Reproductive goals vary after spontaneous abortion

(HealthDay)—Women have varying reproductive goals after spontaneous abortion but are generally receptive to contraceptive counseling, according to a study published online March 8 in Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Rachel Flink-Bochacki, M.D., M.P.H., from the University of Pittsburgh, and colleagues conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with 26 women who recently experienced spontaneous abortion. Coders used an inductive, iterative approach to code transcripts and identify themes.

Of the women interviewed, 54 percent were trying to conceive, 27 percent were not trying but not preventing, and 19 percent were attempting to avoid pregnancy. The researchers found that participants varied in their feelings about the pregnancy diagnoses and eventual miscarriages, with some relatively unemotional and others devastated by their losses. Across the range of initial pregnancy intentions, the character and intensity of emotional reactions varied. Some of the participants had consistent plans for childbearing before and after miscarriage, while others changed their goals based on their experiences of pregnancies and losses. After spontaneous abortion, family planning needs were inconsistently addressed; women were generally receptive to the idea of contraceptive counseling, although they had different preferences regarding timing.

"Women's reproductive goals after spontaneous abortion cannot be inferred based on initial pregnancy intention or emotional reactions to pregnancy loss," the authors write.

More information: Abstract/Full Text (subscription or payment may be required)

Journal information: Obstetrics & Gynecology