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Artificial intelligence techniques can help clinicians assess and treat patients with bone fractures

Artificial intelligence techniques can help clinicians assess and treat patients with bone fractures

byWileyCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainInvestigators have applied artificial intelligence techniques to gait analyses and medical records data to provide insights about individuals with leg fra

Artificial intelligence techniques can help clinicians assess and treat patients with bone fractures

byWileyCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainInvestigators have applied artificial intelligence techniques to gait analyses and medical records data to provide insights about individuals with leg fra
Cystic fibrosis: Why infections persist despite therapy

Cystic fibrosis: Why infections persist despite therapy

byUniversity of GenevaThe anchor points present on the surface of the airways in cystic fibrosis (left image, in red) decrease when the balance between the two cell signalling pathways is restor

Cystic fibrosis: Why infections persist despite therapy

byUniversity of GenevaThe anchor points present on the surface of the airways in cystic fibrosis (left image, in red) decrease when the balance between the two cell signalling pathways is restor
Study shows AI improves accuracy of skin cancer diagnoses

Study shows AI improves accuracy of skin cancer diagnoses

by Krista Conger,Stanford UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainA new study led by researchers at Stanford Medicine finds that computer algorithms powered by artificial intelligence based on deep l

Study shows AI improves accuracy of skin cancer diagnoses

by Krista Conger,Stanford UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainA new study led by researchers at Stanford Medicine finds that computer algorithms powered by artificial intelligence based on deep l
Artificial intelligence detects heart defects in newborns

Artificial intelligence detects heart defects in newborns

by Vanessa Bleich,ETH ZurichPediatric cardiologist Dr. Holger Michel during a cardiac ultrasound examination of 7-week-old Jarmo in the presence of his mother. Credit: Sven Wellmann / KUNO Klini

Artificial intelligence detects heart defects in newborns

by Vanessa Bleich,ETH ZurichPediatric cardiologist Dr. Holger Michel during a cardiac ultrasound examination of 7-week-old Jarmo in the presence of his mother. Credit: Sven Wellmann / KUNO Klini
AI research gives unprecedented insight into heart genetics and structure

AI research gives unprecedented insight into heart genetics and structure

by Michael Addelman,University of ManchesterVariants in the TTN, PLN and STRN loci show distinct effects on LV morphology. a–c, Manhattan plots for LV latent variables with best association for

AI research gives unprecedented insight into heart genetics and structure

by Michael Addelman,University of ManchesterVariants in the TTN, PLN and STRN loci show distinct effects on LV morphology. a–c, Manhattan plots for LV latent variables with best association for
'Zoom fatigue': Exhaustion caused by video conferencing proven on a neurophysiological level

'Zoom fatigue': Exhaustion caused by video conferencing proven on a neurophysiological level

by Philipp Jarke,Graz University of TechnologyCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainUsing EEG and ECG data, researchers at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and Graz University of Tec

'Zoom fatigue': Exhaustion caused by video conferencing proven on a neurophysiological level

by Philipp Jarke,Graz University of TechnologyCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainUsing EEG and ECG data, researchers at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and Graz University of Tec
Neural decoding of visual information across different neural recording modalities and approaches

Neural decoding of visual information across different neural recording modalities and approaches

by Beijing Zhongke Journal Publishing Co.Illustration of two types of visual neural decoding. Credit: Beijing Zhongke Journal Publising Co.Every day, various types of sensory information from the exte

Neural decoding of visual information across different neural recording modalities and approaches

by Beijing Zhongke Journal Publishing Co.Illustration of two types of visual neural decoding. Credit: Beijing Zhongke Journal Publising Co.Every day, various types of sensory information from the exte
Research validates AI-powered gestational age calculator for global pregnancy care

Research validates AI-powered gestational age calculator for global pregnancy care

by Kim Morris,University of North Carolina School of MedicineJeffrey Stringer, MD. Credit: UNC-Chapel HillA study presented Oct. 9 by University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine resear

Research validates AI-powered gestational age calculator for global pregnancy care

by Kim Morris,University of North Carolina School of MedicineJeffrey Stringer, MD. Credit: UNC-Chapel HillA study presented Oct. 9 by University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine resear
Neurosurgery: new augmented reality technology helps to complete multiple surgeries

Neurosurgery: new augmented reality technology helps to complete multiple surgeries

Augmented reality accurate localization, assisting endoscopic cerebral hematoma removal surgeryThe Department of Neurosurgery (Digital/Secure Neurosurgery) of the East Campus accurately localized a

Neurosurgery: new augmented reality technology helps to complete multiple surgeries

Augmented reality accurate localization, assisting endoscopic cerebral hematoma removal surgeryThe Department of Neurosurgery (Digital/Secure Neurosurgery) of the East Campus accurately localized a