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Visual prosthesis simulator offers a glimpse into the future

Visual prosthesis simulator offers a glimpse into the future

by Netherlands Institute for NeuroscienceHow does a visual prosthesis work? Credit: Charlotte Daemen, Netherlands Institute for NeuroscienceIn collaboration with their colleagues at the Donders I

Visual prosthesis simulator offers a glimpse into the future

by Netherlands Institute for NeuroscienceHow does a visual prosthesis work? Credit: Charlotte Daemen, Netherlands Institute for NeuroscienceIn collaboration with their colleagues at the Donders I

Por qué a veces nos titila o parpadea un ojo?

Por qué a veces nos titila o parpadea un ojo?Las causas de este común fenómeno son multifactoriales, aunque está fuertemente relacionado con el estilo de vida actual. En la inmensa mayoría de casos, n

Las 18 partes del ojo humano (y sus funciones)

Las 18 partes del ojo humano (y sus funciones)Los ojos están formados por distintas estructuras que, trabajando de forma perfectamente sincronizada, permiten la funcionalidad de uno de los sentidos má
Revitalizing vision: Metabolome rejuvenation can slow retinal degeneration

Revitalizing vision: Metabolome rejuvenation can slow retinal degeneration

byColumbia University Irving Medical CenterDifferent stages of retina degeneration in two people with RP. Credit: Photos provided by Stephen Tsang.Gene therapy may be the best hope for curing re

Revitalizing vision: Metabolome rejuvenation can slow retinal degeneration

byColumbia University Irving Medical CenterDifferent stages of retina degeneration in two people with RP. Credit: Photos provided by Stephen Tsang.Gene therapy may be the best hope for curing re
New technology offers promising treatment for ischemic retinopathy

New technology offers promising treatment for ischemic retinopathy

by JooHyeon Heo,Ulsan National Institute of Science and TechnologyContribution of TRAP1 to the development of ischemic retinopathy. (A) Schematic for the experimental procedures of OIR mice. B)

New technology offers promising treatment for ischemic retinopathy

by JooHyeon Heo,Ulsan National Institute of Science and TechnologyContribution of TRAP1 to the development of ischemic retinopathy. (A) Schematic for the experimental procedures of OIR mice. B)
Public release of AI to estimate biological sex from fundus images

Public release of AI to estimate biological sex from fundus images

by Research Organization of Information and SystemsEstimation accuracy of the sex estimation AI model developed this time (bar basis: file size of model). Credit: NIIThe Japanese Ophthalmological Soci

Public release of AI to estimate biological sex from fundus images

by Research Organization of Information and SystemsEstimation accuracy of the sex estimation AI model developed this time (bar basis: file size of model). Credit: NIIThe Japanese Ophthalmological Soci
Progress in the diagnosis of systemic diseases based on ophthalmic imaging artificial intelligence technology

Progress in the diagnosis of systemic diseases based on ophthalmic imaging artificial intelligence technology

by Sichuan International Medical Exchange and Promotion AssociationInterconnections between the eye and systemic health. This schematic illustrates the correlations between the eye's blood vessels

Progress in the diagnosis of systemic diseases based on ophthalmic imaging artificial intelligence technology

by Sichuan International Medical Exchange and Promotion AssociationInterconnections between the eye and systemic health. This schematic illustrates the correlations between the eye's blood vessels

Cómo deshacerse de un orzuelo (7 consejos eficaces)

Cómo deshacerse de un orzuelo (7 consejos eficaces)Los orzuelos son protuberancias causadas por bacterias, que producen inflamación y aparecen en el borde del párpado. Aunque suelen desaparecer en uno
AI breakthrough in detecting leading cause of childhood blindness

AI breakthrough in detecting leading cause of childhood blindness

by University College LondonOn the left, a photograph of the left retina of a neonate (newborn infant) with retinopathy of prematurity. The image on the right has an overlaid saliency map generat

AI breakthrough in detecting leading cause of childhood blindness

by University College LondonOn the left, a photograph of the left retina of a neonate (newborn infant) with retinopathy of prematurity. The image on the right has an overlaid saliency map generat