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Olympic medicine:Athletic injuries

Olympic medicine:Athletic injuries

Credit:www.freepik.comThe 33rd Summer Olympics officially commenced on July 27, 2024, in Paris, France. As athletes from around the world compete, Medicine.net is set to provide educational content on

Olympic medicine:Athletic injuries

Credit:www.freepik.comThe 33rd Summer Olympics officially commenced on July 27, 2024, in Paris, France. As athletes from around the world compete, Medicine.net is set to provide educational content on
Exercise and Liraglutide: Effects on Weight Loss and Bone Health

Exercise and Liraglutide: Effects on Weight Loss and Bone Health

This article delves into a study that investigates the effects of exercise, liraglutide, and their combination on weight loss and bone mineral density (BMD) in individuals with obesity.

Exercise and Liraglutide: Effects on Weight Loss and Bone Health

This article delves into a study that investigates the effects of exercise, liraglutide, and their combination on weight loss and bone mineral density (BMD) in individuals with obesity.
Skeletal muscle regeneration discovery paves the way for targeted therapies for muscle disorders

Skeletal muscle regeneration discovery paves the way for targeted therapies for muscle disorders

by Laurie Fickman,University of HoustonLoss of IRE1α in satellite cells inhibits the formation of regenerating myofibers. Credit:EMBO Reports(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s44319-024-00197-4Re

Skeletal muscle regeneration discovery paves the way for targeted therapies for muscle disorders

by Laurie Fickman,University of HoustonLoss of IRE1α in satellite cells inhibits the formation of regenerating myofibers. Credit:EMBO Reports(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s44319-024-00197-4Re
Supershoes have transformed competitive distance running, but they remain controversial

Supershoes have transformed competitive distance running, but they remain controversial

by Bryce Dyer,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainOn the face of it, competitive distance running appears not to have changed much since the Olympic Games were revived in 1896. Howe

Supershoes have transformed competitive distance running, but they remain controversial

by Bryce Dyer,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainOn the face of it, competitive distance running appears not to have changed much since the Olympic Games were revived in 1896. Howe
Are running shoes getting too good? Why 'technological doping' is a growing concern for professional sports

Are running shoes getting too good? Why 'technological doping' is a growing concern for professional sports

by Shayne Vial,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainEvery four years, the best athletes from around the globe converge to battle it out for top honors at the Olympic Games. Athletes

Are running shoes getting too good? Why 'technological doping' is a growing concern for professional sports

by Shayne Vial,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainEvery four years, the best athletes from around the globe converge to battle it out for top honors at the Olympic Games. Athletes
Gymnastics is hard on the body—physical therapy can help

Gymnastics is hard on the body—physical therapy can help

by Laura Castañón,Tufts UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWatching Simone Biles, Frederick Richard, and other Olympic-level gymnasts compete with gravity-defying flips, twists, and spi

Gymnastics is hard on the body—physical therapy can help

by Laura Castañón,Tufts UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWatching Simone Biles, Frederick Richard, and other Olympic-level gymnasts compete with gravity-defying flips, twists, and spi