Exfoliating the sebum off your scalp is just as important as exfoliating the gunk off your face.

Some individuals have so much sebum built up on their scalp that it prevents their topical hair loss treatments from being absorbed properly.

When it comes to topical antiandrogens, topical PGD2 inhibitors, growth agonists like Minoxidil, or anything that requires some sort of delivery system, if there is something sitting on your scalp like sebum or dandruff, you may not even be absorbing your topicals properly and getting them delivered where they need to go.

If you take something orally, it’s not rocket science, everyone’s capable of popping the same pill.

But, when it comes to topical application, there are some factors that come into play that are often overlooked.

One of them is the porosity of your scalp tissue itself.

In addition to that, general gunk and sebum buildup.

Sebum is something that most people are not removing from their scalp effectively.

If you have a layer of crap sitting on your scalp, whatever you put on your head for hair loss prevention is probably not going to get where it needs to go to work properly.

This is why I recommend exfoliating your scalp once per week with a fine sea salt scrub.

How To Exfoliate Sebum Off Your Scalp

The sea salt scrub acts as an effective exfoliator.

When you are in the shower, all you need to do is pour enough into your hand to get full coverage of the top of your wet scalp, and then massage/exfoliate the sea salt over your scalp to peel the sebum, dead skin, and other accumulated gunk off your scalp.

Sometimes, the difference between a topical treatment working or not comes down to application technique, the vehicle being used, or sebum build up not being accounted for.

Clean your scalp properly to maximize the absorption of your topicals.