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Perfecting the performance of nerve implants

Perfecting the performance of nerve implants

by Crispin Savage,University of AdelaideModeling for wireless nerve stimulation. (a) Zoomed-out view of the nerve and its relative position within the muscle tissue; (b) Relative position of the

Perfecting the performance of nerve implants

by Crispin Savage,University of AdelaideModeling for wireless nerve stimulation. (a) Zoomed-out view of the nerve and its relative position within the muscle tissue; (b) Relative position of the
Irritability, agitation and anxiety in Alzheimer's patients caused by brain inflammation, study says

Irritability, agitation and anxiety in Alzheimer's patients caused by brain inflammation, study says

by University of PittsburghCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainCommon neuropsychiatric symptoms that doctors see in Alzheimer's disease patients originate from brain inflammation rather than amy

Irritability, agitation and anxiety in Alzheimer's patients caused by brain inflammation, study says

by University of PittsburghCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainCommon neuropsychiatric symptoms that doctors see in Alzheimer's disease patients originate from brain inflammation rather than amy
Wearable sensors provide early detection of progression in Parkinson's disease

Wearable sensors provide early detection of progression in Parkinson's disease

byUniversity of OxfordCredit: AI-generated imageA team of researchers from the University of Oxford has shown for the first time that it is possible to track the progression of Parkinson's d

Wearable sensors provide early detection of progression in Parkinson's disease

byUniversity of OxfordCredit: AI-generated imageA team of researchers from the University of Oxford has shown for the first time that it is possible to track the progression of Parkinson's d
Evidence early, but emerging, that gamma rhythm stimulation can treat neurological disorders

Evidence early, but emerging, that gamma rhythm stimulation can treat neurological disorders

byMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyCredit: CC0 Public DomainA surprising MITstudypublished inNatureat the end of 2016 helped to spur interest in the possibility that

Evidence early, but emerging, that gamma rhythm stimulation can treat neurological disorders

byMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyCredit: CC0 Public DomainA surprising MITstudypublished inNatureat the end of 2016 helped to spur interest in the possibility that
New method tracks how brain cells age

New method tracks how brain cells age

by Katherine Fenz,Rockefeller UniversityGraphical Abstract. Credit:Cell(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.08.042Hospital nurseries routinely place soft bands around the tiny wrists of

New method tracks how brain cells age

by Katherine Fenz,Rockefeller UniversityGraphical Abstract. Credit:Cell(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.08.042Hospital nurseries routinely place soft bands around the tiny wrists of
HIV drugs might help prevent multiple sclerosis, large new study suggests

HIV drugs might help prevent multiple sclerosis, large new study suggests

by Kyla McKay and Elaine Kingwell,The ConversationCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainOver the last decade,several case studieshave reported that people with multiple sclerosis (MS) wh

HIV drugs might help prevent multiple sclerosis, large new study suggests

by Kyla McKay and Elaine Kingwell,The ConversationCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainOver the last decade,several case studieshave reported that people with multiple sclerosis (MS) wh
Personalized coaching decreases cognitive decline in early-stage Alzheimer's disease patients, study shows

Personalized coaching decreases cognitive decline in early-stage Alzheimer's disease patients, study shows

by Institute for Systems BiologyCredit: CC0 Public DomainSupplementing the standard of treatment for early-stage Alzheimer's disease patients with personalized lifestyle coaching leads to less cog

Personalized coaching decreases cognitive decline in early-stage Alzheimer's disease patients, study shows

by Institute for Systems BiologyCredit: CC0 Public DomainSupplementing the standard of treatment for early-stage Alzheimer's disease patients with personalized lifestyle coaching leads to less cog
New study using novel approach for glioblastoma treatment shows promising results, extending survival

New study using novel approach for glioblastoma treatment shows promising results, extending survival

byUniversity Health NetworkAn illustration of oncolytic virus and an anti-PD-1 antibody working together to defeat cancer cells. Credit: Tal BavliA new international study published inNatu

New study using novel approach for glioblastoma treatment shows promising results, extending survival

byUniversity Health NetworkAn illustration of oncolytic virus and an anti-PD-1 antibody working together to defeat cancer cells. Credit: Tal BavliA new international study published inNatu
Study adds to evidence that Parkinson's starts in the gut

Study adds to evidence that Parkinson's starts in the gut

by Columbia University Irving Medical CenterAn autoimmune reaction in mice to a protein associated with Parkinson's disease damaged neurons in the GI tract, adding to evidence that the diseas

Study adds to evidence that Parkinson's starts in the gut

by Columbia University Irving Medical CenterAn autoimmune reaction in mice to a protein associated with Parkinson's disease damaged neurons in the GI tract, adding to evidence that the diseas
Digital training program improves quality of life for care residents with dementia—even during the COVID-19 pandemic

Digital training program improves quality of life for care residents with dementia—even during the COVID-19 pandemic

byUniversity of ExeterCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainQuality of life for people with dementia living in residential and nursing home care substantially improved after staff took part in a digi

Digital training program improves quality of life for care residents with dementia—even during the COVID-19 pandemic

byUniversity of ExeterCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainQuality of life for people with dementia living in residential and nursing home care substantially improved after staff took part in a digi
Model that maps relationships between neurons could help make deep brain stimulation treatment more viable

Model that maps relationships between neurons could help make deep brain stimulation treatment more viable

by Laurel Hamers,University of OregonRobustness of inferred CFs to time-dependent inputs. CF is robust to both private noise (a, i.i.d. realizations of noise in each unit) or shared noise. (b, a

Model that maps relationships between neurons could help make deep brain stimulation treatment more viable

by Laurel Hamers,University of OregonRobustness of inferred CFs to time-dependent inputs. CF is robust to both private noise (a, i.i.d. realizations of noise in each unit) or shared noise. (b, a
Monoclonal antibodies preserve stem cells in mouse brains, bring promise for future studies

Monoclonal antibodies preserve stem cells in mouse brains, bring promise for future studies

Monoclonal antibodies preserve stem cells in mouse brains, bring promise for future studiesby Noah Fromson,University of MichiganDevelopment and validation of bioluminescent imaging (BLI) to ass

Monoclonal antibodies preserve stem cells in mouse brains, bring promise for future studies

Monoclonal antibodies preserve stem cells in mouse brains, bring promise for future studiesby Noah Fromson,University of MichiganDevelopment and validation of bioluminescent imaging (BLI) to ass