In a study due to be released next month, the world's leading hair transplant and hair loss expert Dr. Larry Shapiro will show that men and women have been losing their hair from using popular weight loss and work out products that contain whey protein isolate- and it's not just their genes that are to blame.

Shapiro, who has spent 20 years treating over 11,000 men and women for hair thinning and loss, said, "My clinical practice shows a definite trend among people suffering from hair loss—they're increasingly battling the effects of thyroid problems, anesthesia, cosmetic surgery, dietary deficiencies, prescription medications, male pattern baldness, use of growth hormone-based supplements during weight training, use of steroids for weight training, and use of weight-loss products and fat burners.  Years of clinical practice have shown that these factors play a far greater role than we thought before than just personal genetic characteristics alone and can accelerate hair loss in people who may not see this until later in life."  

Shapiro noted that natural or self-induced hormonal changes are common causes among both women and men experiencing hair loss.  "Estrogen levels drop during menopause and after pregnancy, and this can result in hair loss," said Shapiro.  "In addition, men and women who take growth hormones and testosterone for weight training and weight reduction programs frequently come into my office complaining of hair loss.  I have to explain to them that the growth hormones they're taking to strengthen their bodies are actually causing their hair to fall out."

According to Shapiro, popular nutritional supplements such as Creatine and anabolic steroids can cause hair loss because they quickly increase testosterone levels in the body.  Weight-loss products that change the metabolism of the thyroid can also cause people to lose their hair.  And people who undergo rapid weight loss—such as those who undergo gastric bypass surgery or have a gastric ring implanted—are also hair loss candidates.  

Shapiro noted, however, that not all nutritional supplements are bad for your hair.  "The recent surge in genetic premature loss encouraged me to find out what specific ingredient in certain supplements was having such a negative impact on hair."  Shapiro's study will conclude that whey protein isolates in many nutritional supplements are the problem behind what's causing users to lose their hair. The study will show that 80% or more did better on the Help Hair formula with categories of improvement in fuller, thicker, healthier hair compared to regular whey protein isolate, which resulted in a majority of participants reporting poor quality hair growth and even hair loss.

In response to this finding, Shapiro formulated a hormone-free powder that does not cause hair loss and supports hair growth naturally by providing all the nutrients hair needs to grow.  The Help Hair formula is fortified with amino acids, and B vitamins, niacin, PABA, Chinese herbs and roots to support the structure and function of hair.  Shapiro's study will show that the formula has helped the hair of users look thicker, stronger and fuller.


Dr. Larry J. Shapiro