credit: Carole HarlandAm
Developing a stem cell therapy to prevent amputations from critical limb ischemia

Developing a stem cell therapy to prevent amputations from critical limb ischemia

by National Research Council of Science and TechnologyCollagen microgels—The concept of self-assembling stem cell therapy. Credit: Korea Institute of Science and TechnologyCritical limb ischemia

Developing a stem cell therapy to prevent amputations from critical limb ischemia

by National Research Council of Science and TechnologyCollagen microgels—The concept of self-assembling stem cell therapy. Credit: Korea Institute of Science and TechnologyCritical limb ischemia
Daily active commuting may lower inflammation levels

Daily active commuting may lower inflammation levels

by University of Eastern FinlandCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new study, conducted by the University of Eastern Finland, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, and the Finnish Institu

Daily active commuting may lower inflammation levels

by University of Eastern FinlandCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new study, conducted by the University of Eastern Finland, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, and the Finnish Institu
Research sheds light on the history of food at the Olympic Games

Research sheds light on the history of food at the Olympic Games

by Roser Reyner, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)Credit: CC0 Public DomainAlmost 130 years have gone by since the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. During this time, sports

Research sheds light on the history of food at the Olympic Games

by Roser Reyner, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)Credit: CC0 Public DomainAlmost 130 years have gone by since the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. During this time, sports
Using markerless motion capture to assess injury risk in soldiers

Using markerless motion capture to assess injury risk in soldiers

by Southwest Research InstituteAnalysis pipeline for both the unsupervised (dark green) and semi-supervised (light green) approaches. The portions of the workflow outlined in blue are common betw

Using markerless motion capture to assess injury risk in soldiers

by Southwest Research InstituteAnalysis pipeline for both the unsupervised (dark green) and semi-supervised (light green) approaches. The portions of the workflow outlined in blue are common betw
We must tackle female ageism in sports and exercise science, urge researchers

We must tackle female ageism in sports and exercise science, urge researchers

by British Medical JournalCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAction is urgently needed to address the dearth of older women in sports and exercise science, not only for the sake of the growing num

We must tackle female ageism in sports and exercise science, urge researchers

by British Medical JournalCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAction is urgently needed to address the dearth of older women in sports and exercise science, not only for the sake of the growing num
Elite athletic events may not be out of reach for recreational athletes

Elite athletic events may not be out of reach for recreational athletes

by American Physiological SocietyCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new case study finds that recreationally trained athletes—"regular" people, as compared to elite athletes—may be able

Elite athletic events may not be out of reach for recreational athletes

by American Physiological SocietyCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new case study finds that recreationally trained athletes—"regular" people, as compared to elite athletes—may be able
New study on how parents experience their children's sports injuries

New study on how parents experience their children's sports injuries

by Karlstad UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainA new review paper focuses on how parents experience and are affected by their children's sports injuries. The research ispublishedin the

New study on how parents experience their children's sports injuries

by Karlstad UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainA new review paper focuses on how parents experience and are affected by their children's sports injuries. The research ispublishedin the
Too many athletes develop reproductive problems, says researcher

Too many athletes develop reproductive problems, says researcher

by University of Eastern FinlandCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainMany athletes compete at the peril of their reproductive health. "This applies to both men and women. Competitive training ca

Too many athletes develop reproductive problems, says researcher

by University of Eastern FinlandCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainMany athletes compete at the peril of their reproductive health. "This applies to both men and women. Competitive training ca
Rodeo sport safety: Injuries and prevention

Rodeo sport safety: Injuries and prevention

by Homa Warren,Baylor College of MedicineCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainIt's time to giddy up for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, where spectators watch cowboys and cowgirls in their

Rodeo sport safety: Injuries and prevention

by Homa Warren,Baylor College of MedicineCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainIt's time to giddy up for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, where spectators watch cowboys and cowgirls in their
Schoolboy rugby players have more injuries the older they get

Schoolboy rugby players have more injuries the older they get

by BMJ Open Sport & Exercise MedicineCredit: Rhys Park via Wikimedia CommonsThe number of injuries sustained while playing rugby, and match and training days lost as a result, is higher among play

Schoolboy rugby players have more injuries the older they get

by BMJ Open Sport & Exercise MedicineCredit: Rhys Park via Wikimedia CommonsThe number of injuries sustained while playing rugby, and match and training days lost as a result, is higher among play