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Researchers use pioneering new method to unlock brain's noradrenaline system

Researchers use pioneering new method to unlock brain's noradrenaline system

byVirginia TechAn international team of researchers led by Virginia Tech scientist Read Montague with the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC has provided new insight into brain function

Researchers use pioneering new method to unlock brain's noradrenaline system

byVirginia TechAn international team of researchers led by Virginia Tech scientist Read Montague with the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC has provided new insight into brain function
Study provides first evidence of direct impact of serotonin on development of prefrontal cortex

Study provides first evidence of direct impact of serotonin on development of prefrontal cortex

by CU Anschutz Medical CampusCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new study published inNature Communicationsprovides direct evidence that antidepressant use during pregnancy can impact

Study provides first evidence of direct impact of serotonin on development of prefrontal cortex

by CU Anschutz Medical CampusCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new study published inNature Communicationsprovides direct evidence that antidepressant use during pregnancy can impact
Obesity linked to neurodegeneration through insulin resistance

Obesity linked to neurodegeneration through insulin resistance

byPublic Library of ScienceSugarfly. Artistic rendering generated by DALL.E the prompt used is "The drawing of the fruit fly Drosophila in a dark background in the style of Seurat." Th

Obesity linked to neurodegeneration through insulin resistance

byPublic Library of ScienceSugarfly. Artistic rendering generated by DALL.E the prompt used is "The drawing of the fruit fly Drosophila in a dark background in the style of Seurat." Th
New research reveals link between finger tapping and Alzheimer's

New research reveals link between finger tapping and Alzheimer's

by Leiden UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainSuddenly getting lost, failing to recognize family members, or forgetting words and names are well-known symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

New research reveals link between finger tapping and Alzheimer's

by Leiden UniversityCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainSuddenly getting lost, failing to recognize family members, or forgetting words and names are well-known symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Scientists record powerful signal in the brain's white matter

Scientists record powerful signal in the brain's white matter

by Bill Snyder,Vanderbilt UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe human brain is made up of two kinds of matter: the nerve cell bodies (gray matter), which process sensation, control volu

Scientists record powerful signal in the brain's white matter

by Bill Snyder,Vanderbilt UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe human brain is made up of two kinds of matter: the nerve cell bodies (gray matter), which process sensation, control volu
New insight on how neural dynamics vary during spontaneous behavior

New insight on how neural dynamics vary during spontaneous behavior

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical XpressExample data showing time-varying fluctuations in neural activity across >50 cortical areas, the corresponding correlations between each pair of areas, and the sim

New insight on how neural dynamics vary during spontaneous behavior

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical XpressExample data showing time-varying fluctuations in neural activity across >50 cortical areas, the corresponding correlations between each pair of areas, and the sim
Team develops gene therapy to 'pre-treat' neuroblastoma tumors

Team develops gene therapy to 'pre-treat' neuroblastoma tumors

by Kim Horner,University of Texas at DallasSchematic detailing the experimental procedure and the proposed mechanisms of action of iNOS gene therapy. Credit:Theranostics(2023). DOI:

Team develops gene therapy to 'pre-treat' neuroblastoma tumors

by Kim Horner,University of Texas at DallasSchematic detailing the experimental procedure and the proposed mechanisms of action of iNOS gene therapy. Credit:Theranostics(2023). DOI:
Two biomarkers in saliva could provide a means to detect pain in people with dementia

Two biomarkers in saliva could provide a means to detect pain in people with dementia

by University of CórdobaGraphical abstract. Credit:European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience(2023). DOI: 10.1007/s00406-023-01693-9A team from the UCO's Nursing De

Two biomarkers in saliva could provide a means to detect pain in people with dementia

by University of CórdobaGraphical abstract. Credit:European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience(2023). DOI: 10.1007/s00406-023-01693-9A team from the UCO's Nursing De
Some antidepressants take weeks to kick in, and scientists may now know why

Some antidepressants take weeks to kick in, and scientists may now know why

by Cara MurezMost folks know that certain antidepressants have to be taken for a few weeks before people start seeing improvement, and now a new study sheds light on that delay.Scientists have discove

Some antidepressants take weeks to kick in, and scientists may now know why

by Cara MurezMost folks know that certain antidepressants have to be taken for a few weeks before people start seeing improvement, and now a new study sheds light on that delay.Scientists have discove
New study reveals role of hippocampus in two functions of memory

New study reveals role of hippocampus in two functions of memory

by Krishna Ramanujan,Cornell UniversityAssociative and predictive codes in the hippocampus. Our optogenetic manipulation perturbed hippocampal sequences without affecting cell coactivity, thus s

New study reveals role of hippocampus in two functions of memory

by Krishna Ramanujan,Cornell UniversityAssociative and predictive codes in the hippocampus. Our optogenetic manipulation perturbed hippocampal sequences without affecting cell coactivity, thus s
Gantenerumab does not slow clinical decline in early Alzheimer disease, research finds

Gantenerumab does not slow clinical decline in early Alzheimer disease, research finds

by Elana GotkineThe use of gantenerumab leads to lower amyloid plaque burden at 116 weeks, but is not associated with slower clinical decline among patients with early Alzheimer disease, according to

Gantenerumab does not slow clinical decline in early Alzheimer disease, research finds

by Elana GotkineThe use of gantenerumab leads to lower amyloid plaque burden at 116 weeks, but is not associated with slower clinical decline among patients with early Alzheimer disease, according to
AAN issues evidence-in-focus article on aducanumab

AAN issues evidence-in-focus article on aducanumab

byAmerican Academy of NeurologyCredit: Pixabay/Pete Linforth.To help neurologists, patients and their families understand the current evidence on the use of aducanumab to treat Alzheimer's d

AAN issues evidence-in-focus article on aducanumab

byAmerican Academy of NeurologyCredit: Pixabay/Pete Linforth.To help neurologists, patients and their families understand the current evidence on the use of aducanumab to treat Alzheimer's d