by Flinders University

Credit: Pexels

Credit: Pexels

The End-of-Life Essentials team at Flinders University—part of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences—created The Patient's Perspective video to emphasize that patient input is needed to improve health care, patient and family understanding of end-of-life care.

"The Patient's Perspective tells the story of serious illness from a patient's point of view to cast light on the profound impact that health care staff can have. It's a poignant reminder of the effect that our interactions and work have on patients," explains End-of-Life Essentials project lead Associate Professor Kim Devery.

"This animated video provides a moving narrative from the point of view of a courageous individual who has faced the challenges of serious illness. The patient recounts moments when she felt defined by her illness, which left her feeling vulnerable and disoriented. She also shares heartwarming instances when medical professionals took the time to genuinely connect with her, seeing her for who she truly is, beyond her illness."

Associate Professor Devery believes the release of this new video marks an important call to action for health care professionals to embrace powerful patient-led messages to amplify best-practice care.

More than 50% of Australians will spend their final moments in acute hospital settings, which gives health care professionals a unique challenge when providing care to vulnerable people dealing with progressive serious illness.

"The Patient's Perspective video can help inform how to become better health professionals. It aims to shed light on the profound moments when health care staff authentically connect with their patients, reinforcing the humanity at the heart of health care," says Associate Professor Devery.

The video has already received terrific feedback since its public launch on October 11. Julie McCrossin AM praised it as "the best video I have ever seen about the experience of receiving a cancer diagnosis and the value of kindness from health care professionals who see you as an individual and show appropriate care. I am a 10-year survivor of Cancer, yet seeing this touched me deeply."

It has also resonated with an international medical audience. "This powerful video authentically captures the patients voice, reminding us never to allow patienthood to eclipse personhood. Within the often-frightening labyrinth of modern medicine, this message has never been more timely ... and one that needs to be heard," says Distinguished Professor Harvey Max Chochinov, Senior Scientist with CancerCare Manitoba Research Institute, Canada.

Provided by Flinders University