The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Thoracic Radiology (STR) 2025 will be held March 1-5, 2025 in Los Angeles.The Society of Thoracic Radiology was founded in 1982 under the leadership of S. David Rockoff, M.D., with the goal of developing an inclusive organization of radiologists interested in and committed to cardiopulmonary radiology. The original goals, which remain the foundation of the Society's ongoing development, include: developing and supporting standards of teaching and practice, promoting research, fostering the exchange of research and ideas, convening meetings for the presentation of papers and discussion, disseminating knowledge, fostering closer collaboration between thoracic radiology and other branches of medicine, and guiding the publication of scientific reports. The current vision and mission statements embody the spirit of these founding principles:The Society of Thoracic Radiology will be the premier cardiothoracic imaging society in the world. Its mission is to advance cardiothoracic imaging through research and education to provide excellent patient care.