Q and A
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Q&A: Research shows neural connection between learning a second language and learning to code

Q&A: Research shows neural connection between learning a second language and learning to code

by Lauren Kirschman,University of WashingtonCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAs computer programming becomes an increasingly valued skill in the workforce, there is a greater need to understand

Q&A: Research shows neural connection between learning a second language and learning to code

by Lauren Kirschman,University of WashingtonCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAs computer programming becomes an increasingly valued skill in the workforce, there is a greater need to understand
Q&A: Can weight loss drugs help in addiction treatment?

Q&A: Can weight loss drugs help in addiction treatment?

by Christine Yu,Pennsylvania State UniversityCredit: Penn State /Creative CommonsIn recent years, the popularity of drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy has skyrocketed. While this new class of d

Q&A: Can weight loss drugs help in addiction treatment?

by Christine Yu,Pennsylvania State UniversityCredit: Penn State /Creative CommonsIn recent years, the popularity of drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy has skyrocketed. While this new class of d
Q&A: COVID rebound can happen whether or not you take Paxlovid

Q&A: COVID rebound can happen whether or not you take Paxlovid

by Aliza Rosen,Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public HealthCredit: Andrea Piacquadio from PexelsWhat initially was referred to as "Paxlovid rebound"—a return of COVID sym

Q&A: COVID rebound can happen whether or not you take Paxlovid

by Aliza Rosen,Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public HealthCredit: Andrea Piacquadio from PexelsWhat initially was referred to as "Paxlovid rebound"—a return of COVID sym
Q&A: Should heart patients consider taking weight loss medications?

Q&A: Should heart patients consider taking weight loss medications?

by Noah Fromson,University of MichiganCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainOver the last year, prescriptions for medications that can accelerate weight loss in people with diabetes or without it ha

Q&A: Should heart patients consider taking weight loss medications?

by Noah Fromson,University of MichiganCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainOver the last year, prescriptions for medications that can accelerate weight loss in people with diabetes or without it ha
Q and A: Breaking down acute and chronic pancreatitis

Q and A: Breaking down acute and chronic pancreatitis

by Sebastian StrobelCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainI'm in my late 50s and was recently diagnosed with pancreatitis. My symptoms came on suddenly. My wife is concerned my symptoms may develop aga

Q and A: Breaking down acute and chronic pancreatitis

by Sebastian StrobelCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainI'm in my late 50s and was recently diagnosed with pancreatitis. My symptoms came on suddenly. My wife is concerned my symptoms may develop aga
Q&A: Is gluten-free the way to be? A dive into the science

Q&A: Is gluten-free the way to be? A dive into the science

by Case Western Reserve UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainIn the past decade, products bearing "gluten-free" labels have taken grocery store shelves by storm. But for generatio

Q&A: Is gluten-free the way to be? A dive into the science

by Case Western Reserve UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainIn the past decade, products bearing "gluten-free" labels have taken grocery store shelves by storm. But for generatio
Q&A: ChatGPT answers common patient questions about colonoscopy

Q&A: ChatGPT answers common patient questions about colonoscopy

by Massachusetts General HospitalAccuracy of detecting answers generated by AI by two senior and two fellow gastroenterologists. Credit:Gastroenterology(2023). DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2

Q&A: ChatGPT answers common patient questions about colonoscopy

by Massachusetts General HospitalAccuracy of detecting answers generated by AI by two senior and two fellow gastroenterologists. Credit:Gastroenterology(2023). DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2
Q and A: Polyps are possible culprits in colon cancer

Q and A: Polyps are possible culprits in colon cancer

by Cynthia WeissCredit: CC0 Public DomainDEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm 46 and had my first colonoscopy last month. The doctor said everything looked good, although he removed a few polyps. Can you explain

Q and A: Polyps are possible culprits in colon cancer

by Cynthia WeissCredit: CC0 Public DomainDEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm 46 and had my first colonoscopy last month. The doctor said everything looked good, although he removed a few polyps. Can you explain
Q&A: Can you make your gut healthier with probiotics?

Q&A: Can you make your gut healthier with probiotics?

by Columbia University Irving Medical CenterCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainTo restore the intestinal balance they are sure they do not have, some people turn to probiotics.But what exactly are

Q&A: Can you make your gut healthier with probiotics?

by Columbia University Irving Medical CenterCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainTo restore the intestinal balance they are sure they do not have, some people turn to probiotics.But what exactly are
Q and A: Advances in screening for colon cancer

Q and A: Advances in screening for colon cancer

by Dr. Johanna Chan, Mayo Clinic News Network, Mayo Clinic News NetworkCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainDEAR MAYO CLINIC: A friend of mine passed away recently after receiving a colon cancer diagnosi

Q and A: Advances in screening for colon cancer

by Dr. Johanna Chan, Mayo Clinic News Network, Mayo Clinic News NetworkCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainDEAR MAYO CLINIC: A friend of mine passed away recently after receiving a colon cancer diagnosi
Q&A: Irritable bowel syndrome and lifestyle modifications

Q&A: Irritable bowel syndrome and lifestyle modifications

by Mayo ClinicCredit: Cliff Booth from PexelsDEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have been diagnosed with a mild case of irritable bowel syndrome, and I talked to my doctor about managing my symptoms without med

Q&A: Irritable bowel syndrome and lifestyle modifications

by Mayo ClinicCredit: Cliff Booth from PexelsDEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have been diagnosed with a mild case of irritable bowel syndrome, and I talked to my doctor about managing my symptoms without med
Q&A: Usage of 'upcycled food' grows in popularity

Q&A: Usage of 'upcycled food' grows in popularity

by Alissa Falcone,Drexel UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainYou might have been eating or creating "upcycled food," but it wasn't until very recently that the term was actually, of

Q&A: Usage of 'upcycled food' grows in popularity

by Alissa Falcone,Drexel UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainYou might have been eating or creating "upcycled food," but it wasn't until very recently that the term was actually, of