Immunology & Rheumatology
Focuses on rheumatic and immune diseases.
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COVID-19 unmasked: Math model suggests optimal treatment strategies

COVID-19 unmasked: Math model suggests optimal treatment strategies

by Massachusetts General HospitalColorized scanning electron micrograph of an apoptotic cell (green) heavily infected with SARS-COV-2 virus particles (yellow), isolated from a patient sample. Ima

COVID-19 unmasked: Math model suggests optimal treatment strategies

by Massachusetts General HospitalColorized scanning electron micrograph of an apoptotic cell (green) heavily infected with SARS-COV-2 virus particles (yellow), isolated from a patient sample. Ima
A new drug promises to lower risks of asthma attack

A new drug promises to lower risks of asthma attack

by Himanshu Kaul,The ConversationCredit: CC0 Public DomainArecent studyshows that a gamechanger drug called Fevipiprantpromises to lower patients' risks of suffering an ast

A new drug promises to lower risks of asthma attack

by Himanshu Kaul,The ConversationCredit: CC0 Public DomainArecent studyshows that a gamechanger drug called Fevipiprantpromises to lower patients' risks of suffering an ast
Arthritis risk linked to obesity may be passed down through generations

Arthritis risk linked to obesity may be passed down through generations

by Jim Dryden,Washington University School of Medicine in St. LouisMultiple generations of mice studied in the lab of Farshid Guilak at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis indi

Arthritis risk linked to obesity may be passed down through generations

by Jim Dryden,Washington University School of Medicine in St. LouisMultiple generations of mice studied in the lab of Farshid Guilak at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis indi
The 'switch' that keeps the immune system from attacking the body

The 'switch' that keeps the immune system from attacking the body

by Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneCredit: CC0 Public DomainA microscopic battle rages in our bodies, as our cells constantly fend off invaders through our immune system: a complex system

The 'switch' that keeps the immune system from attacking the body

by Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneCredit: CC0 Public DomainA microscopic battle rages in our bodies, as our cells constantly fend off invaders through our immune system: a complex system
An AI strategy for identifying new immunotherapy targets

An AI strategy for identifying new immunotherapy targets

by Cleveland ClinicSlowest relaxation timescales estimated by unsupervised AI highlight concerted MHC–peptide dynamics and multiple peptide presentation modes. Credit:Briefings in Bioinform

An AI strategy for identifying new immunotherapy targets

by Cleveland ClinicSlowest relaxation timescales estimated by unsupervised AI highlight concerted MHC–peptide dynamics and multiple peptide presentation modes. Credit:Briefings in Bioinform
ATP from sensory neuron-interneuron crosstalk is key to spreading inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis

ATP from sensory neuron-interneuron crosstalk is key to spreading inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis

by Hokkaido UniversityThe inflammation signal (IL-6 amplifier) in the affected joint (L) causes the secretion of ATP that transmits a signal through the spinal cord (DRG, L5), which in turn trigg

ATP from sensory neuron-interneuron crosstalk is key to spreading inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis

by Hokkaido UniversityThe inflammation signal (IL-6 amplifier) in the affected joint (L) causes the secretion of ATP that transmits a signal through the spinal cord (DRG, L5), which in turn trigg
Screening and treating infections in AIIRD

Screening and treating infections in AIIRD

by European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR)Typical screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV) status include HBsAg, anti-HBcore and anti-HBs. HBsAg-positive patients (HBV carriers) would

Screening and treating infections in AIIRD

by European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR)Typical screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV) status include HBsAg, anti-HBcore and anti-HBs. HBsAg-positive patients (HBV carriers) would
SIV shrugs off antibodies in vaccinated monkeys

SIV shrugs off antibodies in vaccinated monkeys

by Emory UniversityNew research on monkeys vaccinated against HIV's relative SIV calls into question an idea that has driven AIDS vaccine work for years. The assumption: a protective vaccine

SIV shrugs off antibodies in vaccinated monkeys

by Emory UniversityNew research on monkeys vaccinated against HIV's relative SIV calls into question an idea that has driven AIDS vaccine work for years. The assumption: a protective vaccine
Study uncovers novel mechanisms behind food allergies

Study uncovers novel mechanisms behind food allergies

by Melissa Rohman,Northwestern UniversityCredit:Mucosal Immunology(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.mucimm.2023.12.001A recent Northwestern Medicine study has shed light on the mechanisms of a

Study uncovers novel mechanisms behind food allergies

by Melissa Rohman,Northwestern UniversityCredit:Mucosal Immunology(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.mucimm.2023.12.001A recent Northwestern Medicine study has shed light on the mechanisms of a
Korean population study shows increased Parkinson's disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients

Korean population study shows increased Parkinson's disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients

by Justin Jackson , Medical XpressCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainResearch led by Kosin University College of Medicine in Korea has found a correlation between patients with rheumatoid arthritis and

Korean population study shows increased Parkinson's disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients

by Justin Jackson , Medical XpressCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainResearch led by Kosin University College of Medicine in Korea has found a correlation between patients with rheumatoid arthritis and
Positive effects of omega-3 on immune system in cases of severe COVID

Positive effects of omega-3 on immune system in cases of severe COVID

by Karolinska Institutet(A) RT-qPCR analysis of MX1 mRNA expression in WISH cells stimulated with patient serum in the absence (right panel) or presence (middle panel) of exogenous n-3 PUFA (plac

Positive effects of omega-3 on immune system in cases of severe COVID

by Karolinska Institutet(A) RT-qPCR analysis of MX1 mRNA expression in WISH cells stimulated with patient serum in the absence (right panel) or presence (middle panel) of exogenous n-3 PUFA (plac
Possible new biomarker for better detection of numerous inflammatory diseases

Possible new biomarker for better detection of numerous inflammatory diseases

by Kiel UniversityTryptophan concentrations in the blood were significantly reduced in 9 of 13 chronic inflammatory diseases examined. Credit: S. Klahn, Exzellenzcluster PMITryptophan is an essen

Possible new biomarker for better detection of numerous inflammatory diseases

by Kiel UniversityTryptophan concentrations in the blood were significantly reduced in 9 of 13 chronic inflammatory diseases examined. Credit: S. Klahn, Exzellenzcluster PMITryptophan is an essen