
A person with healthy and beautiful hair is everyone's dream, and to be able to have abundant hair that we can show off. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, there are circumstances in which our hair is affected and one of them is diffuse alopecia. This type of baldness exponentially compromises the abundance of our hair and makes it poor and unkempt.

Alopecia is a type of hair loss, permanently or temporarily, studying the cases, there are different types of baldness, and diffuse alopecia is one of them. If you suspect that you are suffering from this condition, you should continue to read and know all about this condition.

What is diffuse alopecia?

It is the loss of hair in a progressive manner, due to a disease that produces a miniaturization or a gradual decrease of the hair follicle, causing hair. It is a reduction in the volume of the hair, and during this process, the hair dries out and becomes straighter and thinner. This causes a gradual loss of hair density and it affects the entire head.

Diffuse alopecia is a kind of hair loss that occurs when the hair follicle gradually miniaturizes, this loss of volume will be general, but in this condition there is no flaking, irritation or inflammation of the scalp, because as the hair becomes weakening and thinning, the scalp remains the same without any obvious effect. This disease affects both men and women, so it is possible to recover the hair once the cause of its appearance is attacked

Who is affected by this condition?

Previously, we have studied the types of alopecia, but it affects more than one sex than another, but in this case there is no difference between the sexes, in the case of diffuse alopecia, it affects men and women equally, being the same causes and symptoms in both cases. This type of baldness usually appears after the age of 30. However, there are cases where teens can suffer from it. For a doctor, it is very important to identify the causes and effects given that the symptoms are clear and obvious, so much so that he allows himself to let the patient know his condition, being clear that the only goal is to know the causes in order to fight the problem effectively.

How to recognize diffuse alopecia?

Losing a certain amount of hair every day is normal. But when you suffer from diffuse alopecia, your hair falls out more. Volume is also lost and you can see light parts in different places on the head.

When you suffer from this type of alopecia, the hair becomes smoother, thinner, and dry, this type includes different types of alopecia that can correspond to various causes, and this is a symptom that you need to take into account. Then it starts to fall off and you may find that you have less and less of it. It's not localized baldness.

Everyone's hair falls out every day, which doesn't mean it's a disease. This is simply a natural process, it is estimated that more than 100 hairs can be lost per day. And as the remaining one thins, the feeling of baldness is accentuated and you won't see completely clear areas on your scalp, this is one of the clearest signs. Diffuse baldness, loses volume in the hair, not in specific areas. If you see this happening to you, you may be suffering from this condition

Symptoms of diffuse alopecia

  • Weakening of the hair strand, it should not be forgotten that we should not fall into the hands of a state of stress or depression.

  • Hair that becomes smooth, dry and loses volume.

  • You will notice a greater amount of hair residue on the brush, clothes, and pillow.

  • Very noticeable loss of volume in all hairs but not in specific areas.

  • Bright areas all over the head. Sign of diffuse alopecia

Diffuse alopecia causes

Prevention is complicated given the multiple causes that can cause diffuse alopecia. It is recommended to regularly eat a healthy diet and exercise is also convenient in this case, but in itself they cannot avoid this disorder, knowing that there are several causes behind this type of alopecia, among which we have:

  • Existence of certain intestinal diseases, liver or kidney failure.

  • The hormonal alterations that occur during pregnancy and after childbirth, either through the use of contraceptives or during menopause, in fact, in the case of women, this is the time with the most diagnoses of diffuse alopecia. It is at these times in a woman's life that this type of baldness is most diagnosed.

  • Hereditary thyroid problems, it is the gland that is linked to the production of hormones and that is why when it does not function properly, it can cause hair loss. Normally, in people over the age of 60, baldness occurs when the thyroid stops producing enough hormones to prevent hair loss.

  • Lack of minerals and nutrients causes serious eating disorders or unhealthy diets, an unbalanced diet low in protein, vitamins and minerals will lead to hair health in the lack of essential nutrients.

  • There are situations in life that will only give us stress and anxiety, also depression, or workplace situations such as job loss, family situations with the death of a loved one, deep problems with children, all of these can cause the hair to start to lose.

  • Another cause can be the use of medications or medications that stimulate hair loss, such as antidepressants, contraceptives, anti-inflammatories, and some cardiological beta-blockers, which can generate hair weakness and the resulting hair loss.

  • The use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy would normally be a case.

  • Trauma, surgeries.

  • Poor hair hygiene. The use of unsuitable products. Chemicals and excessive heat can also damage the scalp and cause hair loss.

Diagnosis of diffuse baldness?

The first thing to do is to observe if the symptoms are present on the scalp, after determining the existence, you should consult a specialist doctor to check if there is a case of androgenetic alopecia, if it is telogen effluvium, which is the form of diffuse alopecia, or if both occur at the same time.

Then, the cause of diffuse baldness must be determined in order to apply the indicated treatment, because in order for the doctor to be assisted, it is not recommended not to self-medicate

Is diffuse alopecia reversible?

There are some cases of alopecia such as androgenetic and areate, where it is impossible to recover the hair. But when it comes to diffuse alopecia, it doesn't have to be permanent. In other words, hair loss is very important, but also the fact that the hair becomes thinner makes the feeling of baldness more visible and noticeable.

Although in some cases it can be permanent or semi-permanent, in most of them it is reversible or curable. Once the disorder or disease that causes hair loss is overcome, it can grow back, the great chance is that telogen effluvium does not cause irreversible damage to the hair follicle. And this is recoverable, which doesn't happen with other types of alopecia.

When it is temporary, it does not require specific treatment. But if necessary care gives strength to the scalp and hair that regenerates.

In most cases, the problem in diagnosing diffuse alopecia is to determine if it is one of the two most common causes of hair loss in the female population, this diffuse alopecia can be cured and return to the previous situation as it does cause irreversible damage. Treatment depends on the cause. The identification of this was essential to be able to start an effective dermatological treatment in a short time.

Treatments for diffuse alopecia when it is permanent

There are far fewer cases in which this type of alopecia is permanent, it is recommended to use a soft brush to stimulate your scalp every morning and evening, and to educate yourself and find out what treatments exist to solve this problem. In any case, the hair does not recover. But it is possible to stop the loss of the same and make the hair last longer.

  • Antiandrogens: such as finasteride. It acts on the follicular root, reversing alopecia and recovering the damage caused.

  • Minoxidil: It is a foam or liquid that is applied to the scalp, to achieve thickening and strengthening of the hair and stop hair loss.

  • Dutasteride micro injections: the anti-androgen molecule is directly infiltrated into the scalp. There should be between 2 and 4 sessions per year.

  • Platelet-rich plasma: Blood is drawn from the person with alopecia. It is centrifuged to isolate the portion containing platelet-derived growth factors. Finally, it seeps into the scalp.

Treatment of diffuse alopecia when reversible

The cause of diffuse alopecia is reversible, once the problem is gone, the hair will begin to regenerate in about six months. It is important to maintain a healthy diet and very good hair hygiene.