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Treatment with N-acetyl-L-leucine beneficial for Niemann-Pick disease

Treatment with N-acetyl-L-leucine beneficial for Niemann-Pick disease

by Elana GotkineTreatment with N-acetyl-L-leucine (NALL) for 12 weeks yields better neurological status than placebo among patients with genetically confirmed Niemann-Pick disease type C, according to

Treatment with N-acetyl-L-leucine beneficial for Niemann-Pick disease

by Elana GotkineTreatment with N-acetyl-L-leucine (NALL) for 12 weeks yields better neurological status than placebo among patients with genetically confirmed Niemann-Pick disease type C, according to
Early-life exposure to manganese may be beneficial to adolescent cognition

Early-life exposure to manganese may be beneficial to adolescent cognition

by Jillian McKoy,Boston UniversityAdjusted beta (β) estimates and 95% CIs from multivariable linear regression models assessing associations between prenatal, postnatal, and childhood tooth Mn l

Early-life exposure to manganese may be beneficial to adolescent cognition

by Jillian McKoy,Boston UniversityAdjusted beta (β) estimates and 95% CIs from multivariable linear regression models assessing associations between prenatal, postnatal, and childhood tooth Mn l
Smoking in adults ages 60 and older linked to worse scores on cognitive tests

Smoking in adults ages 60 and older linked to worse scores on cognitive tests

byAmerican Heart AssociationCredit: CC0 Public DomainThe more people smoke, the worse they perform on cognitive tests, regardless of other health conditions known to affect cognition, according

Smoking in adults ages 60 and older linked to worse scores on cognitive tests

byAmerican Heart AssociationCredit: CC0 Public DomainThe more people smoke, the worse they perform on cognitive tests, regardless of other health conditions known to affect cognition, according
Study sheds light on the brain's remarkable recycling system

Study sheds light on the brain's remarkable recycling system

byAuburn UniversityArtistic representation of a neuron's interior resembling a factory assembly line: worn-out protein spheres are being replaced and upgraded by newer, vibrant protein spher

Study sheds light on the brain's remarkable recycling system

byAuburn UniversityArtistic representation of a neuron's interior resembling a factory assembly line: worn-out protein spheres are being replaced and upgraded by newer, vibrant protein spher
Multiple heart-related conditions linked to triple dementia risk, regardless of genetics

Multiple heart-related conditions linked to triple dementia risk, regardless of genetics

by University of ExeterCredit: CC0 Public DomainHaving multiple conditions that affect the heart is linked to a greater risk of dementia than having high genetic risk, according to a new large-sc

Multiple heart-related conditions linked to triple dementia risk, regardless of genetics

by University of ExeterCredit: CC0 Public DomainHaving multiple conditions that affect the heart is linked to a greater risk of dementia than having high genetic risk, according to a new large-sc
Study unveils a cortico-amygdala neural substrate supporting fear extinction via endocannabinoids

Study unveils a cortico-amygdala neural substrate supporting fear extinction via endocannabinoids

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical XpressZooming into fear and endocannabinoids in the brain. Credit: Ozge Gunduz-Cinar and Biorender.Endogenous cannabinoids, or endocannabinoids for short, are lipid-based n

Study unveils a cortico-amygdala neural substrate supporting fear extinction via endocannabinoids

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical XpressZooming into fear and endocannabinoids in the brain. Credit: Ozge Gunduz-Cinar and Biorender.Endogenous cannabinoids, or endocannabinoids for short, are lipid-based n
Experimental gene therapy for giant axonal neuropathy shows promise in clinical trial

Experimental gene therapy for giant axonal neuropathy shows promise in clinical trial

by Erin Bryant,National Institutes of HealthBiopsy of a sensory nerve from a participant in the GAN gene therapy trial (arrows indicate giant axons; regenerating nerve cluster in upper left). So

Experimental gene therapy for giant axonal neuropathy shows promise in clinical trial

by Erin Bryant,National Institutes of HealthBiopsy of a sensory nerve from a participant in the GAN gene therapy trial (arrows indicate giant axons; regenerating nerve cluster in upper left). So
DNA treatment could delay paralysis that strikes nearly all patients with ALS

DNA treatment could delay paralysis that strikes nearly all patients with ALS

byUniversity of California - San DiegoAn illustration of the connections between muscle fibers and a motor neuron, the latter of which relies on crucial proteins to create and send signals to th

DNA treatment could delay paralysis that strikes nearly all patients with ALS

byUniversity of California - San DiegoAn illustration of the connections between muscle fibers and a motor neuron, the latter of which relies on crucial proteins to create and send signals to th
Being bilingual slows brain aging and can prevent Alzheimer's, researcher says

Being bilingual slows brain aging and can prevent Alzheimer's, researcher says

by Miquel Serra Raventós,The ConversationCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainHumans are organized into around 200 nations, yet there are roughly 6,000 languages in existence. It therefore seems ob

Being bilingual slows brain aging and can prevent Alzheimer's, researcher says

by Miquel Serra Raventós,The ConversationCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainHumans are organized into around 200 nations, yet there are roughly 6,000 languages in existence. It therefore seems ob
Team finds new culprit in amyloid beta buildup and neurodegeneration

Team finds new culprit in amyloid beta buildup and neurodegeneration

by Darcy Lewis,Cornell UniversityCredit:Molecular Neurodegeneration(2023). DOI: 10.1186/s13024-023-00660-1Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine have demonstrated how amyloid beta, a

Team finds new culprit in amyloid beta buildup and neurodegeneration

by Darcy Lewis,Cornell UniversityCredit:Molecular Neurodegeneration(2023). DOI: 10.1186/s13024-023-00660-1Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine have demonstrated how amyloid beta, a
Brain injury expert says important changes still needed to legal definition of death despite reform pause

Brain injury expert says important changes still needed to legal definition of death despite reform pause

byNYU Langone HealthCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAfter surveying the views expressed by 41 advocacy, medical, and transplant-focused organizations on the Uniform Determination of Death Act,

Brain injury expert says important changes still needed to legal definition of death despite reform pause

byNYU Langone HealthCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAfter surveying the views expressed by 41 advocacy, medical, and transplant-focused organizations on the Uniform Determination of Death Act,
Early nerve intervention found to reduce pain and complications after amputation

Early nerve intervention found to reduce pain and complications after amputation

byWolters Kluwer HealthCredit: CC0 Public DomainPerformed early—at the time of amputation—a procedure called targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) can reduce pain scores and prevent complications

Early nerve intervention found to reduce pain and complications after amputation

byWolters Kluwer HealthCredit: CC0 Public DomainPerformed early—at the time of amputation—a procedure called targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) can reduce pain scores and prevent complications