Medical research
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Cloud-magnetic resonance imaging system in the 6G and AI era

Cloud-magnetic resonance imaging system in the 6G and AI era

by KeAi Communications Co.The workflow of Cloud-MRI system. Credit: Yirong Zhou., et alMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has played an important role in modern medical diagnosis, generating petabytes o

Cloud-magnetic resonance imaging system in the 6G and AI era

by KeAi Communications Co.The workflow of Cloud-MRI system. Credit: Yirong Zhou., et alMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has played an important role in modern medical diagnosis, generating petabytes o
New study finds systematic biases at play in clinical trials

New study finds systematic biases at play in clinical trials

byMichigan State UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainRandomized controlled trials, or RCTs, are believed to be the best way to study the safety and efficacy of new treatments in clinical

New study finds systematic biases at play in clinical trials

byMichigan State UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainRandomized controlled trials, or RCTs, are believed to be the best way to study the safety and efficacy of new treatments in clinical
Research harnesses machine learning and imaging to give insight into stem cell behavior

Research harnesses machine learning and imaging to give insight into stem cell behavior

by Greta Harrison,University of Southern CaliforniaSingle hematopoietic stem cells dividing metabolically (m) symmetrically and asymmetrically, measured by the research team’s imaging technique.

Research harnesses machine learning and imaging to give insight into stem cell behavior

by Greta Harrison,University of Southern CaliforniaSingle hematopoietic stem cells dividing metabolically (m) symmetrically and asymmetrically, measured by the research team’s imaging technique.
Study finds online doctors do not prescribe more antibiotics than other providers

Study finds online doctors do not prescribe more antibiotics than other providers

by Ola Nilsson,Umea UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainDoctors in virtual online health care contacts are no more likely to prescribe antibiotics for infections than doctors in regular h

Study finds online doctors do not prescribe more antibiotics than other providers

by Ola Nilsson,Umea UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainDoctors in virtual online health care contacts are no more likely to prescribe antibiotics for infections than doctors in regular h
Key mechanisms identified for regeneration of neurons

Key mechanisms identified for regeneration of neurons

byLudwig Maximilian University of MunichCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainNeurological disorders, such as trauma, stroke, epilepsy, and various neurodegenerative diseases, often lead to the perma

Key mechanisms identified for regeneration of neurons

byLudwig Maximilian University of MunichCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainNeurological disorders, such as trauma, stroke, epilepsy, and various neurodegenerative diseases, often lead to the perma
UK issues guidelines for use of stem cell-based embryo models in research

UK issues guidelines for use of stem cell-based embryo models in research

byUniversity of CambridgeThese models can be created in the lab and mimic aspects of early human embryo development, which raises various ethical considerations. Credit: Irene Zorzan and Teresa

UK issues guidelines for use of stem cell-based embryo models in research

byUniversity of CambridgeThese models can be created in the lab and mimic aspects of early human embryo development, which raises various ethical considerations. Credit: Irene Zorzan and Teresa
Rapid drug test to provide patients with better care

Rapid drug test to provide patients with better care

byWalter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical ResearchMass spectroscopy chromatogram: (a) patient plasma with enzalutamide peak with extracted ion chromatogram adduct (465 m/z); (b) in the same p

Rapid drug test to provide patients with better care

byWalter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical ResearchMass spectroscopy chromatogram: (a) patient plasma with enzalutamide peak with extracted ion chromatogram adduct (465 m/z); (b) in the same p
New insights into protein phase separation and protein trafficking in cellular compartments

New insights into protein phase separation and protein trafficking in cellular compartments

The dynamic movement of proteins within and between cellular compartments is essential for various biological processes, including signaling, regulation, and homeostasis. While l

New insights into protein phase separation and protein trafficking in cellular compartments

The dynamic movement of proteins within and between cellular compartments is essential for various biological processes, including signaling, regulation, and homeostasis. While l
Mechanobiomaterials: A rising field using mechanobiology principles to program functional biomaterials

Mechanobiomaterials: A rising field using mechanobiology principles to program functional biomaterials

by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Journal CenterA closed-loop workflow of designing mechanobiomaterials. Credit: All authorsA group has proposed a new concept of mechanobiomaterials, which is inspired

Mechanobiomaterials: A rising field using mechanobiology principles to program functional biomaterials

by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Journal CenterA closed-loop workflow of designing mechanobiomaterials. Credit: All authorsA group has proposed a new concept of mechanobiomaterials, which is inspired
Embryo's signaling mechanism may promote healthy aging, combat neurodegenerative diseases

Embryo's signaling mechanism may promote healthy aging, combat neurodegenerative diseases

by Melissa Rohman,Northwestern UniversityNHR-49 is important in multiple paradigms of stress resilience. (A) Heat stress survival of wild type and daf-2(e1370) mutants crossed into nhr-49(nr2041

Embryo's signaling mechanism may promote healthy aging, combat neurodegenerative diseases

by Melissa Rohman,Northwestern UniversityNHR-49 is important in multiple paradigms of stress resilience. (A) Heat stress survival of wild type and daf-2(e1370) mutants crossed into nhr-49(nr2041
New study proposes multi-dimensional disease mapping for enhanced drug development

New study proposes multi-dimensional disease mapping for enhanced drug development

byTampere UniversityRelationship of disease associations and publications. Data of how often a gene, chemical or disease is linked to a publication was retrieved from NCBI. Credit:Advanced

New study proposes multi-dimensional disease mapping for enhanced drug development

byTampere UniversityRelationship of disease associations and publications. Data of how often a gene, chemical or disease is linked to a publication was retrieved from NCBI. Credit:Advanced