23rd August 2016 Plastic surgery, Scientific Discovery
Having a cosmetic surgery is a personal choice for people to improve their facial and body contour. Reconstructive technology has resulted in a medical breakthrough following new and innovative methods as well as using safe materials. The entire procedure today is far more refined, accessible and individualised due to latest discoveries during the last few years that are utterly beneficial. The use of an endoscope in facial rejuvenation is perhaps a major leap in plastic surgery.
A word on “Endoscopy” & surgical procedure
The endoscope is a device mounting a small camera that can be inserted in a human skin through a tiny cut to view underlying tissues of which images are displayed on a connected display screen. It’s a common instrument used by many orthopaedic surgeons during observations and operations so many people out there are well aware of how it’s used.
Although not so recent in tech advancement, it’s surely an addition to the cosmetic surgery allowing surgeons to master brow lifts by applying numerous small cuts to the scalp. Patients who complain about mid face and jowl sagging instead of excess skin, surgery can be performed by making tiny cuts under the lower eyelid and the scalp for a perfect face-lift.
The age factor
Medical experts exclaimed that patients in their 30s and 40s with an even skin tone are an ideal specimen for this type of surgical procedure. However, recovery time is longer as compared to the common facelifts due to persistent swelling that may last for several weeks. The outcome is far better whereas the innovative procedure allows surgeons to perform the surgery on younger patients as well.
Different areas of the cosmetic procedures
In the following years, the tech development associated with cosmetic procedures laid an impact on associated fields such as liposuction, breast and lip augmentation as well as Rhinoplasty (nose reshaping). Fat grafting procedure is a growing trend nowadays in breast augmentation, however, it hasn’t yet surpassed breast implants.
Use of radiofrequency for removal of damaged tissue through safe and smooth procedure is another leap. The tumescent technique of liposuction redefined the way patients dispose of excess fat tissues throughout the body. Following the procedure, surgeons inflate fat and soft tissues through local anaesthesia, adrenaline and salt to reduce blood loss as compared to traditional liposuction.
Doctors also anticipated liposuction and ultrasound procedures would further bring outstanding results allowing surgeons to exploit technology at its best. A new form of liposuction gained approval in 2007 known as SmartLipo in which results can be achieved by just a small incision in patient’s body. Rest of fat removal is achieved by exposure of small laser fibre inserted through this tiny incision. The process is far safe, effective and bearing long-lasting results as compared to older liposuction techniques.
The use of laser in skin resurfacing is another best use of the technology with which carbon dioxide lasers are used by plastic surgeons. It helps in healing wrinkles, around the eyelids and mouth with less tissue degeneration.
The above technological innovation pretty much defined how plastic surgery has improved over the years and much is there to achieve!
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