
One of the most common hair problems in any generation is alopecia areata. It is a common hair problem that can occur in both men and women, from adults to infants. Many people are surprised to discover hair loss the size of a coin without warning. In most cases, the hair will grow back after a while, but until then, it is still a concern.

In this article, we will introduce the causes of alopecia areata, what to do when it occurs, and how to prevent recurrence.

Causes of alopecia areata

Alopecia areata, in which a coin-sized hair loss occurs, is most often caused suddenly in only one place, and is called a single shot. In the first place, hair is born from the hair follicles in the scalp and the hair matrix (hair matrix cells and pigment producing cells) in the scalp. In particular, hair matrix cells produce the hair itself, and pigment-producing cells produce hair colors such as black.

However, alopecia areata is a condition in which the hair follicles and hair matrix are damaged for some reason and can not produce hair temporarily.

Alopecia areata is sometimes said to be caused by endocrine disorders and autonomic neuropathy, but it is now pointed out that it is mainly an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease is a condition in which the immune system, which is supposed to protect the body, attacks a part of the body.

In many cases, alopecia areata is caused by the attack of the hair follicles and hair matrix by one's own immunity. However, since it is mostly temporary, if left untreated, this attack will subside, and the hair follicle and hair matrix will start the cycle of hair growth again.

Causes of autoimmune diseases


Autoimmune diseases are said to be more likely to occur due to physical stress such as mental stress, viral infection, and overwork.

In addition, the influence of allergies has been pointed out as another cause. Allergy is a symptom in which an overreaction to an external foreign substance (allergen such as pollen or dust) causes the immune system to attack itself together with the foreign substance.

Multiple forms of alopecia areata

In most cases, alopecia areata is a one-off symptom with only one part, but there is also a type of alopecia areata called multiple alopecia areata that can occur in two or more places. If the hair loss is connected or if alopecia areata occurs in places other than the head, such as the arms and shins, it is severe polyalopecia areata.

In addition, although it is rare, it may progress to alopecia, which is said to be a full-head type in which only the hair on the head falls out.


Let's take measures from the inside and outside of the body


 It is possible to reduce the risk of alopecia areata by improving the body's nutritional status, reducing stress, and improving the condition of the scalp. Recommended measures and prevention methods are as follows.

Scalp massage

Massage is a typical way to improve the condition of the scalp. When shampooing, etc., use the pad of your finger with a force that is not too strong. Be careful not to rub too hard or erect your nails at this time, as this will damage your scalp.

In addition, leaving shampoo, conditioner, and conditioner when rinsing can cause bacteria to increase on the scalp, so it is recommended to rinse carefully.

Change shampoo

Alopecia areata is also closely related to allergies. It is also possible that shampoos and hair conditioners are causing allergies, so switching to other or hypoallergenic ones is one of the measures.

Improving eating habits

Changing your diet is also important for maintaining the health of your hair. Hair is mainly made up of proteins such as keratin, so it is a good idea to actively consume soy products such as tofu and natto, as well as eggs. Minerals such as vitamins and zinc are also important factors, so it is recommended to eat a well-balanced diet of green and yellow vegetables and meat.

Moderate exercise

Actively incorporate exercise to relieve mental and physical stress. Light exercise such as walking and walking can relieve stress and improve blood circulation throughout the body. If you incorporate exercise into your life to the extent that you enjoy it, you will be able to continue for a long time.


Alopecia areata is a condition that occurs when the hair follicles and hair matrix are attacked by their own immunity. Since the hair follicles and hair matrix are not lost, the hair will grow back once the immune attack subsides.

Review your scalp condition and lifestyle habits, and even if alopecia areata occurs, don't think about it too much and spend your time feeling comfortable.