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Making appropriate and reasonable use of sunlight is crucial for maintaining good health.

1, Beneficial for Bone Health
When ultraviolet rays come into contact with the skin, the body produces active vitamin D, which improves bone metabolism and helps maintain healthy bones.

2, Improves Age-Related Diseases
In December 2023, a research team from Shandong Second Medical University published a study in PLOS ONE indicating that light therapy can enhance sleep and mental behavior symptoms in Alzheimer’s patients.

3, Enhances Sleep
Limited daytime activity and minimal sun exposure can disrupt normal rhythms and affect sleep quality. It is recommended to follow the natural daylight cycle, get more sun exposure during the day to boost alertness, and engage in relaxing activities 1-2 hours before bedtime to wind down both physically and mentally.

4, Controls Blood Sugar
A study presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Hamburg revealed that sun exposure can better regulate blood sugar levels, normalize metabolism, and help prevent and treat type 2 diabetes and obesity.

5, Regulates Mood
Sunlight acts as the body's "happiness switch," improving mood and reducing stress and anxiety. Lack of sun exposure increases melatonin secretion, making one feel drowsy, while inhibiting the production of serotonin, the "happy hormone," which can lead to depression. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) due to shorter days and reduced sunlight is common.Light therapy is a first-line treatment for SAD in clinical guidelines, effectively alleviating depressive symptoms.

6, People with lower levels of vitamin D are at a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

Getting appropriate sunlight can help activate vitamin D, which reduces inflammation in the body and supports vascular health.

Here’s your "sunlight prescription": Extended exposure to sunlight can speed up skin aging, but daily sun protection doesn't conflict with getting some sun each day. Spending about 20 minutes in the sun daily can be more beneficial for your health.

When it comes to sunbathing, it's important to do it in moderation, at the right time, and appropriately. To enjoy healthy and scientific sun exposure, keep these points in mind:

Here’s your "sunlight prescription":
Extended exposure to sunlight can speed up skin aging, but daily sun protection doesn't conflict with getting some sun each day. Spending about 20 minutes in the sun daily can be more beneficial for your health.

When it comes to sunbathing, it's important to do it in moderation, at the right time, and appropriately. To enjoy healthy and scientific sun exposure, keep these points in mind:

1.Tailoring Sun Exposure Based on Shadow Length
The ideal sun exposure varies by latitude, altitude, and season. You can gauge it by the length of your shadow.
When your shadow is twice your height or more, UV levels are relatively safe.
■ If the shadow is between 1 to 2 times your height, limit sun exposure to around 20 minutes for safety.
■ A shadow shorter than your height indicates high UV levels that could harm your skin within 30 minutes.


2.Most People Only Need 20-30 Minutes of Sun
Children might need less, while older adults could use more time, but generally, it's best to keep it under 30 minutes to avoid sunburn.
People living at high altitudes or in low-oxygen environments might need to extend their sun exposure to 30-60 minutes daily due to increased bone density loss from oxygen deficiency.

3.Outdoor Sunlight is Best
Studies show that UV rays needed for health benefits penetrate less than 50% through window glass. At a distance of 4 meters from the window, only 2% of outdoor UV rays reach you. Therefore, if you must be indoors, open the windows to let direct sunlight touch your skin.

4.Summer Shorts and Short Sleeves; Winter Expose Hands
Generally, torso skin is more sensitive to sunlight than limbs, and upper limbs are more sensitive than lower limbs.
Facial skin is thin and needs protection, but thicker skin on the back of the hands and extremities (arms and legs) is well-suited for UV exposure.

5.Pay Attention to Your Diet
Some foods and medications can increase or decrease skin sensitivity to light.


Photosensitive foods and drugs include amaranth, celery, spinach, lettuce, mustard greens, buckwheat, lemons, mangos, thiazide diuretics, and traditional Chinese medicine like psoralen. These can heighten skin sensitivity to sunlight, causing photodermatitis in susceptible individuals.


"Sun-protective" foods like kiwis, strawberries, tomatoes, papayas, nuts, barley, and green tea offer varying degrees of protection against harmful UV rays; consuming them can benefit your skin.