By Kelly Burch 

 Medically reviewed by Jay N. Yepuri, MD

"Apron belly" is a term commonly used to describe a sagging stomach or skin that hangs from the abdomen. It is medically known as a pannus stomach or an abdominal pannus. This skin flap can appear after pregnancy, during menopause, or from significant weight loss. It is sometimes referred to as mommy belly fat or a menopause apron.

Having a pannus stomach is normal for many people but can also cause discomfort and skin infections. Living comfortably with your pannus stomach can keep you physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. 

Continue reading to learn more about pannus stomach, including nonsurgical options for coping with and possibly reducing it.


What Does a Pannus Stomach Look Like?

A pannus is a flap or pouch of skin and tissue that hangs off the abdomen. The tissue folds over the pelvis, hanging much like an apron does. 

The size of a pannus stomach can vary widely. An abdominal pannus is diagnosed when a flap of skin reaches the pubic hairline. Some apron bellies cover the entire genitals, and a large pannus stomach can even reach to a person’s knees or beyond.1

How a Pannus Stomach Affects the Skin

There also are physical impacts to a pannus stomach. By hanging over the skin of the lower abdomen and pelvis, a pannus stomach creates a skinfold where skin rubs together.

Skinfold areas, including those created by a pannus stomach, can be moist and warm. This can become a breeding ground for bacteria and lead to skin infections, including intertrigo, an itchy rash between skinfolds.

Are There Nonsurgical Options to Get Rid of a Pannus Stomach?

There is no way to lose weight in a specific body part, such as the belly.2 In addition, rapid weight loss—including after pregnancy or weight loss surgery—can contribute to a pannus stomach.3 Eating healthy and moving your body is always important for overall health, but they can't necessarily target one area of the body. 

Some people find that strengthening their core muscles can help the appearance of a pannus stomach. There’s no scientific evidence to support this, but there is a benefit to engaging your core muscles in exercise. 

Overview of Surgical Options

The only surefire way to get rid of a pannus stomach is through surgery. If your pannus stomach is having a big impact on your life—affecting your mobility or leading to recurrent skin infections—your healthcare provider might recommend a panniculectomy. This surgery removes the pannus. 

A panniculectomy is major surgery performed under general anesthesia. Most people are out of work for about four weeks after the surgery, and it can take up to three months for the wounds to heal and the swelling to go away.4

Insurance will often cover the surgery if it’s deemed medically necessary. If there is no medical need for the panniculectomy, you may have to pay out of pocket for the procedure. 

Keep in mind that a panniculectomy can lead to scarring. One study found that patients who underwent the surgery were self-conscious about their scars during the first year postsurgery but had improved body confidence beyond the first year.5

Taking Care of Your Body

Although many want to eliminate their pannus stomach, it can be difficult. Instead of targeting fat loss in your belly, consider ways to reduce your discomfort and your pannus stomach's impact on your life. 

One of the best ways is to find a hygiene routine that works well for your skinfolds. Keeping the pannus clean and dry can lower your risk for painful skin infections or chafing. Some trial and error may be involved in learning to care for the pannus.

Some people like using powder or deodorant to reduce moisture in their pannus stomachs. Others like tummy liners—thin pieces of fabric worn under the pannus stomach to absorb moisture and reduce friction.1 

If the appearance of your pannus stomach causes you stress, look for shapewear and underwear that make you more confident in your appearance. But remember, a pannus stomach is just another body type—not something that needs to be hidden.


Having a pannus stomach, a flap of skin that hangs from the abdomen over the pelvis or even lower is normal. It’s particularly common after major weight loss, pregnancy, or menopause. Although lots of people have a pannus stomach, the fold can lead to emotional distress, impact body confidence, increase risk for rashes and other skin conditions, and even make it difficult to walk in severe cases. 

There are no diets or exercises that can directly target a pannus stomach. Overall weight loss and exercise may help, as can learning to properly care for your pannus stomach. Tummy liners, high-rise underwear, and body shapers may help you stay more comfortable, physically and emotionally. 


UCSF Health. Panniculectomy.

Johns Hopkins Medicine. 8 ways to lose belly fat and live a healthier life.

Gartley, Chris Evans. “Obesity: Skin issues and skinfold management.” American Nurse. June 4, 2020.

MedlinePlus. Panniculectomy. National Library of Medicine.

Gilmartin J, Long AF, Soldin M. Changing body image and well-being: following the experience of massive weight loss and body contouring surgery. Healthcare (Basel). 2014;2(2):150-165. doi:10.3390/healthcare2020150


By Kelly Burch
Kelly Burch is has written about health topics for more than a decade. Her writing has appeared in The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, and more.