18th February 2017  Diseases and ConditionsHair Health


Hair loss is a growing concern among men and women today and people living in the IT hub –Pune are also not spared from the worry. There are several reasons that can cause hair loss. Sometimes hair loss can be a temporary response to an operation that you have undergone or due to high fever causing the hair to fall out. In such cases, you may not worry as the hair may grow back after some time. 

Hair loss can also be an inherited trait, in which case you may have to take precautions and delay the loss. Another major reason of hair loss may be nutritional or medical imbalance. In such cases, it is advisable that you seek medical help at the earliest.


Pune is a metropolitan city and houses several IT giants. Young IT professionals work for long hours, giving them little or no time to take care of their hair, skin and general health. This causes a lot of stress which in turn can cause hair loss. 

It can be embarrassing for young people to lose hair and go bald. To tackle this issue, several people are resorting to hair transplant in Pune. Unlike the traditional hair transplant methods, today’s methods are safe, hygienic, reasonably priced and result oriented. Therefore, hair transplant in Pune has become highly popular among the youth.

Hypertension And Hair Loss


In addition to hereditary and nutritional deficiency related to hair loss, medication induced hair loss can be a big blow to an individual’s self esteem. The severity of the hair loss varies from one person to another and in most of the cases the hair loss is reversible once the medications are stopped.

The hair cycle comprises of a growing phase (anagen), a transitional phase (catagen) followed by a resting phase (telogen) and shedding phase (exogen). The hair grows and falls randomly which is why daily hair loss goes unnoticed. However, when the hair enters the telogen phase earlier than normal, excess hair thinning and shedding can occur.


When a person uses anti- hypertensive medications, it interferes with the normal hair cycle and makes the hair enter the resting phase early. This causes the hair to fall out, resulting in hair loss. The hair loss becomes noticeable after about 3-4 months of taking the medications.  Consult a physician to get respite from the situation. He may change the drug or stop it completely keeping in mind the seriousness of the blood pressure. 

Another method of covering hair thinning is with the help of hair transplant in Pune. It is a surgical method of transplanting hair from a donor area to the balding area. It is one the most successful method of restoring hair.  However, it is recommended that you select a reputed hair clinic in Pune and avoid falling prey to inexperienced and cheap hair transplant treatments.

Whether it is inherited, medication induced or stress related hair loss, a trichologist will be able to calculate your hair loss accurately and diagnose the root cause of the problem.

Author’s bio: This article was written by Ricky Martin for Sound Health Doctor.