Diabetes & Endocrinology
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Potential new targets identified in advanced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Potential new targets identified in advanced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

by The Mount Sinai HospitalHepatic stellate cells along with their intricate cellular projections (green) are shown wrapped around blood vessels (gray) in the healthy liver. Credit: Wang, et al.,

Potential new targets identified in advanced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

by The Mount Sinai HospitalHepatic stellate cells along with their intricate cellular projections (green) are shown wrapped around blood vessels (gray) in the healthy liver. Credit: Wang, et al.,
How metabolomics could be the newest addition to a forensic pathologist's toolkit

How metabolomics could be the newest addition to a forensic pathologist's toolkit

by Chiba UniversityA. Score and loading plots of PCA. 10 samples from the DM group (red) and 10 samples from the negative (Ng) group (green) are plotted based on 22 ions with statistical significance

How metabolomics could be the newest addition to a forensic pathologist's toolkit

by Chiba UniversityA. Score and loading plots of PCA. 10 samples from the DM group (red) and 10 samples from the negative (Ng) group (green) are plotted based on 22 ions with statistical significance
AI can be used to identify benign thyroid nodules and reduce unnecessary biopsies

AI can be used to identify benign thyroid nodules and reduce unnecessary biopsies

by The Endocrine SocietyCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainArtificial intelligence (AI) can be used to identify thyroid nodules seen on thyroid ultrasound that are very unlikely to be cancerous, re

AI can be used to identify benign thyroid nodules and reduce unnecessary biopsies

by The Endocrine SocietyCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainArtificial intelligence (AI) can be used to identify thyroid nodules seen on thyroid ultrasound that are very unlikely to be cancerous, re
Chitin from crustaceans, insects, mushrooms engages the immune system during digestion

Chitin from crustaceans, insects, mushrooms engages the immune system during digestion

byWashington University School of MedicineCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWho can forget the stomach-churning moments when "Survivor" contestants forced down crunchy insects, among o

Chitin from crustaceans, insects, mushrooms engages the immune system during digestion

byWashington University School of MedicineCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWho can forget the stomach-churning moments when "Survivor" contestants forced down crunchy insects, among o
Hormone profiling could be used to improve survival rates for breast cancer

Hormone profiling could be used to improve survival rates for breast cancer

by RCSI University of Medicine and Health SciencesSurvival analysis of a TMA of primary breast cancer stained immunohistochemically for AR (n = 844). A, Graphical representation of common cut-off poin

Hormone profiling could be used to improve survival rates for breast cancer

by RCSI University of Medicine and Health SciencesSurvival analysis of a TMA of primary breast cancer stained immunohistochemically for AR (n = 844). A, Graphical representation of common cut-off poin
Obesity-related gut damage may worsen asthma symptoms

Obesity-related gut damage may worsen asthma symptoms

by Society for EndocrinologyCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainChanges in gut function caused by weight gain are associated with an increase in asthma severity, according to research to be presented at

Obesity-related gut damage may worsen asthma symptoms

by Society for EndocrinologyCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainChanges in gut function caused by weight gain are associated with an increase in asthma severity, according to research to be presented at
Obesity risk may pass from mothers to daughters

Obesity risk may pass from mothers to daughters

by The Endocrine SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainWomen with obesity may share risk for the disease with their daughters, but not their sons, according to a new study published in theJournal

Obesity risk may pass from mothers to daughters

by The Endocrine SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainWomen with obesity may share risk for the disease with their daughters, but not their sons, according to a new study published in theJournal
Exposure to harmful chemicals in plastic may contribute to postpartum depression

Exposure to harmful chemicals in plastic may contribute to postpartum depression

by The Endocrine SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainEndocrine-disrupting chemicals may influence hormonal shifts during pregnancy as well as contribute to postpartum depression, according to a small

Exposure to harmful chemicals in plastic may contribute to postpartum depression

by The Endocrine SocietyCredit: CC0 Public DomainEndocrine-disrupting chemicals may influence hormonal shifts during pregnancy as well as contribute to postpartum depression, according to a small
Metabolic changes in fat tissue in obesity associated with adverse health effects

Metabolic changes in fat tissue in obesity associated with adverse health effects

by University of HelsinkiCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainA twin study recently completed at the University of Helsinki indicates that the machinery responsible for energy handling in fat tissue

Metabolic changes in fat tissue in obesity associated with adverse health effects

by University of HelsinkiCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainA twin study recently completed at the University of Helsinki indicates that the machinery responsible for energy handling in fat tissue
First-of-its kind hormone replacement treatment shows promise in patient trials

First-of-its kind hormone replacement treatment shows promise in patient trials

byUniversity of BristolBall-and-stick model of the cortisol (hydrocortisone) molecule. Credit: Public DomainA first-of-its kind hormone replacement therapy that more closely replicates the natur

First-of-its kind hormone replacement treatment shows promise in patient trials

byUniversity of BristolBall-and-stick model of the cortisol (hydrocortisone) molecule. Credit: Public DomainA first-of-its kind hormone replacement therapy that more closely replicates the natur
Healthy fat? Transcription factor C/EBPβ positively influences fat storage

Healthy fat? Transcription factor C/EBPβ positively influences fat storage

by Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)Genetically modified mice with increased function of the transcription factor C/EBPβ (b) store excess fat in hyperplastic adipose tissue. O

Healthy fat? Transcription factor C/EBPβ positively influences fat storage

by Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)Genetically modified mice with increased function of the transcription factor C/EBPβ (b) store excess fat in hyperplastic adipose tissue. O
Risk prediction using genes and gut bacteria can improve early detection of diseases like type 2 diabetes

Risk prediction using genes and gut bacteria can improve early detection of diseases like type 2 diabetes

by Tracey Ellis,University of CambridgeCross-validated Ridge logistic regression models for incident (a) CAD, (b) T2D, (c) AD and (d) prostate cancer using gut microbiome composition. The ROC cu

Risk prediction using genes and gut bacteria can improve early detection of diseases like type 2 diabetes

by Tracey Ellis,University of CambridgeCross-validated Ridge logistic regression models for incident (a) CAD, (b) T2D, (c) AD and (d) prostate cancer using gut microbiome composition. The ROC cu