
  1. What Is Micromotor FUE Method?

  2. How Is The Micromotor FUE Technique Performed?

  3. Advantages Of Micromotor FUE Hair Transplant

  4. Disadvantages Of Micromotor FUE Hair Transplant

What Is Micromotor FUE Method?

FUE ( follicular unit extraction ) is a hair transplantation method which has emerged in the early 2000s. Considered to be the most advanced hair transplantation method, FUE can also be performed using different techniques such as manual punch and micromotor. The techniques differ in terms of the way the grafts are extracted from the donor area. Hair grafts are pieces of skin and hair follicles where there is more than one hair follicle at once. 

Micromotor FUE hair transplant  is considered to be a more efficient variation of the classical FUE method.


The main difference between micromotor and manual punch is the devices used to collects grafts. With a micromotor device, your doctor can easily and fastly take out grafts from scalp skin. With the manual-punch technique, your doctor uses a punch to take out grafts one by one, which is kind of time-saving and tiresome. The automatic micromotor technique is the method of choice because of its advantages such as speed and ease of operation. Other than that, the donor area is the same in both techniques, which is usually the back of the ear or neck as these areas are resistant to DHT hormone, and hence androgenetic alopecia.

How Is The Micromotor FUE Technique Performed?

Micromotor FUE technique is performed more or less the same way as manual punch FUE, with a few but important changes to the graft extraction stage.


Step 1:As in all hair transplant procedures, your doctor will first shave the donor area to easily extract the grafts.  It will be enough to shave the hair in the donor area to a length of 1 mm.

Step 2:Once your hair is shaved, your doctor will numb the areas of operation so that you will not will any pain during the operation. The anesthesia of choice will be local anesthetic. Even though this is a minimally invasive procedure, even the smallest incisions can cause pain to the patient. 

Step 3:Your doctor will now safely collect graft without causing any pain to your scalp skin. They will use some kind of needles called micro punch. Micropunch will loosen your hair follicles and then your doctor will take out grafts one by one by using micropen-set. This device can turn around to not hurt hair follicles. This is a very useful feature as it is very important to keep hair follicles healthy and intact. Your doctor can collect as much as 4000 grafts with the help of the micromotor graft extraction technique.

Step 4:  Your doctor will now open channels to plant the collected grafts. The number of channels should be the same as the number of collected grafts. Even though your doctor will have decided such details as the number of the grafts and channels before the surgery, they may make some changes throughout the operation, if necessary.

Advantages Of Micromotor FUE Hair Transplant

  • The main advantage of the micromotor FUE method is that the hair transplantation procedure can be performed a lot faster. Before the advent of the micromotor device, your doctor had to collect all the grafts one by one, which was quite time-consuming. Both patient and the doctor benefits from the speed of operation because even the easiest operations like hair transplantation can cause the patient to be anxious and the doctor to get tired. Saving time is a big advantage in either case.

  • The number of grafts your doctor can collect in one session is much more than the manual punch method allows. They can take out a total of 4000 grafts via micromotor, whereas your doctor will need to conduct 2 or 3 more sessions to collect such amount of grafts. It is a groundbreaking innovation because bald areas can be covered in a single session. Thus, the patient is free from the need for a second operation, which is both stressful and costly.

  • Another apparent benefit of this technique is that your hair will have quite a natural look to it. The main reason behind it is that your doctor can collect a huge number of grafts in one session and implant them in the bald areas in a way to give your hair density. All in all, we can say that the micromotor technique provides better and more successful results for the hair transplant procedure.


Disadvantages Of Micromotor FUE Hair Transplant

Even though micromotor FUE has quite a lot of advantages due to its innovative structural differences from the other old-fashioned graft extraction techniques, it is not free from downsides. Here are the disadvantages of this technique:

  • First off, since micromotor FUE is an automatic procedure, the surgeon‘s range of motion is limited so they may not intervene in case of a possibility of an error.

  • One of the most obvious disadvantages of the technique is that the micromotor is an electrical device that emits heat, which may eventually pose a risk of damage to the hair follicles. If the hair follicles are damaged by heat, they may not successfully hold on to the scalp skin, which may reduce the overall success of the hair transplant procedure.

  • Apart from the risk of damage to the hair follicles, the heat may also cause damage to the patient’s skin. The manual punch hair transplant method, in this sense, is a lot safer in comparison.

  • The Micromotor method is also costly and is not easy to use. Your doctor should be well trained and have experience in using a micromotor device in hair transplant procedures. Otherwise, the hair transplant procedure will not yield success.

  • With the manual punch method, your doctor has a lot more control over the whole hair transplant procedure and the details about the special conditions of the patient’s hair follicles. Since every patient’s skin and hair follicles differ in many aspects, the surgeon may need to make arrangements throughout the procedure. However, the micromotor technique does not allow the surgeon to make such arrangements as the device collects grafts automatically. However, if the surgeon is well trained and skillful, they may still make the necessary arrangements and gain control over the process with micromotor FUE.