
"For some reason, hair doesn't always grow from a part of my head" The symptom may be "cicatricial alopecia". Cicatricial alopecia is a condition in which some kind of damage damages the hair follicles, the tissues that grow hair, preventing hair from growing.

In this article, we will thoroughly cover the causes of scarring alopecia, explain its treatment, and how to cover it yourself. If you are worried about the part of the hair that does not grow on the part of the head, please read on.

What is cicatricial alopecia? Its mechanism and symptoms


Cicatricial alopecia is caused by scarring on your skin.

Even in places where there are scars, if the skin is in a normal state, there are "hair follicles", and cell division occurs from hair matrix cells, which are tissues that grow hair, and they grow as "hair". When the skin becomes scarring, the hair follicles break down and cannot perform their original function, resulting in hair growth disorders.

What is a scar? What kind of status?

In a nutshell, a scar is a scar.

If the skin is damaged due to injury, the injured area will usually recover and the skin will return to its original condition. However, due to differences in the manner and depth of the injury, as well as differences in recovery ability due to individual differences, it refers to a condition that cannot be repaired and remains as a wound.

In general, it seems that scarring tends to be more likely when damage occurs above the dermal reticular layer.

What causes scarring alopecia?

As mentioned above, the cause of scarring alopecia is that the cells that grow hair do not function due to scarring of the tissue. In other words, if there is a cause of tissue damage, it can be scar alopecia.

・ Injuries
, burns,
scars, etc. followed by scarring can occur in general.

In addition, if it is concomitant with the disease,
, cutaneous lupus erythematosus
malignancy, etc.

There is also a disease called "primary cicatricial alopecia", which is a disease in which the part of the hair follicle where hair grows becomes inflamed, and the hair follicle is damaged.

How to treat cicatricial alopecia? Should I go to a dermatologist?


In the case of scarring alopecia, which is secondary to the disease or caused by the disease itself, it is necessary to treat and control the causative disease.

However, if injuries, burns, or acne scars occur continuously, treatment is performed by approaching the scarred tissue itself. If you are going to try insurance treatment, it is best to consider seeing a dermatologist first.

If it is difficult to deal with dermatology, it is like stepping up to a plastic surgery that requires surgical treatment, or a hospital that offers free medical treatment in some cases.

When it comes to free medical treatment, the cost can be high in some cases. Be sure to consider "how far you want to go" and make an estimate of the cost.

Treatment covered by insurance

In the treatment of scarring alopecia, hair will not grow back if the function of the hair follicle is completely lost.

Therefore, when you see signs of symptoms, see a doctor and start treatment. If the hair is no longer growing due to burns or infections, we will use a treatment (such as steroids or antifungals) depending on the cause to try to recover the tissue before the hair follicle is damaged.

If the tissue is completely scarred and the function of the hair follicle is lost, "suture surgery" is performed to remove the scarred tissue and sew normal skin together. It is a method of making the area where hair does not grow as inconspicuous as possible by surgery.

However, in the case of this surgery, there is a limit to the size of the area that can be sewn, so it may be difficult to adapt if the range is wide.

Treatment at free medical treatment

In cases of scarring with a wide area, or when it is difficult to form a new scar due to stitching surgery, "autologous hair transplantation" is performed. Basically, hair transplantation is a free medical treatment.

In the hair transplant procedure that has been performed for a long time, transplanting tissue with hair not only leaves a new scar, but also causes a lot of pain and discomfort at the graft site, which is painful.

However, in recent years, hair transplant technology has also evolved, making it possible to recover tissue more naturally. Damaged cell parts that could not be recovered can also be treated, and treatment is being promoted in an innovative way that regenerates hair.

Groundbreaking hair transplantation is an image of transplanting hair one by one

In autologous hair transplantation, cells containing tissue called "hair follicles" that promote hair growth are transplanted. In the conventional method, the tissue is cut into strips larger than the back of the head and transplanted to the area of concern.

This method places a heavy burden on the patient, and there are parts where new hair does not grow.

However, in a recent method, this transplanted tissue is collected at 1 mm or less and transplanted to the area of concern. If you adjust the part to be collected, the hair in the area where the tissue is brought in will not be noticeable, and the scarred area will naturally grow hair, so it is a mainstream method in recent years. (As of October 2022)

However, there is also a disadvantage that it is a method that requires the technical skills of a doctor, and it tends to be relatively expensive.

What can I do about it?


