produits fixants capillaires et alopécie

Hair fixing products have become a must-have in our hair routine. They help to hold hairstyles in place and add volume to the hair. However, some people wonder if using these hair fixing products causes alopecia? In this answer, we'll look at the possible links between hair fixing products and alopecia, as well as the precautions you can take to protect your hair.

What is a setting product and their ingredients?

What is a fixing product?

A hair fixing product is a substance used to hold hair in place and give it a certain shape or texture. These products can be in the form of lacquers, foams, gels, ointments, waxes, sprays, etc. They are usually applied to the hair to create a desired style, such as a curly, straight, or voluminous hairstyle, or to keep the hair in place throughout the day.

The ingredients of a setting product

Hair fixing products can contain different ingredients, but here are some of the most commonly used ingredients:

  • Polymers

These are substances that help keep the hairstyle in place by forming a film around the hair. The most common polymers used in styling products are polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), sodium polyacrylate, and polyquaternium-11.

  • Alcohols

Ethanol and isopropanol are often used in styling products to help dry hair faster and give a shinier look.

  • Silicones

Silicones are ingredients that help smooth and soften hair. They are often used in styling products to help reduce frizz and make hair look smoother.

  • Thickening agents

They may also contain thickening agents, such as xanthan gum or guar gum, to give the hair more volume.

  • Fragrances

Styling products often contain fragrances to make the hair smell pleasant.


Hair fixing products and alopecia?

When used excessively or incorrectly, can potentially contribute to hair loss or alopecia. However, this depends on several factors such as the quality of the products, the frequency and duration of their use, as well as the overall health of the hair and scalp.

Styling products such as hairsprays, mousses, and gels often contain ingredients that can cause damage to the hair and scalp, such as drying alcohols, polymers, and silicones. Excessive use of these products can lead to a buildup of residue that can clog scalp pores, disrupt the natural balance of oils and moisture, and ultimately contribute to hair loss.

It is important to note that hair loss can also be caused by other factors such as stress, poor diet, hormonal disorders, scalp infections, and certain medications. If you notice excessive or unusual hair loss, it is recommended that you consult a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How to choose and use a hair fixing product?

Hair fixing products and alopecia?

How to use a hair fixing product?

Here are some tips on how to properly use a hair fixing product:

  • Use the product sparingly

Avoid using an excessive amount of hair fixing product, as this can lead to residue build-up and a clogged scalp.

  • Apply the product to clean, damp hair

It is best to apply the product to freshly washed and slightly damp hair. This will allow for a better distribution of the product on the hair and will also prevent excessive accumulation of residue.

  • Select the right product for your hair type

Be sure to select a product that is suitable for your hair type. If you have fine hair, opt for a light mousse or texturizing spray. If you have thick hair, use a styling gel or paste.

  • Avoid touching your hair after application

After applying the fixan-t product, avoid touching your hair. This can undo the hairstyle and cause a build-up of residue.

  • Rinse regularly

It's important to rinse styling products off your hair regularly to prevent residue build-up and to allow your hair to breathe.

  • Avoid sleeping with the product in your hair

It is recommended that you do not sleep with the hair fixing product in your hair, as this can lead to breakage and damage to the hair.

How to choose the right hair fixing product

Here are a few things to consider when choosing the right hair fixing product for your needs:

  • Hair Type

Be sure to choose a hair setting product that is suitable for your hair type. For example, if you have fine hair, opt for a product that offers a light hold to avoid weighing it down. If you have thick hair, you can opt for a product with a stronger hold.

  • Hairstyle Type

Depending on the type of hairstyle you want to achieve, you will need a specific hair fixing product. If you want curls, you can opt for a product that helps define the curls. If you want a smoother style, you can choose a product that helps straighten the hair.

  • Hold & Durability

Check the hold and durability of the hair fixing product you choose. If you want your hairstyle to last all day, opt for a product that offers a strong, long-lasting hold.

  • Ingredients

Check the ingredients of the hair fixing product. Avoid products with ingredients that can cause damage to the hair or scalp, such as drying alcohols or silicones.

  • Brand & Quality

Opt for a reputable and top-quality brand to avoid the risk of hair and scalp damage.


There is no conclusive scientific evidence that hair fixing products cause alopecia. However, excessive or inappropriate use of these products can cause damage to the hair and scalp, which can contribute to hair loss.

Therefore, it is important to follow the recommendations for use and choose high-quality products that are suitable for your hair type to minimize the risk of damage and hair loss. If you experience significant or unusual hair loss, it is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment options.