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Drug target for Alzheimer's disease has dual action

Drug target for Alzheimer's disease has dual action

by Queensland Brain InstituteCredit: Queensland Brain InstituteResearchers have discovered a potential drug target for Alzheimer's disease—an enzyme which has effects on both the immune and nervou

Drug target for Alzheimer's disease has dual action

by Queensland Brain InstituteCredit: Queensland Brain InstituteResearchers have discovered a potential drug target for Alzheimer's disease—an enzyme which has effects on both the immune and nervou
Forecasting method may help people with epilepsy predict their seizures

Forecasting method may help people with epilepsy predict their seizures

byUniversity of California, San FranciscoMapping network connectivity to cycles of seizure likelihood. Credit:Nature Medicine(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41591-024-03149-6A team of epilepsy

Forecasting method may help people with epilepsy predict their seizures

byUniversity of California, San FranciscoMapping network connectivity to cycles of seizure likelihood. Credit:Nature Medicine(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41591-024-03149-6A team of epilepsy
Tactile imagery increases corticospinal excitability, study finds

Tactile imagery increases corticospinal excitability, study finds

by Oleg Sherbakov,Skolkovo Institute of Science and TechnologyExperiment on imagining movements and tactile sensations in the right hand. Credit: Aigul NasibullinaThe ability to imagine is one o

Tactile imagery increases corticospinal excitability, study finds

by Oleg Sherbakov,Skolkovo Institute of Science and TechnologyExperiment on imagining movements and tactile sensations in the right hand. Credit: Aigul NasibullinaThe ability to imagine is one o
New pathway in Alzheimer's disease provides earlier target for potential therapies

New pathway in Alzheimer's disease provides earlier target for potential therapies

by Case Western Reserve UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainResearchers at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have identified a new target in development of Alzheimer's dis

New pathway in Alzheimer's disease provides earlier target for potential therapies

by Case Western Reserve UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainResearchers at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have identified a new target in development of Alzheimer's dis
Scientists describe biomarkers associated with brain injury

Scientists describe biomarkers associated with brain injury

by Jilin UniversityBrain injury is a common pathological process during neurological diseases. Understanding the biomarkers produced after a brain injury may not only help in the diagnosis of the dise

Scientists describe biomarkers associated with brain injury

by Jilin UniversityBrain injury is a common pathological process during neurological diseases. Understanding the biomarkers produced after a brain injury may not only help in the diagnosis of the dise
Focused ultrasound shown to enhance the delivery of promising therapeutic for Alzheimer's disease

Focused ultrasound shown to enhance the delivery of promising therapeutic for Alzheimer's disease

by Samantha Sexton, Sunnybrook Research InstituteNew neurons (seen here in green) can be generated in the hippocampus, a brain region involved in learning and memory. In the study, the use of focused

Focused ultrasound shown to enhance the delivery of promising therapeutic for Alzheimer's disease

by Samantha Sexton, Sunnybrook Research InstituteNew neurons (seen here in green) can be generated in the hippocampus, a brain region involved in learning and memory. In the study, the use of focused
New research on Alzheimer's disease shows 'lifestyle origin at least in some degree'

New research on Alzheimer's disease shows 'lifestyle origin at least in some degree'

by Todd Hollingshead,Brigham Young UniversityPh.D. student Erin Saito enters data into a computer in the lab of Professor Benjamin Bikman. Credit: Jaren WilkeyFor years, research to pin down the

New research on Alzheimer's disease shows 'lifestyle origin at least in some degree'

by Todd Hollingshead,Brigham Young UniversityPh.D. student Erin Saito enters data into a computer in the lab of Professor Benjamin Bikman. Credit: Jaren WilkeyFor years, research to pin down the
Unraveling Alzheimer's: New study documents how brain cells go bad

Unraveling Alzheimer's: New study documents how brain cells go bad

by University of North Carolina Health CareNeurons treated with Alzheimer's-associated proteins exhibit drastic calcium increases (blue, green, yellow, red to white), and the cells form tau-f

Unraveling Alzheimer's: New study documents how brain cells go bad

by University of North Carolina Health CareNeurons treated with Alzheimer's-associated proteins exhibit drastic calcium increases (blue, green, yellow, red to white), and the cells form tau-f
Decoding the genetics that drive disease

Decoding the genetics that drive disease

by University of South AustraliaSome human genes traditionally labeled as 'bad' are not always what they seem. Credit: Gerd Altmann from PixabayFrom Alzheimer's to obesity, life can c

Decoding the genetics that drive disease

by University of South AustraliaSome human genes traditionally labeled as 'bad' are not always what they seem. Credit: Gerd Altmann from PixabayFrom Alzheimer's to obesity, life can c
Giving common muscle relaxant via nose shows potential to treat neurodegenerative diseases

Giving common muscle relaxant via nose shows potential to treat neurodegenerative diseases

by Perelman School of Medicine at the University of PennsylvaniaPET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer's disease. Credit: public domainDelivering the medication dantrolene through the nose

Giving common muscle relaxant via nose shows potential to treat neurodegenerative diseases

by Perelman School of Medicine at the University of PennsylvaniaPET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer's disease. Credit: public domainDelivering the medication dantrolene through the nose
Researchers achieve success in allowing a patient to 'speak' using only the power of thought

Researchers achieve success in allowing a patient to 'speak' using only the power of thought

byTel-Aviv UniversityAn image from the experiment of the speech neuroprosthesis (a.k.a speech brain-computer interface). It shows the participant who is completely silent, with his mouth closed,

Researchers achieve success in allowing a patient to 'speak' using only the power of thought

byTel-Aviv UniversityAn image from the experiment of the speech neuroprosthesis (a.k.a speech brain-computer interface). It shows the participant who is completely silent, with his mouth closed,
Form of B12 deficiency in cerebral spinal fluid found to negatively affect the central nervous system

Form of B12 deficiency in cerebral spinal fluid found to negatively affect the central nervous system

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressA patient with an unsual MRI and neurologic deficits eluded typical diagnostic tests.Credit: John PluvinageA large team of doctors and medical researchers with diver

Form of B12 deficiency in cerebral spinal fluid found to negatively affect the central nervous system

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressA patient with an unsual MRI and neurologic deficits eluded typical diagnostic tests.Credit: John PluvinageA large team of doctors and medical researchers with diver