The worrisome part of cicatricial alopecia. It's not enough to be treated with free medical care, but it's somewhat worrisome when it is. Isn't there a way to do something about it right now?

Here are some ways to cover the areas of concern:

・Use a hat ・Use a wig ・Arrange your hair

・Wear extensions

Here, we will show you how to cover the areas of concern with scarring alopecia on your own.

I will explain some simple things that you can do right now, so let's take a look at them in order.

Using a hat

Recommended in such a case
・ When the wind blows, it turns over and the scratches and hair removal parts turn up and look visible.

・ Pin it so that it does not fly in the wind.

A hat is convenient because you can hide the parts you care about just by wearing it. Hairstyles that tend to be disrupted by the wind can also be suppressed with a hat.

Large-brimmed hats are more likely to fly off in the wind, so it's a good idea to fasten them together with your hair with pins to secure them. If it is difficult to pin it down, you can sew an easy-to-fasten pin or comb on the inside of the hat to prevent it from slipping.

Using a wig

Recommended in such cases
・ If you are concerned about the place where you can see

[Full wig]
A full wig gives you peace of mind because it can cover all the visible areas. The atmosphere can be completely changed depending on the mood of the day, such as short, bob, or long, so it is recommended for those who want to enjoy fashion to the fullest.

Not only the length, but also the coloring and curling condition vary. You can also enjoy arranging your hair depending on the length.

[Partial wig]

If you have short hair and it is easy to see the areas you are concerned about, there are wigs that hide only that part. Some of them are convenient because they can be easily attached by simply pinning them to the top, sides, or neckline.

In addition, there is a wide variety of bangs wigs.

Of course, you can choose the shape that suits the area you are interested in, but it will also be fun to choose depending on the shape of your face and your preferences. Wigs are a fun item to pair and match, such as adjusting and arranging the part of the hair that can be seen through the hat.

You can also choose according to your clothes, scene, and mood.

Arrange your hair

Advantages of arranging hair
・ Even if the wind blows, it is difficult to see the parts you are concerned about.

If you can see hair loss on the neckline, we recommend a half-up or an updo style with a lot of trailing hair. If you are concerned about the area around your face or the visible part, you can cover the area you are concerned about by adding items such as a turban or wig.

If you tie it too tightly because you want to hide it, it will put a burden on some of the scalp and pores, which can cause hair loss. When you feel pain or tightness, it is better not to overdo it, but to hold it a little gently or bundle it.

Stick-on type hair thickening method

For men and people with short hair, the type of hair thickening sheet that can be applied is popular.

It is not something that cannot be removed after putting it on, and it can be removed with a special remover. In addition, there are types in which the sheet is meshed. It has excellent breathability and adhesiveness, so it is safe during intense sports and shampooing.

However, since it adheres to the scalp, it may be difficult to wash the scalp as before. If you wear it for a long time, it may lead to itching and inflammation, so you need to be careful about regular maintenance and not wearing it for a period of time.

Applying extensions

If you don't have enough hair or length, you can also apply extensions. However, it is not suitable for people with weak scalps or those with wounds or pain.

Extensions do not dry easily, so it is important to dry them thoroughly with a hairdryer after shampooing. If left semi-dry, it can worsen the health of your scalp and hair, and the connection area of the extensions can also cause mold.

In addition, extensions need to be taken care of frequently. You can keep it clean by brushing it so that it does not get tangled and changing it regularly in about one month.

If you continue to apply extensions to the same area, they will put a strain on your scalp and pores, which can often cause hair loss. If you want to wear it continuously, it is also important to consult with your hairdresser.



Cicatricial alopecia. If the tissue damage becomes severe, new hair will not grow. If possible, you want to catch the signs at an early stage and deal with them as soon as possible.

Even if you run out of money, if the plastic surgeon is excellent, it is possible to treat it as cleanly as possible even with insurance treatment.

Also, with the use of new technology, it is possible to heal the scar so cleanly that it is not noticeable. If you have any concerns, consider visiting a hospital.

Supervisor: Izumi Shigewa

She has been a nurse and preventive medicine practitioner for 17 years. Among them, he was involved in the treatment of hair regeneration outpatients. While staying close to the concerns of patients associated with thinning hair, we provide guidance on daily life and care for hair from a "long-term perspective" including medical approaches, according to each individual. At the same time, in the information society, we will devote ourselves to disseminating "correct information in an easy-to-understand manner" through web content.