
What is hair augmentation in the first place? Methods of hair augmentation and the difference from hair transplantation and hair growth

Recently, methods such as hair augmentation, hair transplantation, and hair growth have been attracting attention as a great ally for those who suffer from hair loss and thinning hair. Even if you have a complex about your own hair, increasing the volume of your hair may be an opportunity to regain your bright self.

Here, we will introduce what the differences are between hair augmentation, hair transplantation, and hair growth, and what methods are used.

What is hair augmentation?

In the first place, hair augmentation is a method of increasing volume by tying bundled artificial hair directly to the hair or applying it directly to the scalp using a special sheet.

The advantages of hair augmentation include the ability to get a natural increase in hair volume with a single treatment, the ability to get a natural look unlike wigs and wigs, and the ability to do so without worrying about shampooing or sports.

Even if you have not had a good effect with thinning hair treatment, you will find it attractive that you can solve it relatively quickly with hair augmentation.

How to do hair thickening

There are three main types of hair thickening methods.

Hair tying

It is a method of hair thickening by tying artificial hair to your own hair.


There are some similarities to the hair tying method, but this is a method of creating a special base for the hair with a special thread and attaching it in a bundle of artificial hair.


This is a method in which a special ultra-thin transparent sheet made from artificial hair transplanted is applied directly to the scalp using a special adhesive.

There are some risks to hair thickening, such as the tying type and the braided type putting a burden on the natural hair, making it easier for the hair to fall out, and the full-face type making the scalp stuffy and bacteria may grow.

Therefore, it is a good idea to perform maintenance about once a month to keep your scalp and hair clean and healthy at all times. Which method is best depends on the amount of hair, so please choose the most suitable one while consulting with the person who will perform the treatment.

About the difference between hair augmentation, hair transplantation, and hair growth

In addition to hair augmentation as a solution to hair problems, there are also hair transplants and hair growth, but what is the difference between them?


7561-00005-2-640x427 There are two methods of hair transplantation: a method of implanting artificial hair directly into the scalp with a scalpel, and a method of transplanting one's own hair remaining on the back of the head, etc., which corresponds to the medical practice of surgery.
The advantage of hair transplantation is that if the artificial hair is established and successful, it will grow back like any other hair, so there is no need for maintenance, and it can be kept in its natural state as natural hair.

However, since hair transplantation is only a surgery, some people are concerned about scalp scars and high costs. In addition, in hair transplantation, which uses your own hair, the amount that can be transplanted at one time is limited, so several treatments are required.

Hair growth

7561-00005-3-640x480 Hair growth, as the name suggests, is the act of growing hair. It refers to caring for your existing hair so that it is healthy and strong enough to fall out easily. You can do it yourself without visiting a specialist, so if you are interested, you should take a look at hair growth products sold in specialty stores.

Unlike hair augmentation and hair transplantation, hair growth does not put a burden on the scalp and can promote hair growth while remaining healthy. Another advantage is that the cost is less expensive than hair transplantation or hair augmentation.

A common disadvantage of both hair transplantation and hair growth is that it takes several months for natural hair to grow. Make sure you understand the advantages and disadvantages before choosing the method that suits you.


Thinning hair and hair loss can be improved with proper hair thickening methods. There are three types of hair augmentation: hair tying type, braided type, and full-surface mounting type, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. What they all have in common is that hair augmentation allows you to get a natural look immediately after the procedure.

It is quite possible to create a natural appearance with hair transplantation and hair growth, but the big difference from hair augmentation is that it takes a long time to feel the effect.

If you are suffering from thinning hair or hair loss, please choose the method that suits you after considering the stimulation to the scalp and the immediate effect of the effect.