Deafness is a condition in which the hearing diminishes or disappears; currently there are few procedures to treat because it often is irreversible. Also, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease globally affects 360 million people.

In response, Oscar Omar Solis Castro, who is on his doctorate in biomedical sciences at the University of Sheffield, England, uses stem cells derived from dental pulp for use in the regeneration of sensory neurons in the ear that are damaged and thus return the hearing to deaf people.

Obtained from clinics, dental pieces are performed after an opening for removing the inner part called pulp, which, once removed is placed in a culture dish; there proliferate by themselves cells obtained tooth by generating different conditions suitable for their survival, as the regulation of certain levels of moisture, oxygen, supply of serum and nutrient solution called DMM, containing sugars, vitamins and amino acids.

He also master in biomedical sciences and regenerative medicine at the same university, said that once completed this process, specific markers found in the cells of the ear, ie, a molecular analysis of these is identified and compared with the dental order to find and then study their similar characteristics.

The graduate biologist at UNAM mentioned that the solutions used to ensure that the cells are stimulated and achieve be sensory are established protocols, in other words, substances such as NT3 and BN10, which are natural factors that promote the appearance of neurons during development embryonic.

At this time it is evaluated in the laboratory at the University of Sheffield which component can make dental enough cells to become sensory neurons are stimulated. "The research tries to mimic the innate steps in which a neuron is generated," added Solis Castro.

To tell the expert, the project is right road and is advanced. "In making assessments of the molecular profile of the cells obtained was it detected that has already induced the emergence of genes and proteins that are only expressed in sensory neurons, indicating that the cells we use have the potential to be" stressed the investigator.

As part of the experiment is planned to make an analysis to assess the electrophysiology of the cells obtained, which is to understand its electrical activity.

On the other hand, the expert in regenerative medicine said his research came from previous work in which his advisers mastery induced deafness in an animal destroying their auditory neurons, then injected directly into his ear auditory neurons that they created from embryonic stem cells. After a period of time was evaluated his hearing ability and found that the animal resumed.

The mexican told that the idea is to improve the protocol of that work to make it more efficient and generate greater number of sensory neurons that can engage in the treatment of other disorders.

The development does not seek patentable, as it is intended that the results are within the reach of every human being. Currently the research is conducted at the University of Sheffield England.