How does vaccination thwart pneumococcal infection? Animal model uncovers 'capture and kill' scenario
by Delthia Ricks , Medical XpressRepresentative IVM imaging of vaccine-activated capture of ST865 pneumococci in the liver sinusoids. Pneumococci, green; KCs, red; ECs, cyan; neutrophils, magenta. Cre
Updated on: March 07,2024
How does vaccination thwart pneumococcal infection? Animal model uncovers 'capture and kill' scenario
by Delthia Ricks , Medical XpressRepresentative IVM imaging of vaccine-activated capture of ST865 pneumococci in the liver sinusoids. Pneumococci, green; KCs, red; ECs, cyan; neutrophils, magenta. Cre
Updated on:March 07,2024