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How zebrafish map their environment: Spatial orientation mechanisms surprisingly similar to our own

How zebrafish map their environment: Spatial orientation mechanisms surprisingly similar to our own

by Sophia Jahns, Max Planck Institute for Biological CyberneticsIdentification of PCs in the larval zebrafish brain. Credit:Nature(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07867-2Researchers are tur

How zebrafish map their environment: Spatial orientation mechanisms surprisingly similar to our own

by Sophia Jahns, Max Planck Institute for Biological CyberneticsIdentification of PCs in the larval zebrafish brain. Credit:Nature(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07867-2Researchers are tur
Neuron populations in the medial prefrontal cortex shown to code the learning of avoidant behaviors

Neuron populations in the medial prefrontal cortex shown to code the learning of avoidant behaviors

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical XpressThe two-dimensional active avoidance paradigm and recording of prefrontal population activity. Credit:Nature Neuroscience(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-0

Neuron populations in the medial prefrontal cortex shown to code the learning of avoidant behaviors

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical XpressThe two-dimensional active avoidance paradigm and recording of prefrontal population activity. Credit:Nature Neuroscience(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-0
Stressful events in midlife might be a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease in older ages

Stressful events in midlife might be a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease in older ages

by Barcelona Institute for Global HealthResults of the voxel-wise analyses show the association between a higher number of SLEs and reduced regional gray matter volumes. Y axes: average gray matt

Stressful events in midlife might be a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease in older ages

by Barcelona Institute for Global HealthResults of the voxel-wise analyses show the association between a higher number of SLEs and reduced regional gray matter volumes. Y axes: average gray matt
Case study showcases effectiveness of multimodality approaches for diagnosing hydrocephalus

Case study showcases effectiveness of multimodality approaches for diagnosing hydrocephalus

by Beijing Institute of Technology Press Co., LtdThis case demonstrates the efficacy of using multimodality approaches for iNPH diagnosis, which saves the patient time and clinical costs, worthy of fu

Case study showcases effectiveness of multimodality approaches for diagnosing hydrocephalus

by Beijing Institute of Technology Press Co., LtdThis case demonstrates the efficacy of using multimodality approaches for iNPH diagnosis, which saves the patient time and clinical costs, worthy of fu
Ultrasound therapy shows promise as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease

Ultrasound therapy shows promise as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease

by University of QueenslandGraphical representation of the findings of this study: Improved memory, enhanced functional connectivity and an altered proteome were found in APP23 mice in the absenc

Ultrasound therapy shows promise as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease

by University of QueenslandGraphical representation of the findings of this study: Improved memory, enhanced functional connectivity and an altered proteome were found in APP23 mice in the absenc
Why are migraines worse during your period? Study points to progesterone, offering a new treatment target

Why are migraines worse during your period? Study points to progesterone, offering a new treatment target

by Suchitra Joshi and Jaideep Kapur,The ConversationHormone levels change throughout the menstrual cycle. Credit:Draper et al. 2018/Scientific Reports,CC BY-SAMigraines are throbbing

Why are migraines worse during your period? Study points to progesterone, offering a new treatment target

by Suchitra Joshi and Jaideep Kapur,The ConversationHormone levels change throughout the menstrual cycle. Credit:Draper et al. 2018/Scientific Reports,CC BY-SAMigraines are throbbing
Promising pathways to simplified Alzheimer's diagnosis unveiled in new study

Promising pathways to simplified Alzheimer's diagnosis unveiled in new study

FEBRUARY 28, 2024by Global Alzheimer's Platform FoundationROC curves for prediction of brain PET or CSF amyloid positivity adjusted for age and apoE ε4 status with imputed values. Credit:Alz

Promising pathways to simplified Alzheimer's diagnosis unveiled in new study

FEBRUARY 28, 2024by Global Alzheimer's Platform FoundationROC curves for prediction of brain PET or CSF amyloid positivity adjusted for age and apoE ε4 status with imputed values. Credit:Alz
Novel algorithm improves intracranial EEG accuracy to enhance future patient care

Novel algorithm improves intracranial EEG accuracy to enhance future patient care

byUniversity of Minnesota Medical SchoolThe ABCD Algorithm. (A) Example raw log-power spectra from 152 channels during a single recording session. (B) Example, mean log-power spectrum and second

Novel algorithm improves intracranial EEG accuracy to enhance future patient care

byUniversity of Minnesota Medical SchoolThe ABCD Algorithm. (A) Example raw log-power spectra from 152 channels during a single recording session. (B) Example, mean log-power spectrum and second
Medication may stop migraines before headache starts, study shows

Medication may stop migraines before headache starts, study shows

byAmerican Academy of NeurologyCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWhen taken at the first signs of a migraine, before headache pain begins, a drug called ubrogepant may be effective in helping pe

Medication may stop migraines before headache starts, study shows

byAmerican Academy of NeurologyCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainWhen taken at the first signs of a migraine, before headache pain begins, a drug called ubrogepant may be effective in helping pe
New tools reveal neuropeptides, not neurotransmitters, encode danger in the brain

New tools reveal neuropeptides, not neurotransmitters, encode danger in the brain

bySalk InstituteTwo images of nerve endings in the amygdala (where fear signals are received and interpreted). On the left, there are no labels and two distinct vesicles in the nerve endings can

New tools reveal neuropeptides, not neurotransmitters, encode danger in the brain

bySalk InstituteTwo images of nerve endings in the amygdala (where fear signals are received and interpreted). On the left, there are no labels and two distinct vesicles in the nerve endings can
Neuro/psych diagnoses prevalent in children with medical complexity

Neuro/psych diagnoses prevalent in children with medical complexity

by Elana GotkineChildren with medical complexity (CMC) often have neurodevelopmental and mental health diagnoses, which are associated with increased health care utilization, according to a study&nbsp

Neuro/psych diagnoses prevalent in children with medical complexity

by Elana GotkineChildren with medical complexity (CMC) often have neurodevelopmental and mental health diagnoses, which are associated with increased health care utilization, according to a study&nbsp