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Some older Americans show hesitation around brain scan research, study finds

Some older Americans show hesitation around brain scan research, study finds

by Rutgers UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAsian Americans are less likely than their white peers to participate in health research involving MRIs and addressing this hesitancy could i

Some older Americans show hesitation around brain scan research, study finds

by Rutgers UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAsian Americans are less likely than their white peers to participate in health research involving MRIs and addressing this hesitancy could i
Answer to preventing Parkinson's disease may lie in seaweed antioxidants

Answer to preventing Parkinson's disease may lie in seaweed antioxidants

byOsaka Metropolitan UniversityAnti-Parkinson’s seaweed: Ecklonia cava is a seaweed that may hold the key to Parkinson’s disease prevention. Credit: Osaka Metropolitan UniversityParkinson's

Answer to preventing Parkinson's disease may lie in seaweed antioxidants

byOsaka Metropolitan UniversityAnti-Parkinson’s seaweed: Ecklonia cava is a seaweed that may hold the key to Parkinson’s disease prevention. Credit: Osaka Metropolitan UniversityParkinson's
New insights into cellular processes after a stroke

New insights into cellular processes after a stroke

byMedical University of Viennaa) Illustration of study design, depicting brain regions sampled for snRNAseq. b) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) plot depicting 68616 nuclei a

New insights into cellular processes after a stroke

byMedical University of Viennaa) Illustration of study design, depicting brain regions sampled for snRNAseq. b) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) plot depicting 68616 nuclei a
Cure for male pattern baldness given boost by sugar discovery

Cure for male pattern baldness given boost by sugar discovery

byUniversity of SheffieldMicroscopic analysis of skin sections retrieved on day 21 of experiment after H&E staining. Credit:Frontiers in Pharmacology(2024). DOI: 10.3389/fphar.20

Cure for male pattern baldness given boost by sugar discovery

byUniversity of SheffieldMicroscopic analysis of skin sections retrieved on day 21 of experiment after H&E staining. Credit:Frontiers in Pharmacology(2024). DOI: 10.3389/fphar.20
Study finds the timing of CSF biomarker divergence for Alzheimer disease, normal cognition varies

Study finds the timing of CSF biomarker divergence for Alzheimer disease, normal cognition varies

by Elana GotkineCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and other biomarkers differ for individuals with Alzheimer disease and cognitively normal controls, with the estimated times of divergence varying from 18 to

Study finds the timing of CSF biomarker divergence for Alzheimer disease, normal cognition varies

by Elana GotkineCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and other biomarkers differ for individuals with Alzheimer disease and cognitively normal controls, with the estimated times of divergence varying from 18 to
AI-generated content model applied to brain image computing for Alzheimer's disease analysis

AI-generated content model applied to brain image computing for Alzheimer's disease analysis

by Liu Jia,Chinese Academy of SciencesCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainGenerative artificial intelligence (AI), utilizing deep learning to generate a patient's brain network from multimodal

AI-generated content model applied to brain image computing for Alzheimer's disease analysis

by Liu Jia,Chinese Academy of SciencesCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainGenerative artificial intelligence (AI), utilizing deep learning to generate a patient's brain network from multimodal
How astrocytes and perineuronal nets cooperate to sustain synaptic homeostasis

How astrocytes and perineuronal nets cooperate to sustain synaptic homeostasis

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical XpressConfocal micrographs showing close association between Perineuronal nets (magenta) and astrocytes (green) in mouse cerebral cortex. Credit: Bhanu TewariSynapses are s

How astrocytes and perineuronal nets cooperate to sustain synaptic homeostasis

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical XpressConfocal micrographs showing close association between Perineuronal nets (magenta) and astrocytes (green) in mouse cerebral cortex. Credit: Bhanu TewariSynapses are s
Reelin reverts the main pathological processes related to Alzheimer's and other tauopathy

Reelin reverts the main pathological processes related to Alzheimer's and other tauopathy

by University of BarcelonaImage of a primary neuronal cell culture with detection of MAP2 dendritic marker (red) and Neurofilament axon marker (green). Credit: University of BarcelonaPromoting th

Reelin reverts the main pathological processes related to Alzheimer's and other tauopathy

by University of BarcelonaImage of a primary neuronal cell culture with detection of MAP2 dendritic marker (red) and Neurofilament axon marker (green). Credit: University of BarcelonaPromoting th
Anticholinergics may not be best choice for rehab patients with dementia

Anticholinergics may not be best choice for rehab patients with dementia

by Pennsylvania State UniversityDuring rehabilitation following an acute hospital stay, medications that block neurotransmitters may be overprescribed to older patients suffering from delirium su

Anticholinergics may not be best choice for rehab patients with dementia

by Pennsylvania State UniversityDuring rehabilitation following an acute hospital stay, medications that block neurotransmitters may be overprescribed to older patients suffering from delirium su
Rate of Alzheimer's deaths on the rise

Rate of Alzheimer's deaths on the rise

by Pennsylvania State UniversityCredit: Thinkstock/monkeybusinessimagesThe rate of death from Alzheimer's disease in the United States increased by more than 50 percent in the past 15 years,

Rate of Alzheimer's deaths on the rise

by Pennsylvania State UniversityCredit: Thinkstock/monkeybusinessimagesThe rate of death from Alzheimer's disease in the United States increased by more than 50 percent in the past 15 years,
US deaths from Alzheimer's disease rise significantly

US deaths from Alzheimer's disease rise significantly

Nearly 10,000 more people died of Alzheimer's disease in the United States last year than in 2013, a significant rise of 8.1 percent, according to US health data released Wednesday.Global health a

US deaths from Alzheimer's disease rise significantly

Nearly 10,000 more people died of Alzheimer's disease in the United States last year than in 2013, a significant rise of 8.1 percent, according to US health data released Wednesday.Global health a
Q&A: How a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease could also work for type 2 diabetes

Q&A: How a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease could also work for type 2 diabetes

by Sarah McQuate,University of WashingtonMicroscopy image of beta cells making IAPP (left) and IAPP plus one of the team’s synthetic peptides (right). Credit:Protein Science(2023). D

Q&A: How a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease could also work for type 2 diabetes

by Sarah McQuate,University of WashingtonMicroscopy image of beta cells making IAPP (left) and IAPP plus one of the team’s synthetic peptides (right). Credit:Protein Science(2023). D