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Q&A: Researcher unveils the health risks associated with synthetic fabric dyes

Q&A: Researcher unveils the health risks associated with synthetic fabric dyes

by Maya Lach-Aidelbaum,Concordia UniversitySchematic chart of synthetic dye classification. Credit:Applied Sciences(2021). DOI: 10.3390/app11146255For millennia, humans have used nat

Q&A: Researcher unveils the health risks associated with synthetic fabric dyes

by Maya Lach-Aidelbaum,Concordia UniversitySchematic chart of synthetic dye classification. Credit:Applied Sciences(2021). DOI: 10.3390/app11146255For millennia, humans have used nat
Gender-affirming care in the spotlight: Q&A with Dr. Maddie Deutsch

Gender-affirming care in the spotlight: Q&A with Dr. Maddie Deutsch

by University of CaliforniaDr. Maddie Deutsch, head of the UCSF Gender Affirming Health Program. Credit: University of CaliforniaAt a time when gender-affirming care is in the political spotlight—espe

Gender-affirming care in the spotlight: Q&A with Dr. Maddie Deutsch

by University of CaliforniaDr. Maddie Deutsch, head of the UCSF Gender Affirming Health Program. Credit: University of CaliforniaAt a time when gender-affirming care is in the political spotlight—espe
Q&A: Irritable bowel syndrome and lifestyle modifications

Q&A: Irritable bowel syndrome and lifestyle modifications

by Mayo ClinicCredit: Cliff Booth from PexelsDEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have been diagnosed with a mild case of irritable bowel syndrome, and I talked to my doctor about managing my symptoms without med

Q&A: Irritable bowel syndrome and lifestyle modifications

by Mayo ClinicCredit: Cliff Booth from PexelsDEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have been diagnosed with a mild case of irritable bowel syndrome, and I talked to my doctor about managing my symptoms without med
Q&A: Improvements in HIV care for Black and white men who have sex with men

Q&A: Improvements in HIV care for Black and white men who have sex with men

by Massachusetts General HospitalCredit: CC0 Public DomainKatherine Rich, MD MPH, resident in the MGH Department of Medicine, is the first author of a recentlypublished paperinJ

Q&A: Improvements in HIV care for Black and white men who have sex with men

by Massachusetts General HospitalCredit: CC0 Public DomainKatherine Rich, MD MPH, resident in the MGH Department of Medicine, is the first author of a recentlypublished paperinJ
Q&A: Poison control expert discusses water beads' hidden dangers

Q&A: Poison control expert discusses water beads' hidden dangers

by Patti Zielinski,Rutgers UniversityWater beads in a vase. Credit:Rhododendrites/Wikimedia Commons,CC BY-SAWater beads are tiny, colorful, expanding gel balls often sold as crafts,

Q&A: Poison control expert discusses water beads' hidden dangers

by Patti Zielinski,Rutgers UniversityWater beads in a vase. Credit:Rhododendrites/Wikimedia Commons,CC BY-SAWater beads are tiny, colorful, expanding gel balls often sold as crafts,
Q&A: Expert's book explains why the gut microbiome matters

Q&A: Expert's book explains why the gut microbiome matters

by Corinne Farrell,Imperial College LondonCredit: Penguin LifeAn Imperial surgeon specializing in the gut microbiome has published a new book to explain why it is important for our health.Consul

Q&A: Expert's book explains why the gut microbiome matters

by Corinne Farrell,Imperial College LondonCredit: Penguin LifeAn Imperial surgeon specializing in the gut microbiome has published a new book to explain why it is important for our health.Consul
Q&A: FDA's latest warnings about eye drop contamination—a team of infectious disease experts explain the risks

Q&A: FDA's latest warnings about eye drop contamination—a team of infectious disease experts explain the risks

by Alexander Sundermann and Daria Van Tyne,The ConversationCredit: CC0 Public DomainThe Food and Drug Administration issued a warning in late October 2023urging consumers to avoid purchasi

Q&A: FDA's latest warnings about eye drop contamination—a team of infectious disease experts explain the risks

by Alexander Sundermann and Daria Van Tyne,The ConversationCredit: CC0 Public DomainThe Food and Drug Administration issued a warning in late October 2023urging consumers to avoid purchasi
​  Q&A: Drug overdose deaths remain high—fentanyl test strips may help

​ Q&A: Drug overdose deaths remain high—fentanyl test strips may help

by Samantha Laine Perfas, Harvard GazetteCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe Massachusetts state Senatevoted unanimously to legalize fentanyl test stripsacross the commonwealth earlier th

​ Q&A: Drug overdose deaths remain high—fentanyl test strips may help

by Samantha Laine Perfas, Harvard GazetteCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe Massachusetts state Senatevoted unanimously to legalize fentanyl test stripsacross the commonwealth earlier th
Q&A: Why the top cause of death for women has been ignored

Q&A: Why the top cause of death for women has been ignored

by Cedars-Sinai Medical CenterFundamental changes needed to foster the implementation of inclusive research that addresses gaps in the cardiovascular health of women in the next century. Credit:&

Q&A: Why the top cause of death for women has been ignored

by Cedars-Sinai Medical CenterFundamental changes needed to foster the implementation of inclusive research that addresses gaps in the cardiovascular health of women in the next century. Credit:&
Q and A: rare diseases

Q and A: rare diseases

What is the rare diseases?A rare disease, also referred to as an orphan disease, is a medical condition that affects a small percentage of the population. In most countries, a disease is considered ra

Q and A: rare diseases

What is the rare diseases?A rare disease, also referred to as an orphan disease, is a medical condition that affects a small percentage of the population. In most countries, a disease is considered ra
Q and A: Childhood eczema

Q and A: Childhood eczema

by Cynthia Weiss, Mayo Clinic News NetworkCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainDEAR MAYO CLINIC: My 2-year-old son has a new rash on his arms and back. His doctor said it looks like eczema. He is itching

Q and A: Childhood eczema

by Cynthia Weiss, Mayo Clinic News NetworkCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainDEAR MAYO CLINIC: My 2-year-old son has a new rash on his arms and back. His doctor said it looks like eczema. He is itching
Insider Q&A: Look for telemedicine to play a growing role in your regular care

Insider Q&A: Look for telemedicine to play a growing role in your regular care

by Tom MurphyCredit: AP Illustration/Peter HamlinTelemedicine's early days of handling mostly mild illnesses like sinus infections or pink eye are fading fast.The frontier involves connecting&nbsp

Insider Q&A: Look for telemedicine to play a growing role in your regular care

by Tom MurphyCredit: AP Illustration/Peter HamlinTelemedicine's early days of handling mostly mild illnesses like sinus infections or pink eye are fading fast.The frontier involves connecting&nbsp