Diabetes & Endocrinology
Focuses on the endocrine system.
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Your sex life doesn't have to suffer during menopause

Your sex life doesn't have to suffer during menopause

by Ann SchreiberOur bodies are a stew of hormones and chemicals and enzymes and all sorts of exotic-sounding ingredients. For many women, this concoction bubbles along happily right through menopause.

Your sex life doesn't have to suffer during menopause

by Ann SchreiberOur bodies are a stew of hormones and chemicals and enzymes and all sorts of exotic-sounding ingredients. For many women, this concoction bubbles along happily right through menopause.
Only walking for exercise? Here's how to get the most out of it

Only walking for exercise? Here's how to get the most out of it

by Ken Nosaka,The ConversationCredit: CC0 Public DomainWe're living longer than in previous generations, withone in eightAustralians aged over 85. But the currentgapb

Only walking for exercise? Here's how to get the most out of it

by Ken Nosaka,The ConversationCredit: CC0 Public DomainWe're living longer than in previous generations, withone in eightAustralians aged over 85. But the currentgapb
Scientists close in on a pain-free method for controlling type 1 diabetes

Scientists close in on a pain-free method for controlling type 1 diabetes

by Vittoria D'Alessio,Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation MagazineCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainLee Calladine pricks his skin with a needle up to eight times a day to give himself a

Scientists close in on a pain-free method for controlling type 1 diabetes

by Vittoria D'Alessio,Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation MagazineCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainLee Calladine pricks his skin with a needle up to eight times a day to give himself a
Closing in on the ultimate quest to regenerate insulin in pancreatic stem cells

Closing in on the ultimate quest to regenerate insulin in pancreatic stem cells

by Baker Heart & Diabetes InstitutePharmacological inhibition of EZH2 catalyzes pancreatic progenitor activation and β-cell maturation. The schematic outlines the progression from pancreatic multi

Closing in on the ultimate quest to regenerate insulin in pancreatic stem cells

by Baker Heart & Diabetes InstitutePharmacological inhibition of EZH2 catalyzes pancreatic progenitor activation and β-cell maturation. The schematic outlines the progression from pancreatic multi
Dietary supplement modifies gut microbiome—potential implications for bone marrow transplant patients

Dietary supplement modifies gut microbiome—potential implications for bone marrow transplant patients

by Molly Chiu,Baylor College of MedicinePlasma metabolites in historic controls versus recipients of RPS. a, UMAP ordination of median-centered plasma metabolite levels revealed four distinct cl

Dietary supplement modifies gut microbiome—potential implications for bone marrow transplant patients

by Molly Chiu,Baylor College of MedicinePlasma metabolites in historic controls versus recipients of RPS. a, UMAP ordination of median-centered plasma metabolite levels revealed four distinct cl
Alcohol consumption may have positive and negative effects on cardiovascular disease risk

Alcohol consumption may have positive and negative effects on cardiovascular disease risk

byTufts UniversityVolcano plot for association of cumulative average alcohol consumption and metabolites. Linear mixed model was performed adjusting for age, sex, batch, smoking status, BMI, phy

Alcohol consumption may have positive and negative effects on cardiovascular disease risk

byTufts UniversityVolcano plot for association of cumulative average alcohol consumption and metabolites. Linear mixed model was performed adjusting for age, sex, batch, smoking status, BMI, phy
Pituitary vasopressin signaling realigns biological clock for jet lag recovery: Study

Pituitary vasopressin signaling realigns biological clock for jet lag recovery: Study

byKyoto UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainJet lag is all in the mind. What exactly lags has more to do with the hypothalamus than the jet.A misalignment of the body'sinternal clock&nb

Pituitary vasopressin signaling realigns biological clock for jet lag recovery: Study

byKyoto UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainJet lag is all in the mind. What exactly lags has more to do with the hypothalamus than the jet.A misalignment of the body'sinternal clock&nb
Research discovers potential new target and drug candidate for Barth syndrome

Research discovers potential new target and drug candidate for Barth syndrome

byUniversity of PittsburghFinal shapshots from simulations of cyt c – membrane interactions and superposition of the conformations of cyt c reached after 100 ns runs. Credit:Nature Metabol

Research discovers potential new target and drug candidate for Barth syndrome

byUniversity of PittsburghFinal shapshots from simulations of cyt c – membrane interactions and superposition of the conformations of cyt c reached after 100 ns runs. Credit:Nature Metabol
Discovering a new metabolic route for liver cancer and paving the way for new therapeutic opportunities

Discovering a new metabolic route for liver cancer and paving the way for new therapeutic opportunities

by The University of Hong KongCredit: The University of Hong KongResearchers from the Department of Pathology, School of Clinical Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (H

Discovering a new metabolic route for liver cancer and paving the way for new therapeutic opportunities

by The University of Hong KongCredit: The University of Hong KongResearchers from the Department of Pathology, School of Clinical Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (H
Cause and cure discovered for common type of high blood pressure

Cause and cure discovered for common type of high blood pressure

by Queen Mary, University of LondonDiscovery ofCADM1somatic mutations in APAs.a, APA of patient P1 as seen on CT scan (yellow arrowhead) and in adrenal tissue (black arrowhead).

Cause and cure discovered for common type of high blood pressure

by Queen Mary, University of LondonDiscovery ofCADM1somatic mutations in APAs.a, APA of patient P1 as seen on CT scan (yellow arrowhead) and in adrenal tissue (black arrowhead).
How the body responds to exercise at the cellular level

How the body responds to exercise at the cellular level

by Katharine Miller,Stanford UniversityGraphical abstract. Credit:Cell Metabolism(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.04.011Researchers have long been fascinated by the possibility that

How the body responds to exercise at the cellular level

by Katharine Miller,Stanford UniversityGraphical abstract. Credit:Cell Metabolism(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.04.011Researchers have long been fascinated by the possibility that
Heart medication improves the efficacy of current treatments for melanoma in mouse models

Heart medication improves the efficacy of current treatments for melanoma in mouse models

byInstitute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)NK-type antitumour lymphocytes are stained in green and tumor cells in blue. Credit: NavarrabiomedA collaborative study undertaken by the N

Heart medication improves the efficacy of current treatments for melanoma in mouse models

byInstitute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)NK-type antitumour lymphocytes are stained in green and tumor cells in blue. Credit: NavarrabiomedA collaborative study undertaken by the N