
Do you know what trichology is? If you have a hair health problem, whether it's a scalp infection, pimples, or any type of alopecia, you will have been recommended to consult a trichology, which is none other than a doctor who is an expert in hair health.

These doctors specialize in trichology, the branch of medicine that studies the diagnosis and treatment of alopecia and hair problems. Their training and knowledge allow them to detect any pathology affecting the health of your hair and offer you an appropriate and personalized solution.

It's important to keep in mind that all trichologies are doctors, whether they're dermatologists who specialize in trichology, surgeons, or both.

What can trichologies do?

Trichologies are doctors who specialize in hair medicine. So they can help you with any questions related to the health of your hair and scalp. They are most often consulted when you have alopecia and are looking to slow or reverse its progression, but they also treat many other conditions and conditions.

In short, a trichology can help you solve any type of problem related to the health of your hair. Specifically, these medical specialists can help you with problems such as dandruff, any type of dermatitis or skin reaction on the scalp, or offer treatment for any of the pathologies that cause hair loss.

These professionals will analyze your specific case to detect the source of your problem and explain the options available to you.

Uses of Trichology

As we've already mentioned, trichology is the tool used by hair health clinics to determine the type of baldness in each patient. The most common types of alopecia are:

  • Effluvium: It is an alteration in the hair growth cycle that results in sudden or striking hair loss over a period of time.

  • Androgenetic alopecia: This is the most common type of alopecia, caused by genetic factors.

  • Alopecia areata: This alopecia causes hair loss on small areas. It usually occurs at an early age. It is an autoimmune disease in which the patient's immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles.

  • Scarring alopecia: Hair stops growing in specific areas, and fibrous scar or scar tissue appears in its place.

What do you do during a trichology consultation?

The first step for your trichology to help you solve your hair health problem is the consultation.

During the trichology consultation, the hair health specialist assesses the condition of your hair and scalp and analyzes possible conditions.

He or she performs a thorough examination of the scalp and hair shaft to detect any alterations. Depending on what is observed, the diagnosis can be expanded using complementary techniques such as a genetic test for alopecia, a blood test, or a biopsy of the area.

Based on the results obtained during the consultation(s), trichology can propose the most beneficial solutions for the patient. These can range from the use of medications and vitamin supplements to alopecia treatments such as mesotherapies or hair PRP, to of course hair transplants or grafts.


How necessary are these experts in a hair clinic?

Experts in trichology are indispensable, because the success of hair treatments always starts with a good diagnosis and for this, the figure of trichology is essential.

These experts are responsible for finding out what is happening in the patient, diagnosing and seeing what are the treatment possibilities of the process, what treatments are available and offering the most effective solutions, informing the patient in a clear and transparent way.

Trichology is in charge of carrying out the hair exploration, the photo-trichogram, the analyses, the specific tests through its medical team, everything that each patient needs.

Other studies

Each treatment requires exhaustive follow-up by both parties, in order to modify the treatment guidelines according to the patient's needs. It's not just a diagnosis, follow-up is just as important, whether it's micro-grafts or advances in hair treatment, such as hair laser or biostimulation. For this reason, it is necessary for patients to undergo a general medical check-up in order to determine the causes of hair loss.

What are the essential qualities of a trichology?

Above all, honesty and transparency are essential, especially when it comes to hair issues. These experts strive to be as professional as possible so that the patient knows exactly what is wrong, what can be achieved, and how. Trichology does not seek to create expectations that are not real, because at the end of the day, it plays with the illusions of the patient, who is already very affected by his problem.

In recent years, the number of patients who are just trying to find a better price for their treatment has increased, without knowing if it will really be effective, if they will get results, if it is what is best for them. Trichology insists that the cost of a treatment must go hand in hand with the quality of the treatment and the service offered, because if it is effective and the patient's hair and image are restored, it will be a reward for these hair doctors.